HomeMy WebLinkAbout322127600010 r- ., -;':-~--I~----' --- 65 251648 G. R. Kirk Co. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1!. :5 7 Rd, S<:h. I p.,rt PUD fPD I I SALE PRICE 2 40 T 3 L H ~ ...li82AL__ c:;?~ Ari-hllr T. ?. . 71 ;z. gr I A J'/QJ~6663 '10~ } 3 g /-. f-( 1031 T 3 f? L f/. --.. ------,..,--_.._- -+-. , - . , -- -,~ - - , - - -..... . ' . - . - - NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS i,.gZ; Year Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Order Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. - (Buildings) VALUE 'l'l .!i: 5"? S.Sh ~~S- ~S lJi SS ,-" S"S" ~tJ ,,~ IlldtJ 11/.;10 11~ .s: S~ -5:5{, & 5"S"1io S-S"MJ tgi- f-' 5,5t. _c:,c; ~ /1,,1.:< S- /~/o<5 f-' - -- i LOT SEC. 'LK, TWN, RGE. tmlt02.~ 7 ~~Q~O~ol/JOI 12 22 3 'l'ract 1 of Survey 2/134 NtoJ!" 55'.80-0 J (Tract I of Survey Vol. 2, pg 134, AF# 325152) ~,. TRACT 1: Beg.inning S 86046'31''E, 750.51';N 01'o06'57"E. 1825.16-' and-cT- . 'N43u59'43"W, 55.17' from ~he ~West Quarter Cornes of ...ection 12, T 2? N, R 3 ~, W.M., Mason. Co., Washingtono thence N 43 59'43"W. 481.67'; thence N 60 24'l1"E, 139..16'; thence N 68 04'30"E. 3a9.68'to a curve right; thence 207'66' along said curve with a 6 = 20 53'01" and R = 570'; thence N 88 57'31"Ea 14.39' to a curve right; thence 160.86' along said curve with a A = 45 48'55" and R = 201.17'; thence 56.97' along a curve right with S A = 07005'25"- and R = 420'; Shence 534 58'36"W, 163.38'; thence S 53 28'06"W, 248.90'; thence 5 45 30'06uW. 307.6B' to the point of beginning. rw..4 I.!>- '11)(;) .; ". .~ ~'.,. ;-,;;;' :,., ... ~