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Y.., Fila No. NAYE of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE! Rd. .... Port PUD FPD - - p+ 52 120602 Charles Rader et ux ':\ 1..2 S ':\ l.. L 81 ~ if f 1:/:.2.. .s... ..3... l!L -.f. 1L . -!Ib#:{{49 -;f"a~~~:?>jJf:!iJe.-b - . .. - - - G, 7'" '192'lcI Pad..- /1-. :Ii:W~ Lj MID . - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - ..' .. '. ....~ -"". - .- -- ----~- -~-_._- .--- ..- . , NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS . -, , V..r Oyder Tlm~r Unlmpr.ovod Improved I TOTAL Oyst.r Tlmbtt UnImproved Improved I,m.,...m.nto B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE fl 3&& - ("J~& 3D C,() So /1/0 ~7,CO 2L 3,(,.t.- .],06 (;,.(,.(,. dO (,.(j (,.,0 ISo - H 3,&& 3,00 b,ttf SG! u() 00 /70 M !J:b ~ /'0-0 0.60 55 /30 6U ,;:( cf-s M /70 /70 00 .tJ06 &. ~ 'J,--;f .2/.(1 .2 /.6' ".,~ .j.-(),,?J :::J", / k,1 ,;;,// l,tH) .,3,;/ /;gS 30() 7...~ 5~(} ,2L2 L?o~ ;370 ~o() /:,)0 //.,2.0 , ZL :; 70 /. IJ t) ;;:<.90-1) 3;170 a 370 -&-- -e 376 II -q //J &, &'0 ;(;'/JO 3,,;2.70 1':3 310 -n- --e-- .37/1 7f' 7E/o /';;00 (,4-SO ~'?,'(o H LV, . ~ I? ~ 7l-fo .Jj- --e--- 7-'-/0 75 ..7 ./ / /.00 3,( ( 7~o /.?OQ t '/50 P3'/c LOT BlK. "L-tCpl~ "If-(f.tJ IEC. TWN. RaE:. ',"" i " .. -~... ~ ,,' , _.~ ,., ... - ,...... ~ " -.' -,-_. .. -".'c_', / :". , -., ~ '''".-~ ,'" ~- .- .;.-< ,~- r"',,-, Formerly: '''''';;''~:''.'-. Tr. 13 of C.P.Saeger Farm Seg ex. E 330' .""', . ~------'~ Beg at ~ corner between secs 28 & 29; th W 2088.77' to I.P.; th S 1320'; th E 550.60'; th N 1320'; th W 550.6' to I.P. ~~~. ~ :~~7~~"---=----;-----~. '~'!" ,e.-., Y.., I 0".., 1i.f-- 7/. 1'i xl b if 1." -.- "", ~ .. - _e,. "~' NUMBER OF ACRES _ m.. . __ I,;. J ( TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL 2.11 --- - I.. '"'- '. I, <0 3. II /'001 II .~cr- .... I I 0,.." Timber 1~,.J.u. < (( ,. ( VALUATIONS 6. i'c> Unimproved Improved Improvements 8. of E. (Building,) VALUE 7J/a -t:r ff 7'1-0 t../Gt,o ?'7..2o 1/5.>50 /;1.1 /!J @- c:;J// CJ </-LI-o L c,~o Jl ~g() J:J q'ill II,;{O/') 1..J'I/7'0 /,::;,"!tfIJ .:J-'?S;t" 3~SS() /:1 9ts 3~"'",Ct <i.;? 9.!S- t .... ~ ~ ",. , "",'"".