HomeMy WebLinkAbout322192400060 IlII"" Ve.r FII, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS .:? 5'9 BALE PRICE) Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPD - - lh088'! . McDonald 2 20 T l L .....2 Kenneth Rothlein et ux - --'- ~~ ~2~"'tt/ ~/-:/,~ ~:,I!,,( .a/~../ ,;2 ;)f) I ~ g L ~/J t, ~ JO;,., pfJ .10-. 'JwJ!j(}~ fJ_ J () 7IJn .;< 1,,3 L 3 g L If " , LL 11 ...L I ,<f 0.3 7' 3 ~ Ji . - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'.-.: - - -'-- -- - - - - -- - - - - - --:-- -- ------- - - - -~ -'7 -- ~ - -- - _n -- --- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - --:----- - - ~.: - -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oysbr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Ur.lmproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Bulldlngt) VALUE a ' (p 0 .I.e. .oti- . ,f! 2. /0 /0 ~o . 2i /0 /0 :ld /00 jQ /eJ /0 // cJ /30 g J/oX~ , ..:2:;2. ,.2:1. /iJ ...{)- /tJ //~ /30 - 2l- ...:? ,2 ,,2:< /0 S-o //0 /70 a- /0 4/00 //0 S.:{ 6 (n. t./JJ ;P ,X1 ..;;(~ ~ .LjtJtJ 1/& S> cJ f.rd ,(PO t. , .;}.;).. .;1 ;}.. tMtJ ~O RG-o Irk 1- ,,-, 590 9'7':; " :,j}l:; JJ/;O :7//11 /;l.t/ () Q , ttcJO -7~ /i ,.( 1-'/~ / ~ C;"'h 2/-%0 7/J / ~tP() :/jIY"/} , 2L -7 tl,() t:J /~/?I} 5" -,/,5(tJ. 12 /j'/J/J() / 77/J .5/'70 7if . ..-O'f) "7'0 ~oo ,,3s0'C) 115~o LOT- --=:-:-Bl::K.. SEC. TWH. Ii....:1.2.. 22 3 ~lZ1T:q2.;.j:O\~ Lot 6 of Tr .~f GO~t- Lot 3 "1/;7: t , ~"7"Ll..... RGE. ~r' t0t 6 of Tr. 1 of Govt. Lot 3 ;' & T.L. The South 40 feet of the north 160 feet of the following described tract: From the southeast corner of Govt. Lot 3, Sec. 19, T. 22 N., R. 3 W., W.M., .which is identical with the northeast corner of the Plat of Sports~ men's Waterfront Tracts, at Bald Point, on Hood Canal, Mason County, Washington; run thence S. 88026' W. for a distance I!)f 585.54 feet; thence N. 4023'25" Wh for a distance of 534.83 feet to a point on the westerly right-or-way line of the county road and the True Point of Beginning; t~ence N. 4026' 40" !. along th~ said wester~y right-of-way line, for a d1stance of 240.54 feet; thence S. 8P07'30" VI. to the Govt. Meander line in front of Govt. Lot 3, said Section 19; thence soutir~~terly along the said Bovt. Meander line, to a point from which the True Point of Beginning bears N. 8P07'30" E; thence N 81007'30" E. to the True Point of Beginning. ALSO 2nd class tidelands fronting thereon. ~ .....: "~--- . ---.~ ~ ::-~ ~... a-... .. -~ -~'~~"..----- --..- ---------~------------.......,-"., ~----...,.,_..-..-,- ~ ...... =J ~ l .~:'~B~'~FACRES V.., Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of e. (BlIlIdirllil') VALUE 'It . t,f);'1., .~~ .iL;)' /:VJ>O JI""""~ I ?tJ70 , 1/4 -_. /~~?~ 87.:170 Ij' eo /;JJlflJ 0/"90 /.7~?~ X!J . .< .:z , 0(. .2.- ; /-2 12tJ " . ~tjc, .2.0 I ,,'+"f" %:;. .I.,,/'I ..,;.",z ,.;;z~ 53-SOU ~h3S golJ 73$ - -. --- - - r - I I [ 1-HTt-H+1 ~ VALUATIONS