HomeMy WebLinkAbout319214200000 Y.' FIle No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS /Vir SALE PRICE Rd. .... Port PUO FPO aL. CO - - )2 Olympia Oyster Co. 3 01 3 L E FP .3 1-1<;> 3. $- ~ If , - g( I 13a? 3 rf L if . / - - I- - - - - - I. - - - - -.'~----- - - -- ecc NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS - Y., -, Timber Unimproved Impr'Ovtcf TOTAL Or.tlt Timber UnImproved ImDfOftd 1mOfOYltmtnb B.ofE. (Bulldlngt) VALUE n /7.6,0 .3.00 dC),;;'O IS30 J'o (,5{) .2;;'(,.0. - .!td ~~;f Ii, /7.~o .s.Ot) do. (,,0 :/90 /5'30 ';-0 /0/5" ~9/S: M FM7"~ ;cf ?-rfftf 3.#0 / tUlJa /9'~ :>9..-<" ?11J /tJi/5" l,f/PO 65 "7.dt. ' .;f.7/ r.'J1 /9t> $f5 50 /.;;J!fo ,;#/ /:5 1:.1" - ~ ~tJo ~~/(J ?'f!',o tc; /6(J{,j !;? d.rJO :/'fO 6tJ 11~~ J?/..PO '/tJ V~?t1A - 'P.J'/ tJ':?/ f: ?J.% -&- ~5"t:; J>7tJ &/~tJ ~ ~:5.6 S"d75 PltJ M~ 1'Q l!':?s ~:7.5 J?9tJ ~(j)4Iti 74 /,1/lJ 7d \ /?'" tJ //'ltit) - ' /t1/.:SCll 77 Lhr:..9 5.o:J. q,71 1'1-3'1-5 7:J7D .:JI/?/5" ~I jY) fSL/'Io /b!tw 101$''10 );II 8.7f / 00 7 7/ ,- Rot Ir-l;p{- 1 {} '7tJO /[/00 .;27000 1'" ,~ ,f) I 619,'10 J7'-OD If, IN) 10/SV-D f..... - tj.7/ /,0 () 7,7/ -j- f?3 t;" /OCJOO If,//J 0 ;(1" '13,,1- LOT ILK. KC. TWN. R8L CU.~REN'" OS:! - OPEN SPACE _AGRICULTUc>" r", Govt Lot 2* & Tax 101, 102* ~ 10i L FOREST ....'/.'1 !??/, ~.21 19 l ./ I :'- Tax 101 & 101A combined (Inner & Outer tidelands) Tax loi: Beginning at a point on meander line of Govt Lot 2, which is S 670W 0.25 chs, S 660W .80 chs, S 8loW .95 chs from meander corner of Govt Lots 1 & 2; thence S 810W 1 ch; thence S 690W 2.34 chs; thence S 650w 1.58 chs; thence S 6l~W 1.50 chs to terminal point, containing 6.42 lineal chains. Tax 102: Tidelands in front of a portion of Govt Lot 2 as follows: Commencing at corner to Govt Lots 1 & 2; thence S 670W .25 chs; thence S 660W .80 chs; thence S BlOW .95 chs to a point on meander line. Also, commencing at a point which is S 670W .25 chs; S 660\01 .80 chs; S BlOW 1.95 chs; S 690W 2.34 chs; S 650W 1.5B chs; S $l~W 1.50 chs from corner to Lots 1 & 2; thence S 610W 1.50 chs; S 410W 1.15 chs; S 52toW 2.60 chs; S 120\'1 5.62 chs; S 520W 4.66 chs; S 440w 3.14 chs; S 5loW .B3 chs, having a total of 21.50 chains. Tax 103: Tidelands in front of Lot 2, having a frontage of 2.06 chains, measured on the following described meander line; Commencing where line between Lots 1 & 2 would intersect meander line; thence N 44toE 1.04 chs; thence N 51~E 1.02 chains to a point. "'. --. ~. '( -;i r I/;u.c,(;, I g:- /f .f. , ~l(, .~.. .~ -. ",-- : IO~ -A ~ \ -.~- I~ I I I I -~. ~,t" NUMBER OF ACRES I. VALUATIONS Co, tJ T Timber Unimproved I Improved TOTAL L Oyder Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements I B. of E. (Buildtfl9') VAlUe 1; I USE A1 to, 7 gift) /7(,,00 lID IIJO 10/ S' 'f-() ...2. ,-- f?3 C;.7/ 9. 7/ 51'i/j i 1.00 -r /c>~""" IbltJ (j .:?d. 770 , g~ 111 t, 7P/tJ /76ad /~/()() /,,/s~ , ffIf - , j.71 I." () 7,7/ -r ~'1S- /OtJocJ /?,/oO ';?6 '79S- l.c; '-1 Yl (;7~ /7faOO /fp/Ol) /eJ15YO ----- 155 1---- ----- _g, -"If / ,(J) Q,71 ~- <tro IODoo I~(OO ~/p qgo f----- -, --- - - I --- - 1___- h_ _===1 -- --, ---- --- - --- --- - . .-- 1------ r-' - --- -- - ----- I -- - I ! I g v_ FlI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICS Rd. Ich. Port PUD FPD :~1059 - - - - - - .1U..~ ~ J. J. Brenner Oyster Co. 1.J m.. 1 L SF P 1000 k 7 $11 V~ 12 ",-", ~/. :3 3(1C 3 ;L L N- ;.\5'~6c? !/J.h- A IIJD~ ~-,d.'f~,~j-afL Ii /I to 1- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -I -,---',,:. ~.. --,................' .."~, ---- ~..-- ,.- .~'_.. NuMBER OF ACRES r- VALUATIONS v.., Oytte, Timber Unimproved Improved' TOTAL Old.r Timber UnImproved -lmllroYftd lmprovemenb B. of E. (BulldlnQl) VALUE t;.:; 1/" ~",i3;. t. .f (" '/1).60 /J,~~ift /~fl> 1Is' t;}35. r"" /c),Jf'tJ -., " /,;J I!; be; //6.<$ .... S5b. )j() -?~, ,- hi- 1?.tJ? /?+lb ' /~ //6/5 I.- /,;:(912 - 2LL I~, q;J/ l- / 3. ~q 5: PI /~4~~~ -+ ,;)//5& ..$:? .6);) L~AtI I Z2. ~.9qn / tlfLc; 3'750 5f,;(0 -, 13- tii5:s. ~ I" ,,/- 3:?.60 IS:13~ I ~ /610 % - 561/1 ~.o 1L//f?t:J 41;;P .4j~J' /~o I~<o - 77 ; Lj.P,fc> r'-PJ'a . 9'1 C,...,.. I' /f - 1/ 4 ,./ , Sc:-c:. ....:r (~.J ~~.... '. J / ~ f7 ,f:.J i - - I LOT BLK. 0 ! ! : : ! , r I 1 SEC. TWN. ROE. , , , ?1 10 'L V Tr~,.t- 1 nf' Gnvt: T ,>t-. ? SW NE ,0', 'SE" NW '. T,~x 1 0?_6 +"N?.l"'-. -... -<;;-- Beginning at a point S 64032' W 976.61' from a oxlOx12 foot rock bearing S 68040' W 1320' from govt meander corner common to sections 21 & 22 and N 55023' E 4673.40' from section corner common to sections 20,21,28 & 29j running thence N~2032' W 224.15' and N 1140', more or less, to Sly line of county road knownhas Oyster Bay road; thence SWly along Sly line of road 7~9', more or less, to its intersection with W line of E 1/3 of SE NW; thence S along W line of SE NW 185', more or less, to its S line; thence E along S line to NW corner of Lot 2; thence S along W line of Lot 2 and W line extended to a point S 40007' W from the mostNly corner of a 5.47 acres tract conveyed to Olympia Oyster Investment Co., by deed dated August 21, 1910 and recorded in Vol 9 of Deeds, page 230; thence N 40007' E~9$/, more or less, to I.P. I' / ,I \ . - -- ~ .......- - - - _. --~~--- - ~ - ~~ ~ , ~.t J~ #-.2.73~-/3 ..~ J-d- ~v j 1- '11~ etk'1<-~ Ufi, 7/ CL --I i!~-4 /:01/ {[ J s. < DISTRICTS , Y.., FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE] Rd. Sch. Po" PUO FPO - - - - :t ~ 1 iJ..~ - -----5Z. J. J. Brenner Oyster Co. 'S LiOl l .1.- SF - -Pt 9,'J(,,{)./E Y!jlJ-r., ;::2.-1::._, ,::{ 3d: ~ !L L H #34-/68 - - !/JiP.. '1/0 0,8 (p 13w,Lw., J. ~J~ I II U .L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- -..:.-:::::-------- --~----------~--- :..:_---- - - ;------- ----- ~- -------:.--- -- - --- --- - -- -- - -",-.> --- e' VALUATIONS , " NUMBER OF ACRES . YOllr Oyster TImber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved ImprOved Improvomenu B.ofE. (Bulldlngl) VALUE 53 " -.3- / / .c.. ~ :HJ po- -fJ-/-c3' - rcr. .:J r .53 /t:..S"6 / 6.<5-0 /150 7[0 / 900 53- /1,.0---0 / t.SO //5-0 ;ergo 3/,30 . - 11~'(7) ~/kO -~/O . , ..."":> .4z. 1.;( .;() Ii) 0 /h5~. II FiJ Sa L/j't:/J . 7:~t1 . -ffi- I/:s " ;5v 7"//0 i' 6; cJ kL 1S:~o /0.0 1t..5ZJ /16"0 5"0 .11 7. L;'" 937.[;' .65.. . O's-o .$'(1 dfo/() 9';?/J({!; ~ ~ /4-f/() bO /tJO/lo 11.570 //t:: S3 /t,..5'b -. ~~5 ' . 1/5/6 /,(J-o , /tft1/() , 9.54 ;j:tJoJ"O ~ 2Q. I_~ ~ gd, 50 ~ S'~o . c,./f . :il:Po>"o .a91'7L> - /1.. I tI) / rt,5 () I:tJD ~/ty Pc:lSO 13 ,btJ :!~d; '~5'O ';?OO?'f) &fl$t:J '141 ~o% - /' /!of? t) /?6btJ> -#;A.2 tZJ 5P/~t:J ill ~. 9,;< ~?'~ /~o -- /.:r~o LOT BlK. SEC. TWN. i , i -- i l ? ;-~ RGE. - /cr::Ll ~ ~ ~19 3 o;ovt Lot 1 Ex. Survey ''lf28351 ~ /'1 :tf '~. ~- .--- .J " - , ---------.....---~ ...----.----.-~------------- '-"--- ,......"". "-- '. ~ ~ L fi V rJJ....., hw4v. .i <J It:~'~- "~~'1J),rL- ?(~' /( , ;.'J"'., .'" ., ~ I,'; f(,.. -.; ,,~~. ~_...,I.~ ,I I ..:J 't.' ~, H-1=Hft~1 0-:.. =J I_ .' - ,- - -- ~ ~_......--- <'W~-_.. , NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved lmprovemlnh 8, of E. (Buildin9') VAlUe 77 2.9;1.. ~,9~ ~C;:;{) .;)9;;}D ?a " j? >?I,J' f" --6 -4 4_,.-400 , - -" ~i ..d:;,,,. , , t":'-. . Jj,q - .-.) - , / - - 1-, - - --, I I