HomeMy WebLinkAbout322314300020 y..r FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 3/tJ SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - - - ~ 1126u.' Ole OlsenA. ,of' 3b-OD 2 10 - 1 L ~Ff g -f/tJ4I .L t: ~ 2J') P J?f 1.. 'M: - .L .k. -'==- 1L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - _._-_.~"';--~----_._-=.------:::"---~""-"'---r-'''''-'''--;-'''-'-'-''''-'-----.-----~----------=.----.:~:>--- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS <::: ,po Year Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber UnImproved Improved ImDrovement. B.oIE. (BuIldinGs) VALUE 52 /1 II 7go 780 53 /1.0 1/,0,1 '7 ffCJ - ?8<J 5f- 1/..oIJ //'00 1?o 7,fo , . . "- .,;; ~ 2Z- 975 III ~~'tJ 3.Qz, ~? 1/I.'~7'" /5, I- ~/s- ~/S- @. 1sa>1o ?.ao J>.iJt:> 11 .>600 5~'o ZL ~.~ tI,{./ .;/.;).(}o ~~~ 'ltJ I/. of!) //.6~ /.0/1% 19'",,, , "'~1J '11 I?~ 1'.;150 iL , II.tM II. aa ;?(,,/jIO ~,6 $/(10 15 ;' ;?6'1oo ;;6'f'~ I LOT SEC, BlK. 1WN. RGE. ~~lo~ ... - ----......- ~l ?? < 'I'l", ?_A ., nf' T.n1c _< ~ Tr 2 A of Tr. 2 ~ r- Bgn at the i cor between Sees 31 & 32-22-3; thn S. 88044' w. 900'; thn '''''''IIIIIIIIIII S. 1016' E. 1348.91' ,to true pt. of bgn, thn S. 88044' w. 10~0.67' to the Gov. M.L., thn along said M.L., S. 30008110" w. 187.50'; thn S. 01014'L~o" E. 187.33',thn S. 36039'L~C" w. 233.65'; thn S. 68035' E. 20L~.87' thn N. 21025' E. 46.94'; thn N. 880L[.4' E. 444.94'; thn N. 1016' w. 160'; thn S. 62~16' E. 234.39'; thn N. 88~441 E. 95'; thn S. 1016' E. 110'; thn N. 880 44' E. 300'; thn N. 01016' w. 631.09' to pt. of bgn. Ex, R/w for Rd. ,=. .._---------,#_~ ~'...... ~. _...-....--~-.-- . .~- . - --------,-,,".. .~