HomeMy WebLinkAbout320031100010 V,.r FII' No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 170 SALE PRice Rd. ~~'f~ PUO FPO - - -5.Z. nh8q: Art Lvda 1 I~ L SFP 1f ~ fh" J~ # -L ~..2 ...:i 2. 5' .i:. .Ii l:" ""~..v~ '7"009 l1~~ CJr, /J.. } 7ff., ,~ , b' ~ W1f61Lj - - - - - - &'077;> -2L 8T~Jne/ -3Oro - - f-- - - - - - - - - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- ~ . -, .. , ',...:.a ----~--:-.-:;:--- ---------.----------:-.-----------::-- :------- -....------- -- ----- ---- - -- --.: - - --~~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS " ,R?J - Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu B.ofE. (BuildIngs) VALUE E3 ~ ,.J..-- ..:H" ~ ~ ~8'CT S7/o 5j :21 -1..1 /0 CJ t,y{) 7&'a SS" ICJO 1/4-0 /:<40 ~ .2tJ,(}O /..t1f:) :Z1.-&fJ /{}(} ~KO //~CJ /,;(70 ,;(,1. oV /.1/"'0 ;;(1. v-O cZc?o / /J c:- /.~ 0<" 1 to/ 0 ' ~ I,(), N) /.. 6tJ ,$t1c2J_~ /t1 () /0.5' ~ .::l. cJ S- "- /2<' ~.:s5 d>t,cY 1,9 ,f?,;;,.j . J?c2S /1.4l) //.dtf, -&- .2d fg. z. /65CJ . If .6.6a 1~ ": . #f;fl .;/'t/7.~ .:;Ji-,P /j ;,,:JD5 -t:J /~eJ - .j-~ - .d.4Z.' , ,;:;Z~ 'LG; :Ii iriJh ~ 4160 11~ Jt, 00-50 ( , - :i:~ .uC. R If dO 1/,0 " If) /1.5" /t1450 13 /().570 /tJS7(J lOT BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. ~~~II.lL1l6(Y UdJ ,-3 20 3 Tract 1 'of Govt Lot 1 .ac NE NE * -" ~- Formerly: Tr. 18 cf NE NE & Govt Lot 1 . Bgn at NE cor of NEt of NEt, Sec 3, Twp 20 N, R 3 W, WM run Thn S on Eline 1716 ft, more or less to Meander corner between Sees 2 and 3, said Twp and R; Thn S 490W 60 ft along Meander line; Thn N 25030' W 450 ft; Thn N 830W 271.6 ft; Thn N 140W to N line of Thn E on N line 710 ft, more ~r less! and exc R in NEt of NE~ and Lot 1 '~.---- ;,'Ex. Tr. l-A , said NEt of NEt; more or less to pt of bg, contain 21 acres, of W of Co. Rd. as now located and being of See 3, Twp 20 N, R3 WWM. - .. ........- ~.~4 VN' FlI, No. NAME'" OWNER CONTRACT TO .DISTRICTS /9/ SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Pori puo FPD - - - - ~ Art Lyda :'ii.Strc>ud 1 ,02 S 1 L s..!. P Ji0748 ~ /9'713 (- F.E.Minor I lid.. .s... ~ fl L .li. ~10'i00 hfl, '7"'/1/"(,- ,~-~ AV,-?, h;/~A ~ .#. ,../ J...; d;f,;'3Is ;/~ 71J~.flil, 0 / - - - - - ~ JiJf.. 8/~3N ~.;;-O{) - - - - - - /oJl1 33tf7fl ~~/J1G~ - - - - .!$+ 3/038'1 G (lfu/ rf~ll1(,/:liA.PfU - - - - - - - - - -- --. - I - - f--- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - .- - - - - -I .~ . .., -.. , ....- -~ -~ - - - ..-"".- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Voar Oyltl;r 1'lmbtr Unimproved Imp!'O'nd TOTAL Orat.r Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Ilmprovemlltlb B.of E. (Building.) VALUE kL /tJ, () () /tJ.IJCiJ /tJrO /.&ib" FltJ5 _ ~ /tJO /.3.30 /Y5~ ,- ~"- ~ '.00 _ /h65" /'790 /.,9 JlP..bO d?/JI) /1J_tJo 6~ .&0 /L /. L;" ~s:. ~ ?r~ , 33fa /&tJo JAM $'.!l~ - 2'.l ~t1tM ~.5/'j ~' tbb~12... 2!L ,_. '7 ~df}O ~CJ ~()CJ LRfl~ _ 1G' ,2,tJo ,:<. t1 cJ ~ t5tJ /Ot1() ~tJ I~.(IC I..51M - 2b- Jf f 00 /22r.x-- ./1.300 .E. h/,OQ I-f,O/l f1R'tJtJ :J.LfI,;!.'i ?:z 9.;<.<; / ./'n; 7;" f ;/ /. / .!~ /;.i''- :" - - - - - I LOT BLK. 0...: ; I ~ . IEC. TWO. ROE. I j I . --.1. 2D 3 Tr.act. .l-A ~.QJLt. Lot 1 &. rm NE / ....~ \ "" ~ ~inning at NE corner of th~nce S a~ l~ne of sai 'on 1400', more or le , 0 its int ction wit~,t~ine ~ Secondary ~ghway No. 14-A; . ce SWly a rr sclid Nly line--ill hig~ ~60', more o~ to the SW corner ract con e...~dto Il\ard~~ Stroud ,by recorded unifer-l;:~:No. 19756$; t/-1errC~5030"~~1 along 1tH:i~e of sai ouEl-t-pa-c.t-2-15-.-ffh;~nc.e--N~1-}40'.,-moF~~ss _ N line e-, S3. id secc&-H> , '. :.: :1l-eflS lJ:liCf-l,1 ~-1-5', mOl e 01 !~ to 1. P. .... :'l1"in-itscript ion nclud~d l'r~qct 8 of G()~rt :'ot 1 New Description (Tract B of Short Plat 11207, AF# 311111) That part of Lot 1 and of the NE NE 3-20-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at the NE corner of sd section; running th S a1g the E line of sd Section 1400' + - to its intersection with the Nly line of State Rte #3; th SWly a1g sd Nly line of State Rte 260' + - to the SW corner of tract oonveyed to Marden M. Stroud and wife by deed dated 3-7-63 and recorded under AF# 197568; th N 25. 30' W alg the Wly line of sd Stroud tract 215.77'; th N 1340' + - to the N line of sd section; th E alg sd N line 315' + - to POB; EXCEPTING therefrom the N 83-' as measured alg the W line thereof of the above described property; Except public roads. if any. --- - '.- - - -- --.... . - _.--~ --~ e-