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,... ~-~-T---. NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~5~ SALE PRICE Rd, $ch.IP"rt PUD I fPD I I - 200249 8 211382 55 159554 _Harold Durvea 2 403 D 3 I L H ~- .- ~ .v~139 _ -- !Arndt & Assoc. - - .....l!.2482 5Jne 2796.)(L -~ E I" T. .", #35530 75 303907- Class, F~rest ROO 84.33 ?ll I *'3 /) 3 AT i- f{ ajJ2+=-",__~ __ Shirlev 1. Hic s 144543 l5:1'17S- 7ib634~ !QL.li f-' etter Chandler & Ass c. 7/77133:2g/7 f.~(i " " -- JW1'/J d<--d//'L..t~:: ,,-' ~~t;? 3/s>; .i/.I JJ I/. e.t., ';JJ; fl~ ,L 7.;L7// 3~8'7g& tJ~ 5.'.~:)~nlJO ,,"~ -"((0 4/81 389181 ichard H. ColE M, D. nc #72880 8 IN '/3/Nt/ ~j~ %(1..J~??;fJ '-J.u~ .'; ~--')02) jAJ.LJ ,'. " , ' .., ,..... .'- , ., NUMBER OF ACRES -- I I VALUATIONS d" F ZJ Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Impro....d TOTAL Oyst... Timber Unimproved Impro....d Impro....m.nts B. of E. (8uildin95) VALUe 76 ~. FOlUlS1 10 73 10 73 78/() 18/0 -...; ..- 77 R -IVY> , "r7"-~ / () 7 (J() 10 700 Zf IIIJ.:)Sr , //o;;l.c;,) 11 ~O /07()cJ /a 7()(} ~O fWe.~ "Ie € ("go h.?O ""'I<.i:~ -ntYJ /(")7&0 /.::>7= 8"/ - 5/J-1.5o -511/,50 7.2 &,to L go "lSSSo '155..50 - -- - -- -,- ---- --- - - - I LOT BlK. fa Ti.li' aT'''1 ~6 -n~D~nl alDJ 1 SEC. TWN. RGE. , '''~ .. q~-'.', ~ ----: c', .> " ~-'- - .~~ 3" ~ '. ,",,-. formerlY-Tract I of Govt lis 2,' 3 &i'axI355-El(~o~~T~~-;;t8 of Survey7/I3'9f The S 104.42' as measured alg the E line of Govt Lt 2, t()gether with Govt Lt 3; all in 32-23-3W.W,M.; EXCEPTING therefrom the S 690' as measured alg the E line of sd Govt Lt 3; Together with all tidelands as conveyed by the State of Wamingtcn lying in front of, adjacent to and abutting upon the above described prop erty . ----~- -- --- ..~ ~,-~, "'",-",,"...~ -I .' / ,.{t," {" 1; " , ,~ Vear I File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ;56' SALE PRICE Rd. Seh. Port PUD FPD - - - - ')2 87'562 Dompson Point Social Clut 2 20 D l L FP , - - - ~ 'AJ, Ala --u--/ /L .adJ'~~ -a-<-<-- ;< LC / - - - - "'1-1. 2'>. - 4 ,,~/ /.37 rJ", Il" 2/.c. ,_ ) _IL r- / d LjQL L .a... fI /;2{LI":( !!ilL gt~1~ (1.,. / A .II. ,71- Lu, /l I zl'-S-"-5.:;>", -1- =1 7:;> CLASs. FOREST P('W ...",~ - - -- 10/76 ~;J _ ;/'i~. I - - =1= - - - - - - - =1=1= - - _1- - - - - - -1- - iJ._--1IIt~~--:-----~~-~::~---------------------------~---------------~ -- -:= ~. NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Vear Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmbor Ur.lmproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE S3.. /t.,fo /6.30 t,-:,-O Gore.> k /(.,.%0 1(, .gD ;;2..//0 ::2 //0 !r,3 iP,5"'Ci (". ::;-, /016 /tJ/O 1d. //':-;J //30 - L:.6.. " L /..<,1/1) /4/v 1/ 4l -? ,.1 /;/..,- .-. '" '.- ~ -f /-:-/...../ ...a-.. " - , lc "; .' /' 0/'1 '" (- "L 1L , /-?-"JYIl /..JJ.jg;; 1J \r. /3-::-;0 , , ,) /')C 1'--.,".,. E. ff 75 /,-3:~/(J 1'-1 :/,-:>... /-./..--":: 71 /e"'./:; .;?lob;;S .; &b;; - a.. CLASS. fOREST t,~7 0 t, ....? 0 .;z.~() _25] Be'.I} staa 7IP d. 7::) ",'J 7S- ..- -- .- -- -~" liL c ~- ~ \r.~ _~ \ ' ., , , , ., , ./ ;/ / /;-~ / , r J\ . , I , , . I , LDT BLK. , , SEC. TWN. ROE. ~ ;:, 'v , -~~ )."';'0' ., ~. j .- ". ~--'-"""-~.4 ,_,~ *Ex. S 690'