HomeMy WebLinkAbout320152070830 Year FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 191 SALE PRICE:: Rd. Soh, Port PUO FPO - - I-- - ~ 120601 stout Brothers 1 402 S l L r1 ~ ,/ n+ - I-- -# l'ntl1~. t i,,,, L ~ ~ .1.. s:.. L IA (":V...R4-41.(. //t/{/'" _ J000 .0..eL f1 h .132' t!.I. . ~ J cZ. ~".'U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - e--- - - - I-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._---.' _________ __ _ ________________.________ _u_ _-- _~-: __ _ __::.:_ _ __ ___; __ _ ____:':. -;".~__o:" NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Bulldlnus) VALUE 59 if. 7.5"";(1 ?//r- 4Llo 6-, /-I/J ,1~ ~~ .3q<; 3<j.-L - ~ :'39.17 It' (i ,7. 7..5. 370- I :,~ ~7. ,9 "-' " iirJ 3J"O. / sf! 3t" () I (? . 3&,::;, 3(.,5 .& tf<i ;f~ v. - ,/, .... ,./~ -'4- .:J.D. :2-1 C- d 30 .;:zu, ree If I, 3 ,e- :;/:)" d-/;;-' 6:/ _A /I~ k~ ~J6 ~AL;"" Ii '7,-/..,( "- / X', 41 ~e -? -y; .;:J? ,tJ .;1? tJ ?Jl -~.& 511tP 5~ ~ 5#h 541@ it- "" /NC; /4!Pb 1& /rJ <1 (J / /v 7:- 7~ J5?H' j, /0 )f() -, I c. /O;ro LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~ADi [~ :1:6 7.(f.8~ , f."_....r \. 11) ?O 1 T~x 1181 * --- - ~. ."~, App 11322 That portion of the tl of the 2nd c in front of lots 4 & 5 sec 15-20-3 lying SWly of a line which runs N 280 16' W + S 280 16' E across tidelands from the most Wly pt of an Oy tract, said pt also being S 390 00' 30" W 26.90 chs from the mc on the N line of section 15 & having a frontage of 40.75 lc mil 1.3;; / e ,,-rr.-->'~ /, .3 / ;( t t'?V //fl--o . __ ____ ____ _L.__ *Ex. rr 1183-1\., H, \; I 8 u I J It -tv /2'/tAt:u /d /.!>- ;t/t/uU .3/ -=.:. - - -.~ F, -Cr,-I::I,l.J_-,f(~L.....:-P1--n~cr-?~~p..---S- ~ .~NUMBER :.- ACRES--- I.J r.+-o. VALUATIONS I I . . I 1 -- I I Y..u Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Impr~y.d ImprovClmClnfs B.otE. (BuildinQl) VALUE ~ ..!!_:.JJ i/. . - /0';>0 ;a ,pO - ----- - - -~ ..-- --"- -- - - ---- - --~- -- - --- ===1 -- ----- ------ ---~. --- --- - - --- 1----- - - --- - - I - / --- --- I 1- ."---- -- I i I i Vial File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1'7f SALE PRICE Rd. Soh. Pori PUD FPD r.e~~ftn d. - - - - - - --22... GeOrge M. Brewer et ux Ta 1".,.. 1 ~ ~ -1 2_ -1. .Ji. #1'3823 - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - I- - - -- I- - - - - - - 1-.- - - - - < .. . - -",---', ~..._----==-= ---=----~=~-------~-~-~--~-~-~~=~--=-------~--~~=-~-- --- --- .. . ~ .'t.." .,~. . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear Oydlr Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber UnImproved Improved Improvemcnb B. of E. (Buildlngl) VALUE Z/- /, 51 '" e. /.7- IS- I. ) -P- ---- LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. CLLG~-;-~ La...u.J - - --- ---- Tax '183-J - ... 1 'j 20 '3 T.L. front of Tr. 23 of Sunset ~ .~---- --";>C;\;l , .~ -, - Yoar FUe No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS IT/ SALE PRICE . Rd. Soh_ Port IpUD FPO #1~Q20 I--'-'- -- - - -2.L GeOrge IV;. Brewer et ux .A.Jor.nson 1 1&6 s 1 .c; L $4000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - f-- - - - - - - - , .... ". , - - . ..fo"- .....----' --.... -- -......-- -~--- ----==--......_- --.....--------- - -'--~ ~- - - --~ - -'- -....- -....- ..-.......=- -- -........ - -... ........-- -....----- ...---... '..._-- , -~ ...... ..~ -., ..' - Ml\" t-,.. . a NUMBER OF ACRES ~ VALUATIONS Year Oyder Tlmbar Unlmprov(ld ImDroved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimproved '"":!roved Improvomenta B.o(E. (Bulldlngs) VALUE /r:Ffd _!7 IS'" L~ - ..b.!l ....p.r - - I LOT SEe. BLK. TWN. RGE. i '\15 20 3 Tax 1181_v T.L. in front of Sunset Tr. 21 .... -~.. ~ . DISTRICTS ;'1/ Year FIIIl No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE: Rd. Beh. Port PUD FPD #U,094- "5 - - 59 George "f.l Brewer et ux \'1. VI. Rau 1 402 ~ ..:L IT. .14000 ....-. -'-- - - - - - - . f-- - - - - - - - - f-- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -1- - - - .~ _..........', Y. M_ -.. ., . . ..~ """'e ----.... ~ ....---=----...-=_.- - =........ ""'-= -= ..._.....==--~-==... - -_.--==...,=-= - =~=---=---- ~-~- :t"'r--_ . .<!,.o!-'''''' .' -- .. ,.... ~ .... . ....... ..... ~ . . ~..... '" "'<< ......".... . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yaar Oyd,r TImber Unimproved tmproved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved [ml)tlwflmenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE .c9 (,,j-y./. (t ;.,- /.:,- r /." --E:!- - I SEC. TWN. RGE. LOT BLK. 1') 20 1 Tax 118)-L / Front of Sunset Tr. 22 -.-- 3t'... - &-:-. File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DlSTRICTS SALE PRICE! Ynr Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._---~~.~---- ------_..: _..:_--~:_---------------:.~----:':-::~-.;.-=-::- . -. - _. ... --.-------.----""-........- ----, . .. NUMBER OF ACRES . VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE - -- . . . - . . '< i LOT BLK. I SEC. TWN. RGE. 0I.l j ~. , "-um t . .. ----=.. ,.... 1/ 16 LU 3 1:ot 1 '-, (Assessed in Flat of Oakland Jeach) -.. ~ ~~_---.... * Ex.Tr. 1 - ~..".,..---_. ~ .~, .~ -..~. ." Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS Rd. Soh. Port pun FPD SALE PRICE! 11390' --f-- - ~ ----- ------ ----I-- I--- --- --1-- ----..= -''---- ------------------------------.-_.--:--- -- -- ---:---- ------------ --- -- .---""'.---- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Yeer Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE -. - . -- I I I i v LOT SEC. 8LK. TWN. RGE. __ II :'7f""" Tr. 1 or I~t , * (~c~pqSArl ~q ~-,h~r~1~'0~~ .~~"+~) / 1.6 20 '3 - ~--:;.~ . .. __ F '. * Ex. Tr. 1-A Hiway -_...~_. ....._..~ .----~~-~...._-- -~.