HomeMy WebLinkAbout319202200170 Year File Nn. I NAME of OWNER. CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / ~~ PUDIFPD .!_ I SALE PRICE iO/71 264636 ~12/, 9.?Pf Charlie L. Dal1,Q;herty , 'Dr ")}) I Rd. I Sch. I Port 3b 17,/ /I '. f. ~ ;'/7 ,} d 1v:F.1 ) .3 ~ J?, J ?q' "I 4 L , ;1,3 1,;;'6;,6 1''1:; IdlLl L It -3 J./. /.11 I . c~NU~BER ~~ ~CRES ' ,- -.- - Year I Oyder Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyder TImber Unimprovod Improved Impl'"ovemenh e. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ,~ , t/t, -- '7/ 3tJO ""'...,/~ .;;<560 4/1 PtffP '!i;'; ~tfI() l'Q,Q S'/,;2() .12 I'I~ ' '1~ 3060 '7fP70 /;< R70 ff /tJooo It, 5"0 c ~t, 5'00 fN ,t../{" ,'/6 1/"000 /65'00 .:tl. 5' c)" , .. ~ , I , l II VALUATIONS ~-~. lOT BlK. SEC. TWN. RGE. '3fTj~~~.;2!dO.Jl~ ~ " ?O 1Q "I 'l'r 17 ni' NW NV! 1"1..$.... .... r ~ I Commencing at the intersection of the West line of said Section 20 with the Southerly right-of-way line of the Old Kamilche County Road, which point is 236 feet, more or less, South of the Northwest corner of said Section 20; thence in an Easterly direction, along the Southerly right-of-way line of said Old Kamilche County Road, 205 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described; thence continue, along the Southerly right-of-way line of said Old Kamilche County Road, 216 feet, more or less, to the Northwesterly corner of tract conveyed to David Ellison by deed recorded in Volume 65 of Deeds, page 602, under Auditor's File No. 82696; thence in a Southwesterly direction; along the Westerly line of the Ellison tract, 182 feet, more or less, to the Northerly right- of-way line of Primary State Highway No. 9 "Old Olympic Highway", as the same is now constructed and in use; thence in a Northwesterly direction, along the Norther~y right-of-way line of said Highway, 210 feet; thence Northeasterly to the point of beginning. ,~....." -- . -. , __ __ ----L-- ~_ 'C- ~._ ~ Ii' -::::--