HomeMy WebLinkAbout323142200040 , Y... I G :l~~ .:~~.._--'_. /72 2~6750 f-J\nne Y. KiM :L&.r1!7055 1- '!1ll.. .11.ZJ.J.4- ..<2J2. e. tV .. <;. /)0. C. e 3/,{'), 7o~gt fIIll ('.~L ti,..hrJ !i~j{;'..1.jK~..J'j-: ftd d.a "'MflA 'l.ltm N-p.w (J NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .;; .:;? Rd. 5ch. I p"rt PUD 1 fPO 1 I SALE PRICE D. H. Knudsen 2 (.03 D 3 L H ti~~~-- 15000 R bert JE\Illes Q'!I son et ux ~I ..L~Ol f> ..?! Ji' L: fI II Ii -& 777<./j? ,.~~I'.: ,e",." OG.4 <1_..... . ,/( )(7 r " w.c.>.'.s , . . NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS b .J' c) y,.n Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. (BvildinQt) VALUE 75 8.90 .35 9.25 5'/05 5> Ie, .s- 76 9.25 9.25 /0.> .. " /(l~.s--' "'7 io ~t A' ~/.. ... '-'~ 3{, ?,7::- 71 .. ,..-fA,! ) /II.< dd- 3t, 37S- 1'17 ( 71'1.:1,/ /1 ~ <'-u . I (l -, d.'t ~ /t"'~/'6 /_:'_~oo it; +- 1,~S Cf. :1.5 e..N. "170 '>'70 0- 'f1!f4j,1 ~::. h;J, :'.-0 d) {p., ~() \').- C USB 1#~:.;- ,. ;Ct:-" :}.7( 7~O 70Q ( ',> In+ i., I :: :;..;_~C) .~ Go'; S'CJ )/ f;3 ('/1 Pill 7~~ r,/ 7n..iL-<-~ -I ..., . -, r-J' c;!:~ ;"~,".J _ct:'.... -'U , >;<f C'. (I 750 7SCi 't't; q,;;;'5 1,';'5 '-rTJt(A h-f" ":,'.,~~O .;)&0i.!50 1--" hC) (i'{A. / 7.~5 - 73.S I i '- 3' ~i~Z~~IOI~lGti Tract of Govt Lots 1 CL:L;~::-:NT US~ _C~!::~.~ SPACE _AGRICULTURE ....: ..&;:'f'ORe.$T .:>: 1;;' "f - . - " ---.. ~...~ ._-"",,"~'..'. - - - .. ~'_. LOT SEC. ILK. TWN. OSE. l'fn~f Tr. 2 of Survey Vol. 1, pg 40, AF# 285806) That ptn of Govt Lt 1 of Section 14 and Govt Lot 1 of Section 15, all in Twonship 23 North, Range 3 West, W.M., daf: Beginning at the SW corner of Govt Lt 1 of sd Section 15; th N 190 22' 18" E 299.98' to the SW corner of Tract 2 of survey recorded under Auditor's File No. 285806; th N 300 04' OS" E a1g the Wly line of sd Tr. 2 to a pci1t which is 150' S 300 04' OS" W from the NW corner of sd Tr 2 and TPOB; th N 300 04' OS" E 150 ' to the NW corner of sd Tr. 2; th S 440 59' 29" E 93.42' alg the N line of sd Tr. 2 to an angle point on sd N line; th continuing along sd N line N 880 46' 10" E 365.83' to a second angle point on sd N line; th continuing a1g sd N line N 890 19' 16" E 1201.60' to NE corner of sd Tr 2 and the E line of Govt Lt 1 of sd Section 14; th S alg sd E line of Govt Lt 1 and sd Tr 2 344.03' to the SE corner of sd Tr 2; th S 880 57' 49" Walg the S line of sd Tr 2,750'; th N parallel with the E line of Govt Lt 1 of Section 14 to a point which is 150' S of the N line of sd Tr 2: th in a Wly direction alg a line which is ISO' S of and parallel with the N line of sd Tr 2 to a point which bears S 440. 59' 29" E from the TPOB; th N 440 59' 29" W to TPOB. n-- -..--_ ___ m,., c.- 11 'I" _-#L ,""." ") 1/. ( " " c, l'. ~ "7 ;r)~'d" Id) ;IIt.'227~'/" : ../)...,: 1. I.-~':A'<I''':: .I J' /~ :-"._' ~ /... )~/' ... ' ~A;.<"~:-" /'-'/F