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Yellr File No_ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ Rd. Sch. I Port. PUD. ~ I I SALE PRICE #20441 $4<;00__ .di-:i?'7'797 ~17 nOb LEe 69 248010 ~ Ij/97C,:J 0' '\"-/L - David H. Beck TlJ/) ^. U 1 1402 S 'i , L H f1 ,C~~.L~/> c 3 ~ ill <T ~ '(J!L 1---= luoU ( ~ .., '- -- ''fIoo.<I;' . -..- . -. .. NUMBER OF ACRES 1 I VALUATIONS 6 rfZJ Yellr Oyrier I Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL 1 Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved Ilmp'ovomenh I B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE - !r/j .3<>-0 .;7, ,K) e-'),H c2(p5 319-0 .:?C::' 7.1 6 --?Z 53a r: tM //3() ~ ~ 1L 7So boo //I_~~ 74 1/1f7?% /~O c) /dOcJ ;<;7cJt:J i~ 3;;,oD 3C:;DO 7'i? ? 00 .:J .00 t;'.Od ~,;z~o tJ:J.. 00 8:3 jSclrJiJ /5()tJO '14 20 3 ~:Z~;OlC1'Zl'WJ .. .' wi- SE'SW sw /~,( LOT SEC. BLK. TWN. RGE. Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /9/ I SALE PRICE Rd. Sch.1 Port. PUD .m. I -. 69 248009 Benjamin K. Bllyer et ux 1 ,.02 S 3 L H Ie -- '11l . ';'017;l-f'oo'a" tU.!) )1L: J} ~, ~#..<.3 jiE' .;1.5(, ,":/;;? =,() 'if 1r;ti/g? 8-1b (" '7' 5/' 1/" --LJ; p{lfl' ~)A2 2) 3 5" L Iff 71.f~/ 5},2 J71/!<j ?~1{' " bf J7..u.t 01 ~ .. L ,L 11-1.;!E!3~ 3t 5/1 "A ;, I,;."R c.. '- rn, .A p H '.. 1~;1 . ~ b~.. L/.>A l-k, (L. \ ;: 807~"'"p 0 WD q ,..,..,,~ WLJ Zii3 dll f'1l.. '" ^ iln" 17 17. I,.,,,.. .___..~((J...I. ( U #iI6~~ hI.1> . Tq 'T (. " I I ~~-~ .. .. .-:-_.~ -- ----- ...,.-.. ~. -.. ~ .. .' . "70; .~ - .. .. .. ., .......,- NUMBER OF ACRES Li VALUATIONS Year Oyster I Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved jlmprovements I B_ of E. (Buildings) VALUE 6q ~th::.) $;,;-" /.;,~O 03 /9-r') /tJ$'CJ jp .:? ;';0 .:l.S-O- I;:;: r1 7S-D c,t?O /35-0 71.. 7.60 bC? / .3.5c> 7L/ /~% /5'ao L.2ao .;2700 1'6 J?5o /-<DO .295'0 7~ ~.. 'jo .2.<;/1 J.!.1100 -A- 1-(0,., Cl 83 7.5'00 7 S'Cl() K3 ~'"'" .. . ., <:j; , "=-..-. -er f7- , , . . . LOT sue IIIJl 1 1 , , fTD \ SEC. TWN. RGE. .. ., \; .1' ,,,., .:0 -iiE_C'!;l oW oW fo".(