HomeMy WebLinkAbout320291200030 I""'" Y... Flit No. N'E of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7r.l SALE PRice 173511 Rd, Soh. Port PUD FPD R W deed (j. "l5'';<:l&O - - - - 52 !O5~7~ Walter L. Strickland et eX 3 42 S 3 4 L #6542 69 0 57 169707 John V. Sullivan et ux Adlai Heines - - - - - i3250 /'/ /9b/~ 7 /;//7 , ))(" ;- ; ) . -I- IU V 0', #: l/I.~ v_ .:;<'~/""'A .-...s-dJ.f)O I t,q 1/9'l?yr ;$f. ~ .I / 2/ d.2. .::L ~ .fL rt:JA-/ 1.{/j~ / ~~ ...L ~ d.. ~, ./;-;, 1 jJ, ~ ,. ""-"-"'.-'3- -4- .. --' - - - - - - (;. Qodj t.r- ~fl~'''9 0.-./.-' ;Y. kI~ - -.- - - - - /3 8'2.6'L1 t~'h' V ~ n/ -/; #;') ,.:/0;- ~ "" f-~ ~ G~/~ J..QLill 396235 I- #75762 hirley Ann Stites (coX) - - - - - . 10/81 396236 Ronald Coots et ux (Patricia) - - - - - - #75763 (WOP - - :-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - I .. ..' " ~ , ."....'n'-::-.~--c""""~ - ~.__.- - --_._-~-~-,..- ___u_ ---- , -- --- .,.. . '. ',' NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS v... Oy.t.r Timber Unlmprond Improved I TOTAL Oyster I Ilmbor Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE ~ I./g I/t 9'0 ,q.'7(J 390 5<1 /'/$' I.I? flo So tJ .5 fLo - Fe. /,I,f //!! 50 SOO SSo &,,0 /,/,(7 I./t' 50 ~.?5" 7.3S- i2L ;,1;' 1./; 90 (.. i' ~ 7'7S- Mz. //.0 J'~o Y7t:J (/; /, :j' cJ /80 /30 :f'hO 970 . i?L ,h cJ ,I, () 50 - 5eJ .2Q I-se; .% /CJO /OcJ 'Z!L I/A" ~) ~O{) -::2 00 .2#. ~('C i~(':' ;<1 ' t, CJ '/"0 3CJO 0 3000 -.iL ~ ., ",2;Z 0 0 ;2';;" 00 W , &0 ,bO .;{ :2.clo ~,;(~o . . .~~~ T~N~' ROE, ' J3!X> ~q.1 ~ CiQ d. ~ . -- . -"- - .. --. . . - ---.,~..,., ..~ .'"l"_,.._. '.~.C.__.~~;'-< .~-,.,,~--~.,-.-. Formerly: st W~ E~ E~ NW NE rJS:. 't 8r'th S 32,5' th f' Also following descriptionl'/ CcJriirilencfng af a p01.nt afrfge'NW corner of E~ E~ E~ NW NE; thence S 620' to I.P.; thence in a Sly direction a distance of approximately 625' to a point on the Nly boundary of the Arcadia Road which is 16' Ely of the SW corner of said Ei E~ E~ NW NE; thence W 16' to SW corner of said Ei E! E! NW NE; thence N a distance of 620', more or less, to I.P. ~~--~ " ""-.-?" EXCEPT: S 325' thereof.