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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS: _ s- 6 SALE PRICE' Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPO <;2 Nettleton Lumber Co. 2 20 D l ..k.. SF - /..1. :x. . (I A. . A &.~. d.. tjg;i J2. d.. L iL - 4/"J ~ gSN;/- 7)7 ~ " h'-11.-d/ ~. PI ..L riB. J2 .3.. .x -'= 11. #.3"/.5' "'f? CLASS. FOREST / 75: 3o;'l'l/d, , I ~~ , 3hf, D;;St/-C- K52 {1 ~ (}(COlJ -1-1-1- I / -i-I-!- I 1 I - _1_:__:_ , , - i i --1-1-- -1-1-- --1-1-1 - -1--1-1- ---1-- , --1-1-- .----1IIl------------------------------------------------------------------------------~'---- , NUMBER OF ACRES ' V ALUA TlONS - , -. Year Oyster TImber UnImproved lmprovad TOTAL Oyster Timber Un1mproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (Buildings) VALUE 53 16~ J"tJo gaa ~(,. :; fI() 0 ...,,, ~ 5/-, 1(;,/), /J,j / &0! /J/J /".;' LJ 0 /;200 he; 1/00.0C /(,0, DO 1/(,0 //bO - c4 . ( " " ,60"';Uc. , "'~ .,~ ~ I 7/.. c:)?J ~ ~i, -) . 1 , ..........,,- ( / , , j/ ~~ ~;-OJ //.1111 ~:;-,'(; - 3(J //) 7~ //J /Jd () C id. /~rJ,tHI It,o, y) - 50/0 50/6 il.. ~'~':;'0} .<; - , - ,-~ c...) 70 '" /;'.7 ~ tJ , /(7;-:':':- 7/ d/(.,.1!"' ,;? / &. 0/7 7/ ' Jfdu t!~~ Ii) 7J() 7~ W'I''1I;., 1*C( _K{uO 'r'1r J' .:.J 73 Pi' 3 - 1."::/6 - / /. ,--' /;;2 ('r; ,:-r ~. ;J 7LI I~J/O ;;;t/vo () ~'iooo LOT -- BLK. . , -~~-.,,-.' -'~"""-""'~" ~~ ."'. "~,'- - ,&-- 3-1, I ellS- I I --L- .; NUMBER OF ACRES rear I - Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved T.5 -,,~~ F.:~ / t 00 7h 11 7~ 7~ /Cd . 90 8/ gJ.- g., ~l/ "'s /0' CLAB~ FOREST 1:'0 Of.) TOTAL /,1 ~ ~,( Ie I~ ^ . \ I ; ,,),' .Oyd... I [ I I I I I - -;-. VAI.UATIONS 7"3 ,,2c) Timber Unimpro....d Impro....d Improvements . B. of E. l8uildinQ,s) VALUe /.;:... '-/': &, ..2 <.t a (",9, I::, C"'/1 .: .J ,., ,c'-' '9 ':;...4 :_~ ;5? ~~ () [;' Ie ,/ i.J 9rot.j{) t'/ I.) 9/ tf,/) , ,- '1 :). '/) '1 :2-;?:.) 13?5,~ 136$,-,1 / il/S-c' /</ ,/.c-o 1'/({,/5- /SCb /.c:- 14::~-; 1421.", 111