HomeMy WebLinkAbout322343400240 Vear File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ..-~~D SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Port PUO FPOI L ~- c;; 110c;6 J. E. Angle et ux 6td ,jJ.J?~~ 2 10 ..1.. I;;j-L/{ ! t/2--M? %/if;MI!- · 2 .t.-- ~f. m~i' n.Q..#~ ~ ...L LL ~~ -?,..., :; <) d= ~/ /5h.IJ9 C)nUA/P, tJ.--.-o"fA~_-<-./ D. II), 7J A .,.: /63,s.-o ~~~~J:~ tI -- P:. ,., .....63S- c./ ,,:;-/n7_ J'f .L ~ ...L .k.. .L 1f... :.Lf'~-cJ < ' - (,7 ;: 9:<</7 - - - - ;7. 1~X:S-bf Q...,.- "1:2/_- ---, / 11 - - 1Jt!f"6 IT/..L-----" ,~ '^ f..vr /]/""# 1 IP- , - - ?t? 1J4?6i 77 ~ ,1/ .//1. ,~ ~/.;i6p 1J;;; J.c..Jb'?'6 ~'Ll - - - - - 5t be 1-.S . :uJ '--l.Xcl " I (/ L - - - - ~ '1/!l5M /1. - - - - - - ~.:311</.7.79S' 77 L-.- /)ENO -= ~ Lt' ;.:$/u"..... ~4tJ1fD #5'.~2<45 /Y/) - - - - - e---I - - - - - =1- ------------------.---------------------------- I'~ .---- , "- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I Improvements B.of E. Yellr Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved .,,,~ Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved (BuildIngs) VALUE Is~ 3. ov 3, 4Lo 5<='d 80 5"7('; - "f~ 300 J-co ij'C) ,,"-6 0 - /C;O 700 I_~ ,1. () () 3,o() 70 771.5 /60 '1.7 () ~.iJ ~ - 3_:.t2_-'L ;,g. ad C) ----'2'& /6 C) 9:36 I{~/ ,3,o-r::> 5o--V 770 'Is:. c;- !.;!.a5 ~..t.. I., ~ '?&:S~ S7tJ /'>30 ,,, ~,;;}"o 99S" L:?/95 rLf ,.;tOP () ?95 l~r1.5 rf/ ~,,% 10'&/ {J /'J7() 59'" 1;/ .s:.?5C:J S'~() hi 'llnt')". Il]t I......." "7.;, /ti~O ,. ~.'_/ ~.#to 7~ - '.;l/S't>t> ~{/I'!' #1'15 ~I 3.()() :I.DD \, 7:<tJo(J 35'1%.5 /t07r;5 '1~ .. .VD1 ~ /n W-d .3 On , 3 C?J/.--:- '~~j;,~- :{, .n:1 I '. (;,nonn !.;J.01'''' , ~ I , ell. 5"15"" 1.::t/),I"')rJ -?5'/" .~ r i !:'OQ lOT BlK. \ , I SEC. TWN. RGE. ,3,Z. Z , <( 3<{ () o~ c.( JJ : '. ',riT 'J5"- , _~~; Ul5PACI'. .' ..E-~A , \ _ AGRICUl '!Jill ), - .. _ ~<d)<"" -~J'L'!'Y',,,:_,,,_, - . , .- .._~<>O__ .--'l... .~,~.T,.... ~I."'r. "l",Llcvr.L 1 _.~-~--""'"~--_........""-',- ............",=---..... ! Begin ing at a point 1265 feet west of southeast corner of lot 3j run thence north parallel with the eas' line of said lot to the meander line;thence following said meander line in a westerly di~ection making due wes"t 110 fe'tj thence south parallel with the east line of said lot to the south line of said Sec. 34j thence east on the said SeG- t&on line 110 feet to the point of beginning, cant. 3 acres more or le$ <T....'."" J / i .. -.....-- ---~,.-- -~"- - .i-,~ I I I I I I I I I I I . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS b}?O Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Imprcwements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 9tj 7n!Ub. ! 'It. t>o c, I q <010 i 3.$'0 C- /o 7t)00 ~5' ?"'o4>t) /.0 CI 5.60 C."t{. Lf"35""" /95~ 0 <f 3;;"00 t.3 'f 3S - ...,-- , .""' ~;~~'~ a~,.I!.U;? / ,:/-r./'./ 8'" '. Beginning at a point on S line of GOyt Lot 2, 1220' W of SE corner of Govt Lot 2; thence W along S line, 50'; thence N parallel with W line t to meander line of Hoods Canal; thence Ely along said meander line to a point directly N of I.P.; thence S to I.P. Also the W 6' of E 1220' of GOyt Lot 2. -'....""':"....-:..., ".. -!ll>.__ 1~ .lu/2 1-~ 2? lib?, ... , -" ~.....- ._--- ..,., - "~,,. _1,- _ - - -"~. ,",-"-':