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Vear Fill No. NAME of OWN ER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS U"J SALE PRICE! . Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - - - - 94225'. Harry G. 2 20 T 3 L '. ~ Salmonson ~ 9- 6J.5b 0 ./);I..1hl. ' ./ ~nC4'Joi./j?nL./ '71J - ---' ide !I .:2 ;2.6 L 3 g- L ~ '" , l.::i tIQ T .2. L L.. fL if -L 103 I. .:1. ~ .L fI - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - A:;,.' ---.,. ----....---......--....-.--------------------------- ::::--e,--- NUMBER Of ACRES VALUATIONS Yellr Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 8.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE n. 3.&>0 a,e:> (/ - .,3cc> -+3:d /O.?'o 53 .3.00 ..3 ..300 - 0/0 ~(L - 2i. :?';'Y' ;:{,Iv 5'U- <7.3f-, .:? .3 G .;( "/-0 &/0 fJ .5"0 Z '/. qt, / ':;,d~ /90 _~o ~/o If'SO f2. -?1M -r ~ f3/., /,,&0 d. ..3 ,:; ;?/J /rd 5G7 C::/6 '736 El 2!...oYY,fi , - ';;;3'" .2, 3~ ,f() .;1;;( Ro &/0 ;<9 ?,o ~/ ~og::l.. d.3C, ;(, 30 ...0- ~,:) X'o 6/0 ;;J.,no {L lJoi f.. . . .;1.3 C, .;f.3/. .;;,;;J.,%'o II5"S 3sE3C; a -- ~:fY;;~ u/,/_ '~d.f/Y ) ~ ., ~ /~l'o S7/.s- Ifl .//...,""/ /(')~~ M~ - .2h- cts % - .3~flL) /dlC/a , ,..t::J ~ ~l1tJcJ 3618 .;7.,;;((, '-/; . ./;;' -t9- ~ BLK. '/~" 7 -&- _. ~_;/o - H~~ E . l~6 22 3 t~;2.1:l~11(,~f) Tr. 22 of Lot ~ And Tax 1047-A ex. Por.' ~:2.;J.~"" C TWH. RGE. v ~ '\_, Bgn at a,pne 357.50' S of the N\v corner of lot 4,26-22-3 ;;'Ui1Hing ::; 6904-5' :.: G.+", .54' te ::t pnt en the r,.1( which is tbe mean high tide) Thn S 11045' E 196' along ).:1 Thn S 84015' ~'l 104' along Ml Thn N 69045' W 575.72' to a pnt on the W boundary line Thn N 225.78' to a pnt of bgn Excepting Co Ro Tax 1047-A ex. Ppr. T.L. in front of above described property -.- .--- --.~~ -------:...-~ - - ., -~:~. :J L ...., N~M~R' ~F ACRES u I I I I ., Year I Order Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I I Oyster Timber Unimproved Impr:.ved Improvemenh B. 01 E. (SuildinJ;l" VALUE , - go ----- -- :/ .3 (" 07,3~ '1'flao 1.6""950 6 </ '1& Kd- E~ R ~.:I c.7.J. {, 0 <l_ !1?d ,.:14'</ To 5'L /-If/a 0 .i., ~ 10 I.. 'f/f. ? 0 ~I JI. ~ff f.,(I ,q,3t, ';?,3b !J.1,.,/). , t ';<9Llu) R70 dl if '/71; , , f.J.. - ~<(Ioao ..36. No "z 77({ 0 8;)- R.. " (';1.. .::)5&co .r7 cJ <)t! 4 71" '---- ----- , - , 0 1..58 L (I dJ 41 coO 3(P,c'': ,:;;. 77/4/() <4 ~!,~~#Et 2,'1.1 ~,4 1__ 24"i5oo _-%/40 284640 (it. --- I --~._- ---- -, - 1___- -- -_. --- -- ---- ---.- -- - ===l ---.- 1-----1-- - r- - --, I _. ! I ! , I I VALUATIONS --1 I -' .- -~ - -.....---. -- II U I UJ ... Y.., I 0,..... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS \. Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved . Improyed Improvements 1.01 E. (Bulldln~') VALUE 1-~ 4,t'()~ ..:; :-<L -S ~t. /9,1&0 fj.3//J ~.9:!)J{j ~ --&- -tJ-- .~ 1~ Vdlf% 3!Mo t:fb.;2o I./ttt:i? r4 14 . "., " 7RAll00 a APJY?IJ ... !- ,~, 1~ /l ~.g/\~1' P 1..:2 A 4tfol- ~ R '15 - JtM~..K ~/~ /P~M fff'tJ kfR?o '7~ I ~ /s::~~ '</9'30 '" 7(/1" '1.tJ . ~.1:. ('j~ I'f ,-' .#'>_~ ~f./</'1o - ,., tl9'otJ 1S33fJ 1//130 " '71 ~, / J;. /~'I- ~~/ .. P?A ~W170 1J Lk. /s:'.~~/l t.r/~3tJ 77/",,., 'It ~.i. I'.'~ '!L:"4tJ S>"JI& ::/.tle/?t; '1' 4.4/ )/L 1:1.3':' ~.::tt. ".. '.......,. _I -'~ 13/j7/6 IJ4. ~o a t:!//tM) /~t!J ~~.9(J! 911 ~. ~ ~&O :P7t.J ~<,f70 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ~~'l SALE PRICfJ Rd. Sch, Pori PUD FPD 11),2<;1,1 Harry - - - - ----'R G. Salmonson 2 20 T ....3. L - ..5'4 (S-%60 t.l h1~?I Qc'~-'h.;u)'UD-;U - - - - - --L iLk. 2- ,?() T 3 g L ~ .1 '/63 T 3 K L. Ii ?/ .L !ft1 .I.. ..2 L ~ iL - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ___ _.~ _ Ill;;' :';._ _h _ ~_:.:._~ _ _ _ _ _ ____.:.:_~:: _ _ _ _ _: ___ _ __ _ __ _ __ __ _.: _::~ _.:. _:_ _ .'_ _ :::::'_ _;. ____~-:.. _ __ -- ., .._ .u .- .c,_._ ~- ~ . ~. NUMBER Of ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvementa B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE .53 ,0S" ,as (.,a ~(j oil ..- / (,o ,o~ ,0 :, - G,o ?Z ' 5/C:: ,/J,t) ,tJ5 //J /,,[J ?tJ .s- o F)(.e, ,ah --- /0 / ,;( .s- /35 ,08 M .s-/e ,of:> ,oS- ~ ./d$ /,;2 5"" 6h ~i ~- /&;t/ /~ ~ "" ~, =?/JA $'O,j 11. / ::!tA;JI 36/) 1i 11.111 '% /to/J ~.cftJ ~ 7dO ..fl (JlJ 7!1- .5-::11' , bE:' ~$ J..,f.~(j /R.3So i ",.1 ~ .~~ W"9 ;t..;1.() ,a ~()'O - . I a 0) 7"0 ?()O S';A I,' ,- '''' ~~fi., ;:7",--'0 9,t./- (1.~)..IC:f/~. ...~ y};of, ,. 7",-, Z;! Cd. 4 (~ - - ry,,, .//:; :'Vl , )I - LOT BLK. f.JT[("[1JJIlIJ ' SEC. TWN, RGE. ~ 22 "I T,... 21 n1' Lnt'. L.. And Tax 101..7-B ~/;'.1 J:::;ij ,../ ... '~ Bgn at q pnt on the W line of lot 4 at a pnt 357.50' S of the hW L:Ul'uel' V.L ,::,ctiLi .Lut 4 Thn S 69045' E 643.54' to the NL Thn N 26043' E along the ML 30' Thn N 69045' W to the W line of said lot 4 Thn S along the W line of said lot 4 to the pnt of bgn Ex Co Ro Tax 1047-B T.L. in front of above described property -.~':." ...~ ~