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Y.r Flle No. NAIIE of OWNER 62 Brances R. Hill Catto l1J.z J.7S-'l53 ?"L, (j, lOu, oI-a:.L- ~A~ roo' Oyster I.;:). ~--- ILl 7:;: 2L 7;;, ir/ ,;( g/ of, LOT lEe. BLK. TWN, ....- .9:1 Timber . NUMBER OF ACRES Unlmpro...ed Impl'G....d TOTAL /:7", CONTRACT TO L" 3/rr1 / Oyster . '7 //3 ILl.? DISTRICTS .....g /5- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD 2 ltd+ _-1.J._ L yo! I "oJ-/- -L.-LiJL ---1---- ----- ---1---- - VALUATIONS Timber Improv-.nenb (Bulldlnos) ,. , ~ . 1;-7/! , '5'..2 0 (, ./c; (,L/; ?'-ItJ fL:'f'D Unlmpro...ed Improved I 1,-- .. ROE. mi.1~:'3:o. /,</,7 .0.7. nIl . 1.'1'u. 3 :, fa .", SALE PRICE 4.3-:5'!?:~_ ~7 ":.. B.ofE. VALUE //3 . /</0 , ...r " /' ~.... ~ /- r~ -;J('J - 'I .;$.;;; () - &c/:; _ / ~ '/6.__ c.~_ I .~7 - ) .~-;" . ,,,,",, ~~~.- ~la Z'/lj. ,J, .../ 1- ~ o //-'- I ~"... f.. .. Ii --- ,~ , .- -~~ .-.:;;:...... . ' / 7.. .. i,-'C'--,