HomeMy WebLinkAbout320334300030 I DISTRICTS 70 Y- FII. He. NAME.. OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. ... Port PUD FPD 4 - --52.... Wm. P. Cook ':\ 42 S i L -2L 16'5''5'79 William v. Cook 5'/1 .L J./..;2. ~ .3 ~ ..b... iL ~ 172777 Ora Cool et ux $2500 ~ ~J9. ,j JI /III' ~. .p/7~- ?SQd, '71 1...,/ A-)!:. ((L /J I ,/ .b /l /l . _ ~l/ ... ;;Z;; "Q7!. "" /E v e-- - - /.:?~",#o€'6~3 ~, a .A. / T (J I ,/ I- 1'79) - - I- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - """"....,... -"-" ..,.- - . . - - . ... .~.... _4"_;;''''''''__."' ,.Olt~___. 0'" - ----- -_.---- ----- ~ - -- . , NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS ~d'O Y... OJ.ter Timber Unimproved Impro..." TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impronmenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE S3 L/. S-o t/ S-o ..:30 /So I,f'o - -# -- - (". 'l " (,. ?t, I/o t::,70 7/0 - 5"k 5.9(0 /.00 f.,. 9" .30 Sf) 1",70 7S0 a So' so t. 70 -220 - M so .">0 (.;70 770 .d5.. L!,'l('-; /.rYO /' ..<0 ':;-0 /"".0 () /.;;".80 0 !3, 9& M ./, .....,?/ .n .- / . /:?--2':; /Y/V ?/tP .~ & {:" ..-?(~ J;Z .-//; v ~- /:1;5 .;</66 , ...."") h- 11,,"1 ~~ .;1.-;/7 7.4" ';<9~o 3C:Z;25 .2fl 3.31 !&-~ J. '7/ , F7 0/0 7'50 Ic,oo ~rfvo 7/50 , 7~ 0- I S-oO /dVO //600 /4300 1(3 0 m 7(:, '08(;,0 /3CitJ() /9'l1,.() 7(/ - ~.? I 1.(' '; J/, 7.1 '17/90 'I,j\"1 {J 52'030 94 J7/~s- '13/S6 ~O~3<;'- I -. I LOT BLI(. ~a3!:?,4t3!Ot~ , arc. TWN. ROE. 0_ .- - ~--., -:"'_.;...~.f'~ --..,,~"' ~ Beginning at the NE corner of SW SE; thence S along'E line,of SW SE 276'; thence W parallel with N line 6.20'; thence N parallel with Eline 177'; thence W par~llel with N line 700', more or less, to W line of SW SE; thence N along W line 99', more or less, to N line of SW SEj thence E along N line 1<20', more or less, to I.P. ~ ~ 4-/7 -J-- _ ~~._ ~.~ Y..r FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Porl PUO ,PO {. !~~~...e-r - - - - $'~ /.~nl/13 r(; J .=J "t."V S ..2. .L: I~.J"""'I ~ dJ:3 /Y7?h ~ (0' d Oh /;, ,/ SF -r ~ <<<'03.< - /....50d, G 70 J, j.(), /7' ,,- // ./ - ~ "':HO.r :217.3 f4 <iF, ~I -.L !iJ:L s 3 :L LK v .4 L e-.rtf/l;:J, ~ 'AI.-fl ,(fm. ~ /'. - - f-- - ,J, 7)71- ;;I'll H'l '2-__ /' -I 3, J .P /" ~ .0.1 21_ , /./0;5"';;;>. ~L ~ JhJu1N~/J J?~1I - - - - r-- - '::0 ,P.'ltJ1:lC7 ~ J/f;JJ.Y~ - - - ;)5t;o SbJ:J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I -.'......... ,. ., ... .. ,._._~.'--- ~-------- - - ~~______.... J_:::to..lll ..4~ .:.<l- . .. , ; NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Y.ar Oydar Tlmbar Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oylt.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improv..:! Improvaments B. of E. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 5<1 4.r- 11.35.> ..75 .:?S- , .~ Q '13,5 1/.3.5 25 175 ;COo ..27- ~95 /-{)J </,35 50 50 /;75 27.5" iPL 3.3S- /.()V d: <C - 50 EO .1R5' t/-t b- fcL 1,30 100 ;;1.,30 ~O -..:,~O 3%5 '/5-S- -2 c) '-D /, 70 7~() - ..:? ~ ... '.;'2' d6 ~v ;;'#0 7'02 ~ ~7 ,"',.1 / d.. ,,- 57'cJ //)/..I) 7 h 1~, 02&,0 bOO /090 "",;Iso 2J I~c /',0 SdJo /000 3360 ,;~O '7(,; d3S'O 3g~0 &/SO 1h 5EG- , " 3 !de I. '}.3 ) if80 3800 5MO 77 /~,pr; 3J'to 5t.,?~ ~ .iL ,?3 /,0 </ / S'3 6~O6 6080 I~ S"J!t"J !~) ./-' ~.--- ~ _.--~ ~ LOT . BLK. .,.......- .." om. at the SE corner of the Nt of the SW SE; thence N, along the Eline of SW SE 1)5' to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described; thence W, parallel withthe S line of the N! of the SW SE 660'; thence N 450 W 156'; thence W, parallel with the Sline of said N~ SW SE 55(!)', more or less, to the W line of said forty; thence N, alorg the W line of forty 85', more or less, to the NW corner of the SJ Ni of said forty; thence E, along the N line of the S~ N! of SW SE 1)20', more or less, to the E line of forty; thence S, along the E line of forty 195', more or less to the point of beg. /.~/.;( 9!J5"' - /jt'J dLL-fl Ai ~~ ; ~~ ~,fr."" ,..,..".~