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V.., File No. NAIIE.rOWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~"/ / SALE PRICE Rd. leh. Po,' PUD FPD #20919 ~ Irene B. Wascher .W.Carlson 2 04 1 L j18000 ..tl 1/79t:;f1 /J. -~d' -1//. (0. O. ) ~. / 115 L ~ ..L I~ 1- .J1. #=- I Y._~ - 114 p' 08'''''1 rclB 0 ~775C,4 JJMWM 91. 1/1. JJ/i~T<J..fd ry /+.-: if ...L ...L 1.1 --'=- .iL .t 700 !ffi J/-:r? /'1% ~uM j/. 6dlj,../.;f.,fb'<?&) ,1/71J1) 4$'/,,01S' ~ - - - - - - <'Jc.o - - - - - - - - - I- - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - I /'-"., - - , . . '. . . ' -' - - - -, ~ , ...'. .' ,...'... r . --.-:..' '.... , .. .. ' . .. .'., NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v.., 0,.... Tlmb., UnlmproYlld Improved TOTAL O,d.r Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.oIE. (Building.) VALUE ,01.. 3.0/;(, c .70 ,70 ,;{//o .' , " '1/70 I II. , 1--/-/ ;< -,. " ,;!>/ :,',,- 5,:// tJ _ .<2! .;.0 /. J:;) - J21. , ,:J7'l,; 915':::;- ;?; f- ;J ~) 70 /i--: ' ,; C:',; .0 P' , ., . lL'L:1L / ~-<_.: - - 7/ /,;? .L/'ia 5',;,(,.0 /77N) 73 -G J} I-&--- - 71/ /iJo96 ;;2( f'? J /05'';/0 3;;/00 71-/ -&- -8-- -6-- - g _,-J..rJ , 70 .;z Lj. ,y,qrl /tJ.3~7 ..3:,:,; <j 00 __" 7{ --e-- ~- --G - '7t, ..I' - It: o~.. ,'" ! -'tJ S73tLo 7(,' c O~ ."...':> 1'1000 '<:.-7',{,', ..:/ ~-:1 . .~.J.'" ...L~_. /-;-";~.:,~ 9/ HI/.or. !fJ{.OQ >',,- </7.:f.-:<,> <(7 fd.S '1 ., I LOT aLK. ).3 ~ 2.,1 -3' I' 7''i/ZlT'q'/);0 1s~ ~. lEe. TWN; ROE. '", ~. m ~ . ~ ~ .', ' - ^ -~'. , '. , ~ '..-;.r.."",.-, ;--.".,,,,. ~ 8 d~ ~c? l' Beginning at the intersection of the Ely line of State Higrway #9 with a line runnin~ S 47030' E from a point on tre W line of Govt Lot 2, S lC24' E 489.7' from its mv corner; running t~ence S 47030' E 209.8' to line of ordinary high tide of Hood Canal; thence N 31030'15" E along said ::'ine of ordinary hic:;r tide 199.66'; thence N 68045'30" Vi 1)0.8' to said Ely line of highway; thence SWly along Ely line of highway to I.P. together with all tidelands lyin~ in front of, adjacent to and abutting on said property, Sly of a line running S 58029'45" E from its most Ely corner. ,/J/d ~ }/7. o;>.L (j;C ll"7"~:"a_ , .'" . '~ ----fa.'L .' ~;--"" , '/ '1-'://) ..(Ci,,'~ -...,.i \ (........; '-_ I