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Yea, FU, No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 7D SALE PRICE! Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - ~ Alma Hurst fI) ,,- . iJ /J.d.? If 3- 1K- --.S. 3- ---L. JL ~, ~ 'sSr6 /('''iZ1rJ. I 6?J IV /tMtPA. " 'I - - t.5~ :l ///J/Jt;" vM/i A,t7 ;/. #/~ 4) 9-,,,, S( I 11-.2- .5 3 !t. L f{ J,t, IJ/I/llt) ;/'_~A )AJ A) /AA/I d{ , #'- / f)/p_ ./1L. - - f-- - /"t, 1 J9'%'Ji:' <,'010 .,,/ V - - - - /'1_ An~.~g J/)" ~(? /M" . ^ j 5bi- 3~DJ5.~~ -j},!JA, iL. ~'-- ,~A' / 300D - - - - ~,,~'n3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- --'.. ,..."';;;_-::_~':'__._----------';'_':'- ---~-- ---- -_:. ~-,::-:-:: ----,--: -~:_~ --- - -- :..-.: -- - .:~-::~~~-~:-;~,:=",;;-~.~ --- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yesr Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unlmprovett Improved Improvllmenll B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 69 ,;(() I./I() j,:<, () 3';{() I/o 4L-S () g'IO ~-z , ,;{tJ /1 t? {I J,,;:( () dl;20 7"0 <3>-a' 0 9"/0- 2.:l- !~(} /'::<0 3</:'0 530 9,/0 $... /.:J ~) I, .:JJ) ,J6o 7 M; II .:l-F M I. .:;J;; /..:?t'] a..z .{J 76 "r / 'if' (J k /.;U; /.:uJ /.:? ~5" b'/ ~ J9tJS- ~ --' /-~1':3t) /!5'cJ -"l0:,-t>It .y <.,z .b/90 :P5o 3~1"~ 2t2 5J% .ygJD('J J?>>tJ 6a:fJt:J $ ~S() l/ftJ& 11Ji,!!0 2!J'- - /9stY6J ~//. L;:Jt:i j'~o A . ;20 750 /t:t/bO ,?7.;JCO ill I . .?.o /.,).0 /157s?; ,;>.75'iX /#,,3.:(5'0 8~ . 11J7tJt:JO :( 7S"(Jv 13'/S(}O , LOT BLK. <l ~ldO~JW~if~~ SEC. TWN. ROE. ~2l 20 J Tr~.ct S of Govt Lot 4 /,,{ -' .r Formerly: Tr. 6 of Go~ Lot ~ except 6-A The W.l?5' of Lot ~,i~.s2C 21 .wp20 N n 3 ~~M being a tract 175' wide "I ". ,., C' rh ''''d cc~t . i 3 6 1 uy ';1..LO.&.. .J..VH6 vi.\. vu..... .. .................. --- .I..:.aln nz . acres more .or ess Except a R of W 15' wide lyinF, across the S end and a R of.w 15' wide lying along tr'e IV line of snid tract an~ extending from the sac line Nly ~58' to connect with park. except portion of tract 7 f.nmerl known as tract. 6-A y -::-,;..- - . - - ------ -_. , --- * Ex:lc;d~xA; ~ ..- \.