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.~ '-', V.., File No. ~ .FtjU:?$/Co,ME 'fOWNE~.f.' :<87&5t-. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I:JCJ BALE PRICEI Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO - - - - 'i2 Earl Dickinson et ux 3 30--.2 s .2.. JJ: L S p~ 'l'-' ';h -1;'0/7J1 fl. # ,-<). {}, >4-'..7,,'/ , clvdJlE. Kci.qh~ e - - - - ~.7rlZ ;;'7 /1A "'u, ~ :..iP.A,) - ux (E r 0 -- 'fh1 1/-,2$# r - , C'lyr1", E. ,\!light et ux (EleanorJ WI) - - ,I R ---r , - , - - - - - P' 71 L M ...L -d. ~ JL :,::) ()~ ~ '-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~... ,,,'" -------...-- -------- - -- - -- ----~~ ----------------- .-... ___~.1Jt'__ - ........ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ~.J>t) Year Oyster Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvernenb B.ofE. (Bulldingl) VALUE l5'~ /0 16 /L-fc) '79 CJ 1130 .!8 9. 30 9.30 /1"-0 - <190 //3 Ci '- !h /~o /..1 SO /3 70 /-/-0 3tbO .5"'00 ~ 5f.3tJ l{JeJ ~.~O /.:< .5 ScJ 3&0 /:;~0 "I 7,30 .Q, ,;nJ '1.30 lib '/0 3t:.o SI.b li.1 //5 I/o ~!,g- ~~o l"t~ ~ /9"iJ .5lJ ~#:-iff ~/J/} tJ &0 /S't!!) d/& /-' //1 1-1'17 ,$ 1;',% -- 5<Y.$O /~~& ~-</() 1'7'/ J~,.._ -1., 30 I,,fa f: /lJ S3'f0 /I'P~ ~ 6#J<J < '11'- > ff! . VM~ f:;7$t9d .3'34V ~ ~ .?t; ~.;fO ~ '?To 3?~ ~I ~ 30 3 90 :i"16" 0 -;J,30 1.20 /. Ii! 1/'-/'790 f'tj 7,30 1,8'0 9/0 .;5':2.390 7stC,oo IIC, "110 i LOT BlK. ~ I , '. SEC. TWN. RGE. #0 - - - " . ,,-~ ,.- ' '. "... -~ . .~~;~.'~-..~~-," -,-~ ---.- (Tract D of S.P.#1466) All that ptn of the N 1/2 of NW NW of 32-20-3 W,W.M., lying S of the N 325' thereof, excepting the W 810', as measured along the N line thereof. ,-.~....~ ---- * Ex. S. 15 Acres N. 10 Acres Tr$. ~ 4-1'-'1-10 - /1- /.::2... pt- rTl '9 I I i I I I I I I I I . - . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS &,JO Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impi'"C7v'ements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE N ~ :1,,71 3.77 -"'u . /2'D 011'1 v 1/t,J!O ~- 1/ I_PO f's / /.:< Jt.:<r. ,..., 01"" , _. - ;