HomeMy WebLinkAbout320314200000 Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /30 SALE PRICE! Rd. 6oh. Port PUD 'PD - - - - - - <;2 Jack A . Cole l ~ s 2...- L S "P Sf;; J7q~t. "i ~~~dLIu ~ - !L #3$:<5''1 - - - - - ?i '303t.{o5 -;;;:;. ~;. ,?, ~ 7 ~ J?( ( 1<09 .s. .2. -!:/. -.L .if wa.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - .. -- ' ..........' " ~~ ---- ~ ----~~---~~------------------------------------------- ~ -~ ~~ NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS "}, ...0 Year Oysllr Timber Unlmprond Improved TOTAL Oyller Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemenb a.ofE. (Building.) VALUE l5'3 /-/'-0 L,Lo .2..Af r L,? cI :rq 3,/ / <f6 :;".)0 30 .2 %0 5'7 1719Y/1 J'/,oo /..00 clo.o,) -<Iv .2 Gu 3{) 3;2(/ 1-1''7 1'7/..1 ~ ,'1'l'oo I tJO -)/0.0 tJ 40 _~tJcJ .30 .3?a I.?,/ Z /<17; " ?0't>'1) /ft), cJ7) ~ ~~o - ~~D ,J), ~ ~ ..:r2 ~ t1 I~-/) , 7" C' /: ':07,) /2;:00 ~J/.J 1.2 f'S 7. ~ 7:?/)o ;S7 J Z5 7::? c?,;25 .7\'00 ;; (j ,;;l...5 7d /CJYr, - laM /.5bCY) 1.5 I~; FORES'] rfo , H()J;,' FIC,o " //-ft.n 8433 " , 7'~ /&>co 16uo 77 Itrfo IY'-In 7g '/' "':" d,[;J.,' ,C"- .- _, ,_~_ IN h/ It'" . ) jX/" () I J?t,o , - lOT BLK. . - , SEC. >WN. RQE. ~U13 13';;tOlddElQl -i , .FORElR, , , ",-'.'-, , .-- - . '. , -, Q -- ,- . :'~_tf!~0J3:~d- cY~~ C- [.~ /-r~nb-7/~-Y -r/~7 7/7;/--1& ~/L., '_.'.... I _.~.t, -~~-,. ..--~.~ _-c___....~r-'~-___ ..,."'.-- ~ ~-- ~' -. _d ,;. -, I 'I I I I I ! I I I I , - I .- . - -L NUMBER OF ACRES I. I VALUATIONS ,/0_ 4".0 Year I Oyster I Timber I Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I Oyster limber Unimproved Imprtl"ld Improvements B. of e. (BuildlnQs) VALUE fo CLASS. FORE::'l <jtJC 0 /j.{) CO ;). () 00 ';<0.0.0 tl " ....m ........ L/o, 00 4-0, 0 J d)/';;;'O ~/;:J..O '62 CLA.! !J FOREST - ~'15"S- t ;2 ') .s-!i' ~~ 7't? .0 0 ,/0,00 3/.;(s - 3/':<.s- - ~'1 3/S"eJ .5 /.!>o -- lye; -3105 -3tOS --.-- -. -- I- --- --- ---- - I ------- --- ----- -- I 1.__ - -' -- - ------- --- ---- --- - --- -=1 ---- ----- _.,~-- 1--' - - - -- I -- ~ -. -- ,-1 'i / Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1,30 SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - "2 Adolph Smi th >; >;O~ S l L SFP - Itt'1~ '/?o V ...T. f(, '711 ;6 e ( ,-I "J' -L - - - fi- 'Ok! I VIN da p. Y2 ,1- IcY. >'3-<.3'8'0 1J If' - - eN? 1f7.17 e,t=-. ~ J!~ -"/11 /I -'fh1.3 /I - - - I- - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____~L:--;---------------------------------------~---L--~____.. '. ~. ~.... ---' NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS -, ',~ Year Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 53 ) t:J. L It) c I Lie cJ IL,L OcJ .f3 /6,;2. tJ /',;<'0 ;2 30 .230 ,~ {PI / C:,..;(o /(;" -;J,..o -r:-O~ ?L05"" ),/.. ,~ % .t)/~ J//J !, " a .z~ ~()~ ..,.,"":' ,;?__.?_"){,:,O ~;'-'f?'-'0Q 70 C-//h, /' ~/E /.5'/,h (' /.57t:. c 751 ( -..: ..to% 3/:)';;'6 ;J/S02Q :'rJl" /'fdi:",' )9<~;;() 17~ c5s .2-7..:< ..2-/.2 2//0 2//0 .~ ~.., ,-:"). --. -~"'7- -=:... - Sc,,!c 7r> /.3 ,1'.Fc;L . "'- ~ LOr: BLK. 0 1 1 , . \ \ , LU SEC. TWN. ROE. , . < - .--- -' '. -- -.- ,--~ " .._-..-.... ..'- --" l' .--- ---'-~ - -..;;,:----- - -"'-'......:.: ___-~7~_...-__'~___ -- ---- -.. * Ex. Trs. 1-2 swt 'lit SE , ";' - ~ Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /36 SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh, Port PUD FPD - - FP <;2 Rose AU ce Warren --2 ~ s e2 ~ s - .!1-1 0i1fl4 J ~, r/Jtl~ L - L W;; , - - - - J..1J, /13 l'lk.a' /3~ ;!-;u il3;?37-? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~:-=-~~-------------~------------~-------------~---~~----~~~~-_:~~~-----. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS , Year Oylter Timber UnlmprOVlld Improved TOTAL OYlhir Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B. olE. (Bulldlnal) VALUE I)'~ S- -5 d&'o .;< CJ rJ /i t. cJ 53 s:- S- ~o ..z 0 CJ ..z6cJ '- ,~ to ~Y'o ~o 47.. 7fdO /; ()() SO() - 50 -5"$10 5jJtJ ~? tJ 57 if (}O /00 S/)(J 50 SO /50 .1.50 'r' _1-;-':) ',-;-0 -_./--~. - /00 I,' ,!/- ~;?; ~iJ , - /2-, :a .. - ~ ;" 7'" ,;,.'/ / ;-() ':'~'" ) ..!P, .:J ;2350 - ..." -' 71/ (;{ //O~() //rJ/J ..<"106 /,- 0 6 1h _C:,OcJ - 5';:'.,5..-"0 <0 cC, S~SZ) 7'7 .5EG 2-5'0 .2.5'0 "7 ZhZS "7.... - .. --.-::-- ..::--- -~.. -. " .s~", 'h;/iL . - ,(s-" , , i LOT BlK. r I ~ ~ I . : , . . , ! 1 , I SEC. TWH. RGE. - , _--.-~ - , - ".-.< " Bgn at the NE corner of lot 5 of See 31 Twp20N tt3 W..M .rin S on & e ~ ~ine OI saia ~ot oou' Thn W parallel with the N line of said lot 330' ThnN parallel with said ~ line 660' to the N line of said lot Thn E on the N line of said lot 330' to the place of bgn containing 5 aqres more or less ,...- ~--.~.-- ,---.- ---~- ---,