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y", FII. No. I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / -4':>'1 Rd. Sch. Port !PUD!FPD 0lUrlf!q UI.,.,;J ...i../su_..L__~ ( - 3 }1J9 _ ~ !L.L!-f ?/ Lj}.a.J_ ~d..b..JL SALE PRICE! :S..<.. fJ?7J"7 ,Lk"n?L /7 t:..J/J ".u~ ~'UY 1/r1o 252%Z lJ/?///LJ./ e 4~H A f/a:?L> '177 'F. 1m On.<M.Q ~ I \~ ""...0 asS[) #ZZ~4"7 , ~ .!VL.~ I -~~I-- -~-- ---1---- --~-I-- r -~~-- .~ _~., 1 -- --~_..:.. .-','. .;- --- ...-.--- -.=;.~ ," . $ NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS . . Vlar Oylhr Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Tlmb.r I U"'m",,,'" Improved Improvements B. of E. (Building.) VALUE a /t~f .3d.dflO 1'1.J>L/ ?'.5lP .5joo /71'.5'0 ;J () () $i I.:?ff.;' if f,. 6JCJ 'h$(f ~<CJ1f) -7-1fiJj 390 /344L - .fi 1::?~Rd '14Jd 1/7ff~ ;;'<tfI~ ~~ 3'9(1 ?4tJ . fa 3.a" ~ 39Q ?t/IJ $L 3i?-fff' fJ. t1 & //14-"_ ;or...... ~.q;{J /1 J"d; /73-tJ W/..d''r- tL ~Rd if; thJ 4/7.?f ;10" 1.~/1<" A . -- ;;um . a SftJf' o/lJd %:.tif 3tfPt.J. ~ '195 ~ - ~ k1~ 37S- 3/6 - /brfIJ "':0/'0> 6f- ~.RfI -dn. 4//.cJ/ ';r3'm ;;:U, Q dJ2 / t:9C) ~ ~R.. ~.rjfi / ".sf) / P50 ;2JL '/ ?, ~,p /tJ_tflJ ~q,(}j I~ @Z_ q 3:5'@ ~ ~~ 22- dl~b dl/f5 M5b #f'1/~-:- ~ -e'f/ t'. 0 4;f ;ar ~.;)!i2:2 .%P2. - '11./ /tf#~ - 4/39,:7 41.5t1L JI~o 7? /76t1d i /70' 9c?1 LOT BLK. SEC. TWN. _.~----_.~._---.....,.". 32 19 3 / 'I Jr>('''; RGE. \ \ ~~g;nn;ng 0+ i ~~p+';nn ~n~np~ npt.wppn ~A;n ~p.ction~ ~1 & ~2 twp 1~ r~e 1 wwm thence North along westline of said section 32,1915'. Thence E'st to the ' .LWesterly tl/W IJ.ne or ::;1;a1;e tiJ.way #<J. ',menee Sl.y along the -mrsterly ll/l. line -of s~id ste'te- . ," I. ~ county road, ~hence R/L of said old co ty road to its intersec J.on Wl saJ. s a e way, e ng tb.e '''ester of the SW NW, thence south along said east line of the corner ereo, ence es ong e sou J.ne 0 point ot-begjnn;ng ~~ ~. -, "...~ ...R..II-oU.- :;''17~';'1 * except Tracts E+W 7, 8, & portion of 9, 10 "".so' :If.3/tS-D ~ .~ NUMBE~ O~ :~ES LI VALUATIONS I I -" r. .- ~--- ~~.~ -L I I ~.S'? Year I - I I I Unimproved I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder Timber Impr~v.d Improvemenh I B.ofE. (Build:oljlsl VALUE iL '------- /9.o~ /60 CJ ~9,og 3 J'1tJo 317c;(j H - :3 "39tJcJ /7oocJ S"tJ?o CJ - - r--~-- - ~ --- -.--- ~_.- -- I ...- .--- --.---- -- I- - ~--- ---. n -==1 -- ---.-- ----- -- ~ . --- 1----- -- ~ r-- - --~- --- - n I -.--- - - - -- -- - ! I ! --