HomeMy WebLinkAbout319293400020 Year File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / tfff) I SALE PRICE Rd, Sch. I Port. PUD I FPD I -- 'iT foi'5&'Oi"Y-i "f Phillip Stoehr et ux ~()j YIoI I;; 70 240924 , 3 3 t/ L ;;/fJ- ,-- I J/Oo34f. r 71 .d. 31J 3 t/ L II RI 1 liA' ? 1;,<: I If I , I , ! '------~.:;.-:.: - . . -.,-. -_._---_._-,,-------~=---==--~-"---:---_._--:..; ._'--~. . - ,_... ...... ~~'. . NUMBER OF ACRES -.J \ V AlUA TlONS t6 ,f () Year Oyster I Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL I 1 Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved jlmP'"ovemenh I B. of E. (Building') VALUE t,9 )o.;;,d'() -- f-${ d'(J .30' 30 7/ /J:-S_DtfJ ~.~p /c.t. ,00 ij".s- 6id "-:"h'7Ll ~7tf!) 1/1 I/~" ~I ~" ,;u;aa ;~t!J.- 77d'!d~ 77 ") .. 7.:2 7'<'^ ;?;.t ~_:;:f'I /.2(11" 711 /3.0<) / /1 d 1 c./ /18 j:2 (0/1 51/1. (0 1.17(0 1/ ;r::-j{IPM /-d--' OJ /. (/ () /c;:,.c,) 1/<1100 L~.;2J./..3o /7C,5.Jo '" ,,/ It/,, , &'J. t' fV7 J../t:;"oo IJltJo /3.2430 /,!,,<.53o ~.,,~. 4.A-,~.', K2- USE , / /P/t;" 1.5,;;.1f.30 /t1tJoO /IN.) 'is t~ I/J 'is'tJoo Sltul 13.:1'1'30 /.,f.;< sa" ~ 1,5';00 1-110 /t,..oO r IQ.;1.o /IJtJ<3CJ (3,;1.'130 1'I'f~~cJ N /11 ?'S'"oob -SIt) CJ 13olrf.o /g6~00 g'-f J:;'/1 C) ;'00 I{,.() 0 -r 19.5 S-- /tltJ110 /3tJ16tJ I '1.:w 9S- x:; '1Y1 5f/JD 1..301&;0 /fO.;) (a{) ~5 /51 (]I) I, (;/) 1&,fJ)) .1, 1105 / () 00cJ !..~OI(PO 1'-!().06S LOT BLK. , t~ I H;.:h 'L ~ J+.l\i ('i flL2 ()l CURRENT USE SEC. TWN. RGo. _OPEN SPAce , ,GRICIJLTUR~ 2g ,.t;;. ~o REST Tract 2 of Govt Lot " sw SW & Govt Lot 1-32-19-) 19 , /<I~ Beginning at the SW corner of the Nt N! Govt Lot 3, section 29; thence W 100'; thence S 800'; thence S 700 E 700', more or less, to the intersection of the W line of an existing Logging Road and the Nly R/w line of the "Old Olympic Highway"; thence in an Ely direction, along the Nly R/W line of said "Old Olympia Highway" to an intersection with'the Wly R/W line of Primary State Highway No.9 (Olympic Highway-Freeway); thence Nly, along the Wly R/W line of said Freeway to an ~ntersection with the S line of the Nt Nt of Govt Lot 3; thence W, along said S line to I.P. +- ,A/.Md' c7-/..;3 w s- tJ Cj' (; C' I ) dcJ,rpF/ ----. ,.-.-- ,--- ~--- ------ __~~ilC....'.H.h").. -.~ "