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Y...r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS J.oe> SALE PRICE Rd. ""h. Port PUD!FPD I ~12 - - - - 53 Simpson Logging Co. 2 3 L -I. ,l~' /. ,&. / ~o() ~ W.1~ 3 J. , %5 >14 (J SS1 cd gr .L '101- 3 .L f-{ c-- " - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - , - - I - - - -1- - -- ----1--- ---1----\ . '" .' . .. ...... .. ..,~~ ----, , ~--=.- NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS 41'S ,;z.(!) V..r OYlti;r Tlmb.r UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oydu Tlmb.r UnImproved Improv~ l,mprovemtnh B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 53 120.<11 120,( 'cJ 120 12U - ~ :l..t/O ~ t,ta y. 7"~ () . ,/,f;o , L Rew 81?"'~ /;)11. 0 / ~tJ, tJ/ -15 ') /;-) 1/,/ r) /7?O ~ (f..~, I.. L )t, () .(HJ C/.ASSIflEl ;;,~ 00 ,.. I/. ICJ() 16/96 'lED . , ; I LDT BLK. L3'Z.:3'(~rj 'p'o'o'a:o'ol .;l.... !EC. TWN. RGE. ClASSIFfED ,. ,R N~l.t (---_. . .' .-' CLA$S1E1Ep'~- - . ,~~ COMBINED NE~ EX SE~ NE~ ,- ..-",.~,-- -, ~~,~ c~ AND SE~ NE~ -I . '.. \ V..r File No. NAME 01 OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS --3/0 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Port PUDIFPD - 53 Simpson Logging Co. 2 31- 1 L ~'" "aJ' - P.. ) I';' ~ 41tJ<! ..L ....b - 1/ 5'1 -L M .L -I...b. i:L - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, ~ - - - -- - -- , - - - - -- - - - - -\ 1-__..,. . ....~. .'" .~ .. ,_ r--"..... ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS --"#'11 ~-=- Year Oy.tu Tlmbu Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber I U,lmp,...d Improved Improvem.nb B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 1/7 4q~ J 40.JG 40 40 J#- -- %0 ffo Zd -7_ . 3cZO _'1.,.< () Z!i .ltEFOR ~T7"dOt. '10 . e)() 1/ Yo ?/, &, "'0 &'</0 Rf'!W 54 K ~'l.. IJC '14 8 .::...~~~ , . , . .. , I , I LOT BLK. p ~l i 1 1 1 . . . --.- , 1 I SEC. TWN. RGE. . ..------. -' _.. .. '.oj, , , .,.., "I. .. ,".. ,.. .. "-. ',"--;,.,-,. .--=:--' . '~,', , y.., FU. No. 1 ----,;r 106)1.4 8l.IIlpson -~ - / {/ . __'.". :'b"~..,..-..,.,...:,, V.., ()yd.., 5E I~-- 14- ZL 1!L J',~ ----=- NAME of OWNER Logglng Go. ,C?S,' fl. , ~, -"_ ~=-~.;30 Timber NUMBER OF ACRES Unlmlllo....d Impro....d 80,a #1."''' .l(~~2J :fn~'1' 10 . "d C. '" t ,,' 1.... t /: I. 1'_, LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. TOTAL I 80,c:l: fL(), DC> .yo ,()U ..; !IJ 1/). , 1 , ~ ":,.-. CONTRACT TO I DISTRICTS ..3 0 0 Rd. Soh. Port PUD I FPD 12--31:-) L ,;( J/tJ4 3 --I ......1-..' ff( .L tki 3 ...b J{ 1------ ---- 1------- -1---- ------- ----~ SALE PRICE' -------1 .....,... ,-.,.. 1lI"'~ --_...=-~-=---- .<!:. -...;.--~----- VALUATIONS Unlmpro....d Improved IlmprOVlmenb (Bulldlngl) ()ylter TImber 80 ~o ft) 3;;c; ~-/? /GC19, oE II. 1/, j, , '~ , ',~ . ,I 1 : ~l ~'. ~::-.-"-:':';".iL~~~=:;;:- B.ofE. VALUE 80 9'0 j"tJ ~-?'",2 0 ?</O ....-.;:~,.--. 'I .~' . .'