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I Y.a, File No. ~2-J)hQ?()? 'ffz:L r::::1S: sd :17/ 1qq-!J? . -~-..... . Y..r Oyst.r 7/ 7'';; It! /, // ,yt:;" .;(~, ;i . ~ -7,/ .-12.. /- :;/" /, 5'.2 LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. , ,.... NAME of OWNER ~n:::a;n;~, e . CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .-:; t.. 3 Rd. Soh. Pori PUD FPD SALE PRICE 1# 31134 S ~e50.00 #..:5::',50'21 -------------------~------------------~-----------------~_::~~:~~~~---- NUMBER OF ACRES Timber Unlmprond TOTAL Improved IfrO I. '/ / , &>c> /, 71 In,. '.C r/'Io ..2... 4ID-.JL -1..__...L....H.. " g( _1.I1113...l2 2..11.L.iL fI)L, i 7/", ~:212 ~ /. ~ I' ..(L.t iJ. ---f---- ------ ------ ---f-- VALUATIONS Oyd., Unimproved Improved Timber /'- /,-, -Y';; 1':';- ,. -"/ .1/1" /~ 9./~~ ,~ . ~ ~-' /'5/"' n 0,0 rf.....,.o/ ,'J 3'0 t.fOo ROE. r~f7"T~Iil~3ri ! "T^~~ .!L, 'i!IIIIIl,:1.1 ...of' .6 .t 'flaT '-_CA.-A. - Improvem.nll (BuildIngs) B. 01 E. VALUE /,;r f'~-.;;, --;.) 51'c:;:- :',:J //)"./ ;;-:':J ..;;-./ c;' -. '.<.- . V --'c.- "'-, r ... / !S-' /c 70.'>0 .3'01)0 c" -" " , .":"00 . ~.02. --.- - .-. - Formerly Tr 11 of G L 6 & Tax nO-B-S and Tax 1146-E r.OMMRNmNG ~t t.'hp- Smlt'hwP-Rt co-rnpr of SRid Government Lot 6; thfmce E~Rt, ,,10ng the >l o:tth lino of ,",ria Government 1<:1t 9, 53' .90 fget, m9re nT' , pqq, t:n t:rH::> S011th"'/i'i;'t ('orn~T' f""I.p 9 +T'or>t: n.p 1 ann n.,;>T'.,;>t:nf'nT'A r>"n:\Le.~r.,;>n t:f""I nAnT'gA n! NE'A1J'7 ~+ 'IV by deed r9cord9d l1.lla~T' lr.llQ;~AT'19 141; 1 Q 1I.Tn ~h3hOh; tnA'J"lr>~ lITrYl"'"tn 1 AO()AI ?()II WE'9t7 -- along U19 '119st",rJ ~' 1 i "e of ~"j 0 T\Te-eJ ~r +T"lfIr>+~ ~25 40 T'lS'A+7 m01:'"e OT" 'lS'Q9. to thp. .+ n-f' n nf' , nn" ~n' il +n Tn_.. ,.. nnl..' ,+ IT;', , >Tn ,\ tI:19"'C'" 80"tl:1 "5030' W,,~t, along +J"p' qOl1tnerl~r 1; 'J"le of ~aj 0 n~hl I , tract, 50 f99t to the S()11+hm~qt: r>nT'nE'l' i;nereo-F' 7 ~nd tl,.. poi nt f'\f oe ,... th9 tract ,,1' , "'10 ber",oJ' d e9r>T"; h~n; "tnE'nr>E' ('If'\n+;TlllO q"l1'tn 85030' We9": 74.05 f....t; then"", T\Tgrtn 18008' 20" WOQ-!:' 350 95 ..pAOt:~ mnT"€, t"\T" 1 ~Q'i!, ~f'\ the meander Jin~; then'.'e T\TorthO?9+o,...1 ~r, 01 f""Ing Qo;n moannol'" 1; TlE', 75 00 -F'E'A+ 7 mO"Y'e ,. + .+ , "OOR' ?O" Wnn+ n-f' +l..n nn; n+ nf' l- . thenr>~ ~f'\l1tn '8008' 20" 'Ra9+ 3"9,54 f'AO+ , mnT'A n"1'" l.,:.qq , +1"'1 +h", rn;n+ f""If' oegj nTJ.i ng, except;,-'g +nE'"Y'of'"Y'l"'Im ,...""n ,...; en't9-n-f'-maJr 1---.' - - ----~ -e-- .:.". ~.>~ -. ..... .