HomeMy WebLinkAbout320062390010 Vlar Fill No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1-'" I SALE PRICE: Rd. Sch. Po" PUO FPO - - - - - -5Z Dora Hanson Muller 1 i3Q s .l L 5' P At ti() ;. () 00. - ~., ~ all<11 ~ jJ 0/ M .~d j iVDESLG.N,.4'. ..Ill / - - - - V 1;<77711 ..1. M s ~ il -'=- iL )/RI ~S~7O$ .t'F 7/p.So .,R'i 177 James Burnett et ux (AI ice) - - - - - - WOP #71244 1-36 I :f{/2~S~ C(GjOO II/LO/~ m.. Stephen P. Ericson et ux (Lind L. ) - - - - - - $11110 - I- - - - - - - - - - . - I- - - I- - I--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .--.:-- - .0; - - . :__________ _ ___ __ _ ___ ___ ___ _ __ h ______ _ ______-=-._ _ __ - NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ..;23 Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improvod TOTAL OYder Tlmbllr Unimproved lmprr;-'~'" Improvemenh B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE i1 /'/3 /, j) ;;!..o /2.0 . ,,, -~ II~ /. /3 S-o ,5"6 '7 ,- 01 /.13 /,/3 /00 /c;o d" j,- /$.;J -/3JL 'ot ,,;< ~';;?d IhtJ /~o , '1.0 I! ~ 33" 33c:; ~ 1- /Iso /;/&; ~ DES GNA Tr=n ,;;;p ~/J 35 a 73 /f) 35 4:-:r ~ 18& "..6' '- RS- - ~~ /'/$ /, j:~ ?$ -2~ - 7h gS- PS U / () 5- /oS ~ /I of //6 7ft /./3 /./,3 led /c;c; LO.T BLI('--~ SEC. TWN. ~ - ! ~. RGE. , ,.,'" ':l 'P 1 nf rmrt T "t 1 II 'J r /' formerly: Tract 2 of Govt Lot 1 Bgn. at the ~ corner common to Sees. 6-20-3 and 1-20-4j Thn S 10 36' 57" E, along the Sec. line between Secs. b & 1, a dist. of 396.98 ft., more or less to an intersection with N R/W line of Co. Rd., as is situated on Cor. Plat of Island Lake S; Thn along N. R/W +ine N 340 21' 3611 E,I76.55 ft. to a stone monument; Thn N 10 39' 2111 E t;.65. 50 ft. to a stone monument; Thn S 660 20' 2811 W. 146.52 ft. to a stone monument on the line between Sec. 6 & 1; Thn along said Sec. line, S 30 12' 4811 E. 164.42 ft. to pt of bgn. Contain 1.13 acres. r----- "'" Now Tract 0 of Short Plat #981: A tr of land sit in Govt Lt I, 6-20-3W.W.M. daf: Beginning at the 1/4 corner common to 6-20-3W.W.M., and 1-20-4W.W.M.; th S 10 36' 57" E alg the section 1 ine between sd Sections 6 & I, 396' +- to an intersection with the Nly r/w I ine of Island Lke Co. Rd #5130 as shown on the Carr. Plat of Island Lake Shorelands recorded in Vol. 4, pg 2; th alg sd Nly r/w line N 340 21' 36" E 176.55' to a stone monument: th N 10 39' 21" E 465.50' to a stone monument: th S 660 20' 28" W 146.52' to a stone monument on the I ine between Sections 6 & I: th alg sd section line, S 30 12' 48" E 164.42' to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom road rights-of-way. ~~g/42- ~. .... I t ,-' {' ~ ~ '..~NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS I I . -- I r Y.ar Oyster Tlmbu Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improyed Impro....mtnh I 8. of E. (Buildin9s) 'VALUE ,('D ~i;$: 3NA' '"ED ~ j, J::S //0 //0 fll R.. .,,, e.-J t%iJ /,13 I. /3 II rJ 150 1/000 II 1.13 1.13 1.3000' .YPJ'..zS fa (P;ZS M /3DOO 18g~o I OJ ~ 5'"0 - - . - - -- -.--- --.. - --~_._- --- -.----- ---- -- --- I , -- .- -.- -- -- - -f-- .---- '------ -. " -" 1----, -.-- - .. ---- I I I I