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I DISTRICTS ~/ V..r File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO ..;., SALE PRice Rd. llc.. Port PUD FPD , - - - - - - - 52 12029 Alfred E. Baker et ux l .Jd s ~ ~- L SF -+- #!f05l'f 3h,f 11q7.5:r; !rIA 'j',;e "eCK J..?...... P#.b / ("J!.. -*- !!I .L !:tL .s... 2.. .4 L JL V ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - .~":" -> ..,;If....... .,...., .- , - ,~,".", '~ - .. .. > . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS IE .p6 y.., Oystor Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL OYlt.r I Tlmbtr Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B. of E. (Building!) VALUE E 5,00 ,5,00 /CJO <,L/O ~- / (J Ei. 5.(JO 5,00 /00 / ';{~6 13";<'1_ - 2'1:... 4,,:)0 100 5. (JO .yo 50 / ,;( yt(1 /.3'70 il L/, 00 ~t?CI 5,00 Yo So /730 / J'G:,0 t,O -'/.00 /'00 ,5,00 ,fi:l So .;;I 575- ;)76S' kL *erv j,{..rV S;~ /fJO S-o ::? 5'75 .;J77~ - ide /,20 /70 ,;z. S-7;;; ,;2 J'("~ k " ;/./ /50 c2'/u 3-2 J () '?:.;"PO .A ! --....' -' izi 3J~ "" ,.. (p /';;0 - --- IS-O -' ,/ ~ .3 ij t! ....? "/ t! .22.. '-% ,?;.t-:'-1 6m :0>:;'- 1'" X , /""rll% 13&() , 13(.,/1 , 7& +- :?R",o ? pt,() <61 3 n, 300 /qS-IO /3S/o 91- \ 139(j / ;3 S'"1tJ LOT BlK. ~O~;(~r~~ o.J)' OLY2! ,- SEC. rWN. ROE. " .~.- _r._ ., ,.-.,..-.;,-- ..--... , .....- .. '",,-~-"":'ioi:-:-i~:">' '~","-, - .. , -. """,.. ",....,..--":--<'"'-~-- "....~~.....-;.~--.~... , ~"f Fonnerly: E! E~ E! BW BE ALSO BY QCD AF#292033: The E 20' of the fallowing described property: The N 300' of that part of the E 1/8th of the SW SE 29-20-3W.W.M., lying S of Co. Rd known as Mill Creek Road; EXCEPTING therefrom public roads, if any. ~;:'. .- . ... --j ~ "-.. <\.......'.-'> ~,..- <I..;.. ~