HomeMy WebLinkAbout320234700020 Y.., Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 70 SALE PRICE Rd. 10'. Port PUO FPO - - - - - - --R 117517 Helen Margaret Mitchell , 42 S 3 4 J --2l. 148792 Vernon F. Morgus et we ~ JI"y) t/ ..L l"c ..2- 5 ""L .!:t' ~ lL - f- - - - f- - I- - - - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - - '- -- ---- - - . - .. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS You OJ.blt Tlmbtr Ul'llmproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Impto....d Improvlmlnb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5:? .3. J. tS 3..:2 (; .;;; (JO .;;; () 0 .51/ 3..J;i' 3..? f)" ;:("0 '1</0 &, '1'0 - St, /.Cc /.C'C ,2, LJ 0 5() /:';-0 L/ ,/0 I/t/O il .70 .2 CJ () ,;;;, 7cJ .~D .';:?z:'() d'{'~O 2 ,f~O .k..D. ,/() ;;;. " c 2?o --e-. ~7o ;< 1/0 -3:S-f'o il ,70 3.~5" 3. '1S- bGO t,t/ 'jI 0 ~J'9'o I~ t..<1 9~rJ .$7/" ~ ~ R'/.< b~ ?/~ /1& ~ff:i$& P:/'PLJ ~ ~Z 3fdcJ a'~ /--:24tJ , 9Sl) /.3tbo ~f"/o !t1!:, 1i ,. ...., /&~a ~ ~.&.,7 0 7' Irr()~o t.:U791 1,,/l.!.c'cJO ?J . 7."J t1 ., f-.J .{ 9.s- "/,!;'"t.A,~, z.:"A(')c 1/3'.?.:lt..-" - --,", ~~ ~<I -t.- .. A 'i5~V. 1:<:1. ~^(i Ib7hbO LOT BlK. ~I;-,.r -< t,C? i~ i -,) .'fi7T lEe. TWN. ROE. : .. " "3. . ' ' ,2, .9.L . ," .. . -- . '. ."""- . - "- ~ Formerly: Tr. 21 or Tr. 1 or Secs 23 & 24 ex W 100' & 2l-A E 97.50' or W 580' of following desc: Beg at a point on N line or D.L.C. 1250' E or NW corner of Simmons D.L.C.; th Ely along N line or D.L.C. to meander corner on line between Secs 24 & 25 on S side of Bay; th W along sec line between secs 24, 25, 23 & 26 to a point S of I.P.; th N to I.P. r?;;;.o;<,.f;/f'- /?,w d.LLd A ~,7;;r ~~ '/87 - -~ - ..~-:- *Ex. Tax 258 Bl-B5 I T I I I I T T I I I - - . . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Impr(M!ments B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE N . -/,) ~ - .' -:< ~ '1C;-65'() I:~~?c.u /t.. 7 I"r~ .":1, .. ~ .