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eI w #- :2 X't t/:/.7 NAME of OWNER CONTRACT 10 DISmlCTS / '7 / 1.5/'9S.;z _/ -f/ 95,3 Rd. Soh. P.rt~ FPDf-- ---5Z. Stella Bina 1 402 S 3 L 51 P -E/!J33,-q /~~ ~ Lf,ta._"L.2 c;- tLiL ~~ ~I ~orl~~~:;;~;) _ "- ---- ~ A~-"'-;. :; j, ,1'_,_ ~____ _',,=."'VO /.. 7 ""'';':'-b1 Jr..--v.... .;...tJ, J3J~.-/ .. e _____1- -it !;<n'<?8 .iZb.3tJ/,r3 !~e~ ,p- Lt" "/d .. I, - -"~6s;{1'h",c ~t~ttf !lIeA ~~f-tJ _____ #5C;;';:~, ,Q.hj i~~j%#-!!j/!~~Z"!; V!}8'1~9.5 , 'kn~j~ I:c-- f-- Y.76:-56I<>'$ ~ ?!i1. :}I /. - f,a.. -1k7. ,~W~ IL ,I'-. //1 I" 1\ ~/j';'&-9'$J''' -Currentuse ~ ~/8o 3-?7~3Ji ~lit.l/./rl/!t~kllJf;/?,(d-.M.l.u.,) r:? ....p-c:; I- , '<71fA?P1/L. V..r File No. SALE PRICE) ""'N't.((, #/,/&1'/ . ' ,-- -- ,....;. ~----------~""'_...._~..._-----:-----------~-_...... - ----~-- ---....:.::...: :-;-=- - "-.--_.: -:-~-..: -~-~ - ---~ .:_-".:.:. .:.~ - - -' . NUMBER OF ACRES . VALUATIONS , , Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL. OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved ImproYllmenb B.ofE. (BuildIngs) V~LUE 23. lr5S .1Id7i U3 '..J-&- -I5C5 ~ #-GGJ 53 I/.:WJ // ~ .kr ,3&6 . 53 ~ f/d-t:5 --;Z:zJ ~ S3 3.;to 3.:20 2() .;:j'tJ{) .J';>o _r;~ _'J /') S-X'O 1000 2h. ..;{",::JIJ hOn ;?, '7/: /0 .;;-t::> - ~(-) 01Z'cJ' ~ ':;.2/) /.0/1 ,'9,21J SO ~O 5"go bRo hI $,;)..<) .5, ;)...e) ~7o /o~5 /3/5 Ida c20d-. ;l,o .?i /()O //C) 0 /:?o 0 ~ . "':f% ./. ~ ... /3.7....'; /5tJtJ "".,6 il. .:/./i tJ /3:7..7 ./.F oZ ::; ~ - ~ ~% '7lJtJ 1..,:(7...4' IJ 3~5l1 1l. 15C) .505' :n~;o 5$''0';;- 71" /()7;'% /ScJ C7 ~/O 5'5'2; 0 7;'/0 75 d.lt 2.71 ..;/190 5'500 "1990 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. ."L~...._ ROE. _1 ':\ ?() ? ~~ ~~r5~o..^f)f\ "w "w * . ~lTrrfmt U~A /" ~..//. i QCD AFt; 307232; The N 100' of the S 500' of the wi wi ~ ~ 13-20-3W.W.M.; EXCEPTING therefrom County Road right-of-way. ALSO the N 267' of the S 767' of the W 1/2 W 1/2 SW SW 13-20-3W.W.M. .-3. * Ex. Trs. 1-2~ E. 3/4 . -" -~,-~ - --~_......---- - ~ ~ .~ u.r._ ~... __-"~L' ~::;'3 I I 1-'-'-'-,-,-,-,------ ~-~ ..~~;~":';':.~:~:.-::..-:....;....:.:.:---.---~7.~-.... --- --t_____ ~~-- -~_:..~:.. ---~:= .~~...:- -. -_: :.:. .::..:.-.... ...::;: -~.~~.- - - -- y NUMBER OF ACRES j- VALUATIONS ?'.PC; '" Oy.tu Tlmb.r Unlmprovld lm'rov~~ Oyder Tlmblr I U,lm"...' Improvltd jlmprOvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE: 27<] ,::,'/S /"O/!. /f .':V? (l ss-oa '118a .'Curr em- u.- In 'i Oel '9..3fr, 0 /-7 %1..Jl. fV) f.,Soa 7.31. 0 / .5>f Lo , ..;l.ad .yg ,7, ?;>? I (. ((0 '1.3[,0 l..'JIf 10 ].. iV\ '1'-15'cJ ~()SO C)36CJ I S&6CJ ).- d? 0 C/ 7~ --r vtJ GOOO 9360 IS"~G , 7I?' :;;< (/A 1_/1':" USE ~M 3300 L/ 7 J'!J- /:<'SoCJ .:? tJ-SY S- o:?t:J CJ "7Y ':<.7$1' -r S- 1/Jt:J00 I:<$"&JO .? :is'oS , '7l -tubJ 3300 CJ7fS- /.;< 5'tJ.1 ,;< IJ~'?!,- ~.() C/ ,7~ ~7.Y -r ,- /tJooo 1;:;"5'''~ ~:<. S"os' '-' /Y.t1 lit g",.,u t/78S I.:2SN .;2UE;F;5 -r 5 I JO()() I~SoU ;; ! '>(1.S" - I J", .72.. j'Q 20. f ~ k .12. N tf K