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Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 190 1 SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.1 Port. PUD l...EE!!...1 I -- 1I--114-S0 69 234996 J. D. Goodro et ux " .Marcusson 1 02 S 3 L H #19350 .~k.. 69 246279 erry B. Olson et DC $8550 ~ u jJ Zl. /_' :f/;:t - H '.P" ~6~ 7() .)J,/,Sj1' II S 3 S- L " - . -- "'-~-;; '~~ 6/71 133A'o.:?1' u 'ltAL 1.. . P-.~. -- it. ' 4 ~~ <t-s . JI'!~ i<'/>A iJ-$'.,:y 7)$; Jib/45 // c./.... , #r/&2:."1 ~ - ..Iz~S:otJ il'J:i" 'It I B!?!'.:!. 7[) /1,.t, '1J!.,,_. " " '!.L. 7/ ".P3 ..." . /';f / :?9uLti/ )/~ jJ.. I?.,ffc-v..l .l. f;(~ " " d 7 ~-R(p t-- w1:;> .l11r6 [ /~, f . (/(u"",_<; flY)/, ) Fo~;ru/2€ . I ...... - --.' -... ~-~- . ~.. . . - _.- .. --.--- n _..~ --- ---- .. - .. - .:---, - . ^. ., , ''''- - . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS (, ,?(J Y.., Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL 1 Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements 1 B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE /}j JO.(J-O /./JJ~-o ff 7!: F?~ 7A , 7' 1.7, / 7. ..;~ /7...50 >7:2 " '~"-~t? ;;20$ 0..-... 1/j , /<1<' % .5000 50Clc) 1(; I 6000 /'660 79 In,oo leJ 00 /2 rll'lO 1:<' 0 0 (J to 5E(', .6'.0/1 '::;:O/'J bClOO 6= )?J ':;.0(.) 500 75'00 75'<' 0 f3 /5000 /S"OcO LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ,~lf( ~~Lfio' I]I[JQJ 'W* N~ SE SW.' ,,-(' ( "\ ,.4 ?O "I