HomeMy WebLinkAbout323162100010 r Y.., FII. No. 69 218519 . CO.NTRACT TO. DlSrRICTS 3/ ( / f~}...;() Rd. Sch,IPort1PUD1IFPDi \i7 R M.Montecucco 2 40~ 1 L H 61,;" R, J, m;aR~TfvAet 1L:z W'O" I f7 I II-f WOI:>-$~~g6g ~(" II II J? (kid'" (11 (I.f-I I~/", In. /J U/, tp. o 10 NAME of OWNER Jennie Marie Topp fi{}~ 29 I 063 "h'1 ~lg,ltlb J/ 'lfB II/I" 0 3.1' I K' ....;. L %~ </Sfo11 Y.., I 0,..., 1?9 /~6o Y~e. 70 J/ h Ix;' 11/0 y;/,"~~ g'( IJ~ LOT sec. . nmber BLK. TWN. . If <;lA'" /J j. .J!~"""" .rAA, .. , ()~()7) NUMBER OF ACRES " J( jp, f / SALE PRICE j., ""~ I.E'K~""''''7 F7<>YS--S- ^ " VALUATIONS _. ..~'~. .-- , . __'. 1 TImber UnImproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE // .;;{5 //.:<S- "'::; -' ,;l,?..:) t') -~ ,.,. -2 :.~ '/ " .75,/t; ~().PO .60'%0 _S'!;; ...:--0 S~dO 4&.'2-0 ~20 1440o~ ,:; if-r>ron 54'nr'lO 5 '10(')0 UnImproved Impro....d TOTAL Oyster ,;:0 ,f'O ;I'-'?'?' '. :;; / ' . 1M;;; ,go .ffo RSE. h'7.'~'/ 'lo ?:J~O'Q.;O:/t]l . ..... J * I....' .~, That part of Lot 1 lying N of the S 100', Wly of Primary State Highway #9 and Sly and Wly of Edge Wood Beach Division One. ALSO: That part of Lot 1 as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the N line of S 100' of Govt'Lot 1 with the Ely line of Primary State Highway #9; running thence S 480 E along Nly line of tract conveyed to State of Washington to the line of extreme low tide of Hood Canal; thence Nly along said line of extreme low tide 6.00 I, more or less,; thence N 480 W to Ely line of highway; thence Sly 6~0' along Ely line of highway to I.P. '. -.-=,-' .,- - ..-.. Except Tax I I 19A-1