HomeMy WebLinkAbout324010060000 Y.ar FlJe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS $00 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - --- W I...:] kip" 3 1-- k fr L l<to/-< ..3. fl ....L Jl - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---I- I ==-~ ,~ .. "-- <0',., .. .-"-',.t:- '. - ---------- _=-.-G..... ---- ,', ,. '. ~'" .. ' &~-~ , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar ()yat.r Timber Unlmpro...ed Improved TOTAL Oyater Tlmb.r UnImproved Impro....d Iml)rovemenh 8.01 E. (Bulldlnaa) VALUE /IJ );', / ., '0, .. ':1.911./.) , . I , lOT BlK. RGE.l3'z..T~.(n , (}'()'L.'l\in".,.n' SEC. MN. , ,.' ,.:;,." .... .l .clt~1>__~>...lTc~. t.lI:I.l, , ,/...._t., ..A_ ~ ~- ., ,. -.. .'., ." ~,- * Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 s~ NW SW Tr. 1 SW SE -=~-~"""":-"- State Forest Bd. " " " " Assessed in Plat of Beachmont R/W in Lot 5 - State of Wash. -/' ---.._,._~.., "~ .....,.," .-...... ."-.' ~.....,',' CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~=: 0 rJ Year fll?~~No., ~ _.. NAME of OWNER .J:t.!iJ.. :J) . I q(" Rd. Seh. Port PUD FPD h ~ l09'3'5L W. o. Hamilton et ux 2 '3l2_..2.._.k.. SF~ <31' /,,177'-r- ~~;A'#) /~/~ 44 _ e:< ~1-i.3.I._L "i t 7 ~ 17;?3cJ _ _ _' -Lh, 0. /f.,~/lf-'.~ I) --:_1-1- :1 101'-?" - '" U Iii : ~ ~ '3&'&:S;- \.- >. II /1 _1_i~:-i- j}'j,1fq,'3Jq i3 ) ""'t'" _1_\'_i_I,_ I () 1S' L!iP!i: -,~iO-i..L1L' g I / ;.(01 _i.L'il:...b. JL I : ! . 1 -:-1--1-- 1-:---1-- 'I i I -:---:-,-1 -I-\-i-I- ~--I-l-I-- SALE PRICE "11- .3b/-?, .,.. /67;"? NUMBER OF ACRES ...;..;......-.:'"__... _... -~ ___ _ _ - ~ "'l.- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+,:..~_._:..... "!';-\...........-..._..":',_~.,~ ~"""'_--i,,~ . ,~ -----.--- '.- Yeer Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TImber VALUATIONS U,'mp"..' I'mp,m, /7.0 Iml)rovemenu (Buildinas) il SZ 5'1 ':;,/tJJ:C 07 .12- ..k.L dL ~ k'l .JJ~/O - 'W //J 3'1 jt) .3 <I/o 3-<//tJ i 3tf./o , i -I ~ 7/ Z2 II 71/ 'Ire ;:) ~ . , v . ,,:Ji _' - I ;;J?,/O ';;{"../O TOTAL Oyster 8. of E. VALUE 400 570 "/ ?J() t,;;;(~ "5IcJO i G~ CJ ..5"0 ,//0 d (",;2.0 5d I-f/dzl IPcJ s-o , 50 0: f?7 D &3"- ;7 (/(~, 1/19,) /'0 c' IIz-o St'J 5{J -. > -r ,--- -:: ::: /..:.; ........' /,~ . /,c; .;';~ 3J":IO / 1.3.7."'"/1>> , -'/6 ) 35/(::) ;:; 00 55./0 ~ /,t:,)O ,gS;/O /. <>-0 :'3b--/D i-? ..::'..!"" /7t'J i~j; L~o , "i' 1,- "'--,'0,-- I ! /:J ~O ~;-c7J~:;~I' c "79~) :J I (1/' l'l/) lI,3 .5 'I' ~'7r 'f7>j,'J .;29/0 -</,,? 5,) /7 () () ;..:::-".::; ........ u"-_ ,,;:'/'.;;S-I- i I l~ 7 C. lOT SEC. BLK. TWN. .. -'~ , . D { , RGE. , , - , , - - - , , ' --<".", - -, - - - ~.... "":1.. ) I ;; ) I ~ / --: ' i f. I Ie /, . )" .' /. ,,~ ,) 35,/0 .:lib, /0 /~?/;., ~t/.;:! t;- 1 L/ ,'_ I': - 'IALUATlON ACREAGE ., ;EAR J. TIDELAND -- B OF E I UNIMPROVED IMPROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL SI ~/ J?,.. . ,..:) /.'. 1--'2- .:k.lo ;3S08's- "'c 'i5S - .;J ~ 0 ~ ,....------- -"e::'--'. ,,-- ~ -,----;7' , . '/ " L S/;d , . .. . /// -+-- 1- ;-</ .~ / , --'- , - , Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Z"';' 3 Rd, 5ch. I Port PUDJ FPO I I SALE PRICE Ruth C. Smith Beacon Point C 21.tO; I'lL H 1?/7Id~t!!OI.4,AI~ ,::::. .J..r.n Bnvd & '0 f---f------ ()//I ,;l57/(f1, /f'/~ 1<) ..-/ ,d,,/ 1~ (140" 3 1}7 L Iff I ff<<,;)'" S~q8~ , . Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I 1 Oyster rll% VALUATIONS ~ Year I Oyster NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unimproved I Improved Ilmprovemenh I (Buildings) I B. of E. VALUE 110 11/ , ;) t" ;JS /5Q /"'0 '-;;::00 ~ d"J() --==- ~, lOT BLK. r 1 , , , .,.' ..,"- . . : D SEC. TWH. ,Go. . .2- '" /<. - - - /,..<2 -L. ~ -#...... .;J' .' , '-' Beginning at a point on the Sly line of county road known as Beacon Point Loop Road,South, N 650<43'<45" E 30.09' and S 2<4016'15" E 60' from the SW corner of Lot <45 of Beacon Point Division No.1; running thence S 2<4016'15" E 135'; thence S 65043'45" W 85'; thence N 21018'10" W 135.18' to Sly line of countyh road; thence NEly along said Sly line of county road 78', more or less, to.I.P. '7 I ,-:-' 'I .. ,'" r / ~, ._--~ .'-- - - . ~, '.. - ,", Ve.r Fil. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 33'/ SALE PRICE 'd. Sch, I Port PUD !.-.t.E.2- I ., 69 Ruth C. Smith Beaccm Point C 2 40' 3 L H 2tll 1ft ft ~9716 Se~OO 1- 7t ,;z. /-1"" .3 In IL (.../. f ~:- ",_. . ,. .. .. '. . ~ ,. '.'Y -- ---. - y...\ 0,"" NUMBER OF ACRES I V ALUA TIONS Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements I B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE - II , ;;s - ..:?A(}cJ ;2< d:"-OCJ , ... '!,;.... c.-' '- -- . lOT BLK. r ~ .,--....._---- - T rn SEC. TWN. .GE- 1 ; . '.J ' , '. ft ,~~, ,~ ,- - , 0...,.~.... ~..., -.:3.0, .-..' . ,c, C Cemmencing at the SW corner ef Lot 45 of Beacon Point Division Ne. 1; thence N 65043'45" E alllng the Sly line of said Lot 45, 30.09'; thence S 24016.15" E 60' to Sly R/W line of Beacon Peint Leap Road South, and the I.P.; thence continuing S 24016'15" E 135'; thence N 65043'45" E 78'; thence N 24016'15" W 137.75' to the Sly R/W line of Beacon Point Loiip Read South; thence SWly along sW-d Sly R/W line 78', more or less, to I.P. -, .. / ./ / .-- ';'''i'~'.''-'=- ,- -- -.----- - , -.-......<..,............... :2-;( /3;2.7 7<-" -T~ d J,;[' "'~ ('"':, 0,,~d ~,j C )'_ /5/ "< d jI, 4;7',~: ~",d Oy ,;?L ~ _ /~~ ;r: ~ ~. =~ . <Z / ~ / ;1/ "'? /eJ .~ ~.. ,;~ Y"" ?'IA; /'.f'/ /4 _-.:A~_ ' , -,~!III' - ~-- ,. Ex. rr J 7'"; R/W ,z. I -oz. rALtf~ $~~() /)/0 . <Y)~ Z;' S ,/ ~;,;:,;;