HomeMy WebLinkAbout323193400010 , DISTRICTS ...;; 1.--- Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO - SALE PRICE ----5Z- 11'0811, Bert Davis ~. 3:~ Po,' ~l~l i: . r, 7.v~"''7 ,fY1l/,fJ7 ?~~. '&/4' .r~<y ..ci::Z:ti"_LILILI I '6)O~;"'/.(?'-17 ,.fF /7,,;71',;( t Ji3.-ffU?u.V oJ0... d. t~1. '" ?,~ 5[; !f I ~ _ -..1..J-LIJ:o.... tJ ""- Hi. 7j21.?4.~ _____' ~ /d,S'Qj.s97 / d I I I <I .;a .iF~_'3 Jd.L 1___' /-5'9"'0 J7.(} -:';,,-7, 1,19 I, I ~ I : n "'-,:.{-l:1"'..z.. , ? ,?oc,:> . ~ ~~~1 '-; .... ,d~ l;ft'l1k"'+4< /J,lp:-F: : "$"""'''' . I ! I ---I--i-I-, -=I'='='J=-, I _ _1_1_1_1 I 1 I I _____...._~__.___________________________;_---n-----'-------____ - ~__ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL ..3 0 .:10 ~,?o .30 ,30 .30 I .:30 .30 ,30 .30 I ~-0? 5<; .6:5 ~T .<. 17 J ~ I ~ .., 77'1''' JdL .2.;).'7.l -7 M ::<.;i.7.f/> rl / .i...L... ~ JL 71 '7Z '/)J .so ,..30 .30 J....~n ',", ';.Ire LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. 3.. . "'~ , ~p T. I: Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmprovements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 11".2/0 ......02 90 1t/3~ 0 I 44L1o i3 O:h'J I,~/()O I '1 ! '3,,) .2 0 I2..L2O _ 3o~'..:3.o~ 3330 1_3001 30':<'0133'::<"0 300 I ~b'l-O 1 ~o , .-5C(~" 2.;r.,~ ;; ~cf:) J7?' X'O (le.-! )" hI ~ ?{ () .5-0 J' () /0 ~ , -) ;. ,','-t ... J I. , ~ " -, , I , - ?Joe . /?r) ) '-I: , / I~ t/ (') /:/'/ ) t, r-ao c,_ d I.; ~.{; ;,' .', 33700 Yd:Wa ,?y:' , ' 'Il~. /'-1 _.;~~-<I ()n,,.,;/,cl... "oJ .. . ..... .",.,..,.., 1><-,,- '~f~ \ Bgn. at the M.O. between Secs 19 & 30, Twp 23 N, R3 W, WM on W side of Lilliwaup Bay, run W along the section line 100 ft, more or less to the E line of Lilliwaup Avenue of Town of Llll1waup Falls; Thn in NWly direction 100 ft. more or lese, along E line of Lilliwaup Avenue to intersect of eaid E line with N line of the R of W of Olympic Hy. ae now located, and the IP of this description; Thn NWly along said E line of Lilliwaup Avenue 230 ft, more or less to S line of Stickney St. sxtended 68 ft., more or lees, to meander line; Thn following said meander line in SEly direction 150 ft. more or leee to intersect of said meander line with N line of R of W of said Olympic Hy; Thn following said R of W in a SWly direction 70 feet, more or less to IP, contain 3/10 aores, more or less and being in Lot 5,Sec 19. Twp 23 N of R 3 W, W.M. App. If 815 6 all Tl. of the 2nd class in front of that portion of lot 5 lying between the produced SE line of stickney st. in the town of Lilliwaup ~ the NW line of tre R/w for St. ,~. with front of 2.27 lc mil measured along the In of ordinary high tide. ,J <-_.<.~....... ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I . " . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impra.<ements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE '15 . .- , 3~ .3.~ _ _ n I..J<I,'J?O :?,'OC C " . ' '~ - ,