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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 19/ SALE PRiCe Rd. Seh. Port PUO FPO -52 " 80 <;c No-rmal'1 w. nast'e ;)J?rrC. 1 ~ 2. l C; L ~ J:L I-- - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - __n~_:;'__':_ ':.___..:__..: _~_ ___--:-_-:;-_____-;,__ _.:._"":' _____n_ _____ _ _~ _:.:. _ __ _ _ __ __:...: __-:.' _ __ . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . . , ., Yeal Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.orE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ J,f"S ~,(.S ffcJ 80 .g( &,0 /~o :;2.(.,0 55 10 ~/C) iL,9n 4/.. ~l~ /,,1 () .9. t., 5' ~() 5cJ d/c? ;? ;2c:/ ~ ?, t/ :;;- /. (Pel ,3,4? ;:;- PO SO /060 II 7tJ . b.L .::?65' 100 .3.65 -- 00 ~o ~b25 c;/b~ ,I). bLJ ~..,.() ~o #('7o 6,k :2 ~,% ~S" hE -~~() ."'4"41& . 6'J ;?,tS .Ill} .3. 1J!5"' 7h b~ f".5~ ~~ , 6t L.sS /f5ti fSlJo _CJ A ~ ~ 6 f Y(} 1,:<' / I:? 9cJCJ <j'dJOO fO&fla r.~t ~/L/ CJ 6J t:2 9000 /o1fi6 . ~ ,;t. tPS /..&0 3.0..5" ~dlO /d"'OO& . ~ - 16 4'i90 ;S.;z/ (Y [;,'2->,,-* /fl ~ dsr /. ()~ -~~ t.{GO ~s 1-~.s<R< - . lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. ROE. 3 c;~:./,p..3.j _0.2..... b 0 o I if- Tr_ [, l'lf .1. O. F,C""'" " n.l..n.' , W6 21 ;;-/~ ".- ......... That portion of NEt of NWt of swt,and, of the NWt of NEt of swt of Sec 36. Twp 21 N. R3 W. WM which lies N of County Road commonly known as the Allyn Road. said land being a portion of the Jacob O. Eckler Donation Land Claim No. 38. ----~~."-..-._--~--~ - -~.~-r _ :.:..__ u, "Ex. Tr.6-A (p-f3 / -~"-"---- 13't;; -ot:J I - - -,_.- ~ --- ~. ~ LL.LJ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS I I .~ - I TOTAL-I' I I ImproYemlnh [ Ytlo!Ir Oyder TImber Unlmproved Improv4ld Order limber Unimproved Impr:lved B. of E. (BuildlnQs) VALUe 83 --, 3.o~ 3.0S /3 7~S " '/&'1)0 7l? 3(,~ - ---- ~--, -' -1-- ---- -- I ------. 1-'--- --'-- - 1___- - ,---,- -- - - ,==1 - f-- ._--- ----- 1--- '-- - -- r-- - ---- -- I .._-- I I !