HomeMy WebLinkAbout321343100010 Ye: I -File No. .--r------..----- N~ME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9-1 Rd, 15ch. IPorf PUO l-fPO I I - " ! I I 40C S 3 i 5 I L i H i f--t.I-=c...1 I '----- SALE PRICf 5/73 27'}743 t!!!9.tLc:;harl ~s McCoy et ux . !!Lf~ JQIJ/t ~~~ -",fl4'~at).-. ~-:: ';h5.!_LL~.,f, ~ . :?R(J7) . #35587 0#-775':$0 =,. ~ 79..23<:' ~ .- _n._h_n___'_ ___. -- -, --. f------ - - -L NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS .. Yurl Oyster Timber 1 Unimproved Improved TOTAl. I Oyster Timber 1 Unlmproyod Improyed Improyemants I 8. of E. (BLlildinlilS) VALUE 1L :---. ,21 ,~ t,7tJ C/ltJ 1f- t:. 1'0 t:. 70 .B.3 .. /0.35 , /03.'T - c--------- - -. -- .--- -- I .------ ._-- --- -. 1._- - -- .. .==1 -- ---- ----- _._- --- - .., - ---- ----- -- I- . ~-- - ---- .- I . -.----- I -. . 34 21 3 '3.~I~Le::IJJ.'Qf.O"C1lm Tract I of NE SW all-''1' / LOT SEC. BlK. TWN. OSE. SW SW NE SW 34-21-3W.W.I~., lying Ely of County Road. -. - -~ -.. - . Vear File No. 1, l';;x101'7EofovmER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 191 SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD :t sJ --X 87S42 Elizabeth Osborne 1 402 ~ 3- ~ /.5"2--?./47. ~t; aJ~ , IH ~tI/~ . '"", 1,0 ~ /4 7{/4. --;F':"4 -t}.::/o 4. ~.' tJI2. .J ., ~ /J h.;Joo '/.Yb.b r , (/ / -- - - - / - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - l- I - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -- -- - - - - - .. ~._-- _.:_--------------- ----------- ---.---.- ---------- - -- ---- --_.:._- - -- ----~._-- :.-- -, NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ,'7:2 , - - Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvod TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvoments B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~- '1 I /0 So 30 &: S'CJ 73d 5~ 10 /0 ~O - r;;.sO ...2cJO 5:; S-o /.>otJ /","-0 '3Zz. 9r1tJ /,(')cJ //J,<>,( ~5 ~ L),!) 6,,;),2 /9.L , 'fJ~. 9,OrJ ./'/)(J ItJ.tJ(J bcJ :5{) Got'? 7 t!)rJ ~I 9.~ j.cnJ /0, Q-!) 50 !>,o /1/30 /5'36 &,[1 Cj;t>-t) 1tH; / O. t.r7/ . .50 50 M~S- - 1/</5 rQ/ 9:nJ /rJ-Z} /cJ.tlO 50 5'"0 lOtiO ...L.!...!:L.Q - ~. S:;;. 5"' ),00 h.;;I.5" ;;I.,b So /01-0 IllS" 2a. - .~g .3,!} ~c) /30t!J /37' ,.j 2L ISo &'0 /30-0 /510 0J- ~/. "J 5 ;1.60 ~ ,,~ -Y/75 ...;z .10 /3t1tJ /7'..;<S ..,...-~ 10 ( , r;;. ,0 g..:;-o 4~o ;;(060 3~5o t:J 72- I . /060 '/0)0 '-/7/0 2~ocJ 7q' 1/.....,<;:;( - , 7190 ~~;1--0 5"';;0-0 LOT BLK. I ;) ~l 5l 31 a:i). SEC. TWN. RGE. co I iit,:4. 21 3 'fr. 2 of NESW * '?rJ -,>.... "..- " .," Commencing at NW corner of NE~ swt See 34-21-3 Thn S on W line of said HE! of SWt 125 ft to IF of this description and the land conveyed Thn from said IP S on W line of said NEt of SW! 330 ft to a pt Thn E parallel With N line of said NE SW 1320 ft, more or less to E lins of said NE SW Thn N on E line of sa:ld NE SW 330 ft to a pt Thn W parallel to N l:lne of said NE SW 1320 ft, more or less to said pt of bgn, contain 10 acres, more or less ~~ '-I/37.J.. 5/8 ~.-- .a--. ~..._.," *Ex.' E 4951 ~ I " \