HomeMy WebLinkAbout320224600120 Ye.r FtI. No. NAME.fDW ~O~d 5r,~~ACTTO DISTRICTS ' C) d. $ch. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE! 3..k~l.lh.1L2. p-\- fI( ..L Q ~ ..:I.!L.L.f:L _ -#'- _____ __'Xj-e>oo.7/'Of<, ::.... '----_._------;:._::.._-~:_--- -- -.. - - -- -- - - -~ - -~:: - _: _.:: ~:: - - :.-- -_: -.- - _:: .-:::::::..::~.: ~.- -- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE 5) 9.&.1 (;.(,,3 '/-70 jL70 '-' ~ /..,.-<;t, - 1;,; 3 (/: I '1 3(J .I;//'cJ ,?t:JCJ 151 /5C:. '/ "f II 1'1 :?o ~?O :l~)5 33JS . 33/5" n 1,5 !P ,f, !P '3 /,,:JO 11,1'1 .30 570 /00 .-2,('/5 59 ::?iJ.;:; ~7 iJ / tJ Zl ~ 11f} .$b/a-' &tJ /.Sk 7/;;'; ..;? Ot! '{ ...e' //~ J,j'l ~ .1//,:) #'6:;.0 1;-/ . k.L ;. S-fo 7.B- .:?ov /l.li II/)' 139S" (,LSO t:; t, 015"' kk PD //:;- /39.5" 4150< t,otJ.<' ~ ' L..9 //JtJ /-,/S J~4S I~RIJ ?,t-2,O - 'd lEi ./IAL:: 1/_ .__ 19.;2~", .,d/~ //JY1o -/Q-/", ~ I.: ~% ~/() ~f&3 t/l5b I~ ~ ~ - ,;)/.0 ~ftJ /.&79 1~.?3(J .;Jif/cffcJ :?i. / tfd/h 4/58'0 12/~~ ! -o5<?/rY,. .........,t~ - 76 /,-5f;. SJ.3 AI., 0 /f r '/ 3/ S-3?J 375tC b 9 (;;so .(,// /..,117.<;1. 9,;< 7~O :'l~'''- LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ROE. . '" - /,)/'('."" . ....",?2 "0 1 Tr~~t 1" of A. H~lllsD.L.C. & Tax 240-E " Formerly: Tract l-E A tract of land in the Alfred Hall Donation Land Claim # 3$ in sec 22 'I' .......""'13.. 'V';:P "v n.." .. ....... Bgn at a pnt on tne sec line between Sec 22 and 27 said twp and R which is N $7"43' .. 1726.$0' from the Sl!l corner of said sec 22 Thn N 1$16.$2' more or less to the ~L Thn following along said ~:L ...J 6$0 iY232l77' Thn51721.01' more br less to the S line ,of said sec 22 Thn S $7043' E along the S line"of sjid Sec 22 216.0' more or less to the pnt of bgn containinD 9.031 acres more or 1ess the S 30' thereof being subject to R of W of Shelton-Arcc,dia Co rto Tax 240-E front of Tr. l-E of A. Hall's D.L.C. ~ .........- ~-- :;:..:..:-_~.. ~"....._... ~:.JOO_."'__ ~-~.~~~ ~lIJ . --.J I . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved I m proved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved ImprCJo'ements B. of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE 8'1 ;'-b"t. S/"g 'foo ///9 /3/tJo 0 fl.;< 7CJO .? I 37tH)