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Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS IS'S- SALE PRICS :d. ~ P:rt :UD F~~ L- ~=- -5.6- , 61...2L. C; James H. Dani"'s et~ J llX a -i600. , -1L 1..1/ql,~~ J1. ,- "Q. If) jj. ,).,r / 51/ L </19 5 3 !i..LtL ~ 7" _ ....&;-s.:t~ I/J/ ~m --/" ;.f ,7f 'TJ.' 7?'7. // 7 /~~;~~t'~ OCLJ , dDCO . - - - - , - f-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- ''01''''''''',( ",. ..J.'.".. " ,,~. '.. 0("'. . ~,' ,. " . . ' , .-- -"" ,.......... .'......--:. --- ~. . - . ------ ---=-----,--_..... NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS v... Oyster TImber Unlmprovld Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved IlIIproved Improvemen" B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE S&, .,7,/9 /0 /0 ,;;7 ~U'1 .:;;, 19 /~o /AO , %:>() .:1,1 q ,;J, /f Ido c!).r:,.9~ d.77!{, M ~/9 ;;<, Fl ::<<.1-5 d2t.S-5 .;2.7'0 ZJ g ~ --/7 .3 - J:J..:?.:J SL .2..:;' '-:'<:'" u.:;;; il.. ,L) ,//) , :?';:~tf) ~<?;;/J k //? /-;,/ c/" ./7 .' /. 1/, TG 6C. -16 6311) F ..., _ ~ 7f' Ic-rJ ~ "3."1."35' /%71:>0 b..7023.5 J.!L 37Lj() ,;(/,fJ/o X~~7) JL /19 /00 ~./"i /It:>oo 37/(> 0 ~g/~o .1!L 1,/9 I, (J 0 Z,19 11{)t)() 371M -,lR/OrJ I f LOT BLK. ~H<V\t~~m , ,~ ' SEC. TWN, RGE. ..., - ".. . " ".:~""--.,.,..,,._. i/-~ ,/ 170 D ~. ' .~_~,"l<o~' ._,~ oyr,~,,~,-,~,~ l-,'"' _"_""-~. "., ~ ~ I~ ..r"'-~"-~~"'_"I'!'"'-""".-"""'J'~ p - 574 'Jl ',", TR. in the SW NE &NW SE sec. 32-20-3. Beg. at an iron pipe marking the center of sec. 32; thn. No. 2015' ea. along tHe Westline 410' thn. No. 85015' ~a. 165.5' to the Nt corner and initial pt. of Tr. thn. No. 85015' ea. 207' thn. So. 2000' west 473' to th Rjw line of Co. Rd.thn. along Rjw No. 88015' W. 102. 2' and No. 88030' W 102.2'to the Sw. corner of said Tr. Thn. No. 2015'ea. 447' to the initial pt. of said Tr. Being know as Trs. B& C Wivells Subd. I ',~~m ,-,~ .- '--&lit.a"