HomeMy WebLinkAbout320101300700 Year FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /91 SALE PRICE Rd. :~ IPO~'I ~UO ~ I - 12/, I) 256306 F. P. Peacock et ux E.L.Bennett 1 L H $12000 ~(A,1U 7J1~A-,r rI. (jJ h~ 1 41..;: .-- o/E 1/ II II S I~ t;" IL cL I3v05.R7 ~/,,, u ul.{i.... .'fJ. j{l , 1// "" d,3,]~ 'JI1.'.J VO/"u %'1 39S,)~3 lev /1 II If. ..I.. .1. p ( .J 'l'-75.3.R wn :;18~ <f503S~ " /' 1--""'- rC//fs rs.!;.S.~dC ~ ....... ....' , ,'.. ...." .._,~, . .', ,.". '.. . I ,. , . --L- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year I Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyder Timber Unimpro,"ed Impro,"ed Impl'ovl!monts I B. of E. (Buildingsl VALUE 761 ,,f~ .n\?O - -;1'0,0 ~ forI 1'J 2./j'74; ~~'7..5" "lit 110% ~ ,I~/S2J 7~ /3.50<3 1"I...,o~ 7~ . ;:((J , 'XO '7" ';;'/l" 00 1~ I MJ'L IJ. ~ #111_ 19900 J '1700 79 t / 1...,10&50 2'>500 '1(,,150 83 '<05"(1'" 361111'1 /d)t!,/)/) . / -J'''~~''''r'<lo ~~., . I _. , ~ .- .. ~-=-.."",......,.. f..~'f!t"1H,.lf'~ ~..tf~l~ . -' , - .}~,/)o"...,.."'"'~' LOT BLK. / ~~~]tJL31L9' I~l SEC. TWN. .GE- 10 f" -t\ 'I T:rft,..t 10 i' Govt T ,t l) 17' ,. ,/ ~. Commencing at the SE corner of Govt Lot 5, thence along the E line of said Lot 5, N 0006' 03" W 1245.78' to a point on the S line of Beaver Avenue, as shown on Plat of Cedar Grove 2nd Addition; thence along said S line N 8603<)'00" W 502.21'; thence N 48037'49" W 121.78'; thence S 33006'28" W 162.43'; thence S 51016'29" If 205.49' t6 I:l'.; thence continue S 51016'29" If 22.71'; thence S <1-9018'29" W 97.62'; thence N 56000'00" W 275.70' to a point on the Govt meander line; thence along said meander line N 50048'14" E 133.84'; thence N 57048'14" E 0.89'; thence leaving said meander line S 5.3023'33" E 269.81' to I.P. . .~,~.... ,.'t~i~\',~,~,'-'=-' fJ/f./(j..t~--!--t... f c'-'-U. (l~, # S'9u3 /', biN' t." ,A-{.O.tA.., ":/'<A 1(..... ( III" "."H.I' ) . . . :Jkt;.#I/:;'-03sy' <fel? ~f-~ C~ 7l,cLJ~~[ ~,v .---p . ' /2 . ,r hr".;, 'i'V'~ ~ r:L d, k~.. , ... . .,( 'lIS ~l:~.... .v C{) '\ d. 9'-1/9 s- ~:~~. ~s;::J 33;;:l. ~"1.."" 5<.<--<-; .$'<.'~ W 0.. 9 F 9 v/'"