HomeMy WebLinkAbout322327590113 DISTRICTS Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO Rd, Sc.h. Pm! PUO FPO SALE PR ICE 3/78 349553 William P. Cooley 1 40" 1 6 L H #9835 3/79 William V. Simmom e+ Ul (p nne tte) - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved Impra.fElments B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 85 .76 .33 1. 09 4360 4360 LOT BLK. , :3121.z.. bl...,h I.~ 71ol/l/l,~1 SEC. TWN. RGE. . . 32 22 3 Tr. ll-C Survev 5/59 / :)W:G -I/-( Tr. 3 SP # 1555 I i ~~ COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of Section :32, TownshIp 22 North, Range :3 West, W.M., In Mason county, washingtonj thence North Olo24'34"".wesl 104.46 feet, more or Jess, to the centerline of vacated alley In Block 41, Plat of Crays Harbor and Union CIty Railroad Addition to unIon 8S recorded In Volume '2 of Plats, page Ij thence South 89025'42" East along the centerllne of said vacated alley and saId centerlIne extended East through vacated alley "In Blocks 42 and 43 of saId Plat, 412.78 feetj thence North 01024134" west 475.43 feetj thence North 89056'28" West 412.67 feet, more or less, to the West line of saId Section 32; thence North 01024' 34" West along said West line, 283.15 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNlNGj thence North 01024'34" west 292.60 reet; thence South 89056'28" East 751.79 reet; thence South OOoQ31:nn west 292.50 reet. more Dr less, to a point which lIes South 89056'26".Easl from the TRUE POINT OF BECINNINGj thence North 89056'28" West 744.30 feet. more or Jess, to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. . .-- - -.-