HomeMy WebLinkAbout323312300720 Y.ar File No. N.....E of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .$/:;;- SALE PRICE Rd. Ioh. port!PUD FPO - - ..:I.Z- _ Elma E. White Guise 2 ~ - -.1.. -.J_ ..l H 2J:L ~tj"b;ZS a. .,;/ xl J~ I; r?/ ./C ) %( ...L i/d'-l I ...L ..b. Ji :#..;J.;(' c.5,L ~ - - - - - - - - - - c-- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ _ ~ .~":'_ .:.___ _ ......___ ~ ~ ~_'_ :-_'~......... -. ___... =_ ____ ""__... ""':~.._"" _:..... __=_----..:-. _====... _ ~__=-a_________':'.. _:.~~._______ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS v.., Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved Improv.menh B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .ld c2,:S-o "';:::>0 &025: c:".;:S- ,~ ;:if /8C'/c' /,;2~{) /..;; .s- () ~ /. </-0 /,1/0 700 'lov ~ 1" "1' /f00 /f'oo ~ ' ...eef ,S"~ ,5~ $~o 6~o ZL f J-( 0 'jO "-fooo .'li. bOoCJ /, 000 ~ t.r?oO ~()O() , LOT BlK. .t.iUhi~ ii, ,..tI~iO tD; 7~;{lQj : SEC. TWN. ROE. ;>"- , .~" .. c .;~~ 72 " " '. .. '..- . "T"- " t~ That nr ,..tion of Govt Lot 2 lvinD' Nlv of the followinD' described line: BeD'inni= at SW corn er of Govt Lot 2- thence E alon,g the S line of Govt Lot 2 to an intersection with . the W1" R/W line of Primary State Highway No. 9: thence NEly, alon,g said Wly R/W line to """.. M -n~r of that certain traft of land conveved to Wallace G, Mohrmann as recorded ^ ditor's File No, 165582: thence N 74037' W along Sly line of said Mohrmann t~act, 1'10' - + ence N <;001' E 208' - thence N ,18011' W 201.6'- thence N ,10,10' E 78.5'to the LP. of RA;r described line: thence NWl" in a straiD'ht line to the NW corner of Govt Lot 2. , ~~tf'. ---._--- --~~- . ---~~ ----- --- .'. --~- -,..,.