HomeMy WebLinkAbout322127590010 r-- ~., .... ~~--~--'r--~---' NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 257 SALE PRICE ,d, Sch.ll"rl PUD lll!L.1 I -_. I - 1/76 .31.:3565 arl A. Eberhard et al 2 403 T 3 I L H #47444 - J.hk 311~J./.Jt }j 1r! 1/./),), i!A-,^,-" , ;: fJU 7'1 ;2- i-fV3 I 3 2_ ~ Ji. tJ.<jff?/9 - 4- 3EE. / , v ~#tJ fI.,I!,t,;! 01. ff #4'927;7. :J :;1.6;;'1 ~~ 0/". ,5'( I 'io.~ -I 3 g L If 1'./_A{./0 ~. ?}JiJM '17: ~'f . (1M! a.Yl~^f^ hI' ,n 'II i (), Id' ) #d,:;.rl q<< ----. ~ 176U1-. C8~~= , 6S-ao U(j 3k' '11777.9 ~ 6.. . (:'}. J < .Id-tw{Q""".' '^'"f Lv", v I - -- - -. " , NU~BE~ ~:::RES . ~ I I VALUATIONS (,.J'() Yelllr Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Unimproved I mprov.d Improvements B. of E. (BuildinQs) VALUE - - '1.2; <;.QO <;.QO ~O :z.3o 7~ I . " C. ,.J .;;. II-' ~ S'9flO $;9~o '79 J. a;. -, 1177-/'11 !J./9 5,17 7.IJ~ .:31$2- .3/'?o ~~ V e:v, /6~ /60 - , InM.id /35'tJf:J. /3500 h-' USE 3,19 3,;<j {!.p dO!>- .3 0.6- ['3 '7 1.<....1,} /3 S"tJo /3.5'"00 f3 3./'9 3,/7 t"./../. 3.:<:;;-' 3~S- ,rY- , /? '--'--<.,f,j /3.QJe> /-?.s:?JC/ tif 3, /9 3./"} C!..lJ. 330 330 Q. '-In! .I.. t:<::r 1.3500 1..'l')CO )~ ~_,19 3ft (2.{ .(, .3;10 3;:;0 - LOT IllK. ~/.Z.,1.5,9.o:01/Io1 C::;:fi;:S~4T USE see. TWN. OSE. _OPEN SPA.CE _ AGRICUL TUR~ ~ 'Jlol< _-FOREST 553'1-1l 1? ?? 'I fTly::lro+='i 1 ov n-r c:.llru,:::.v 1 /11R FORMERL^(: lTract 1 of Survey Vol. l/pg 138) AF# 296759 '1:""'-' n'~! / "I ,V W ;/ , Commencing at the NE corner of the NW of 12-22-3W.W.M.; th S 860 47' 27" Walong the North line of ad NWi 1466.50' of the true point of beginning; th back along ad North Une N 860 47' 27" E 911.19'; th S 10 03' 21" E 282.46'; th S 880 56' 39" W 836.31; + - to the NEly r/w Une of County road; th NWly alg ad r/w tap bearing S 30 12' 33" E from the TPOB; th N 30 12' 33" W 203.46' + - to TPOB. (Tr. I of SP 628) Comm, at the NE corner of NW ; thence S 86047'27" W along the N line of said NW 1466.50' to the pob; thence back along said N 1 ine N86047'27" E 475.38'; thence S 103'21" E 266.10'; thence S 88056'39" W 400.81' more or less, to the NEly r/w line of Co. Rd.; thence NWly along said r(w I ine to a pt. bearing S 3012'33" E from the pob; thence N 3012'33" W 201.46', more or less, to the pob. in 12-22-3. ~ --.. _.-~~ -...;:....--=----..~--===----.-;..-'~-:- _ _______ _ _4-"'--__ . "c~~.,._ -' ..,t..4A..c.. .;10 y , :..,}~ . ()J'(J '. TrL ~ .?-S<Vvv I/r'? i' / _{" ,1 . . /""' . ~ ^ . ,~ /' , _1 )!;I)~ ..~ ~/ .('1 p. \' ...(J.--{..l. '1. .~~ t~4- '- : . : l' A1;12.611/6:?TL, . 'l'rj/. /lei..,.) :.~ ....