HomeMy WebLinkAbout320196200010 OESCRIPTION: PLAT MARY WILLEY ~ ~lD.2; 0 ~((.c.T it' j).-/</lrY'1 LOT Trs .9 & 10 BLK # ACREAGE SEC TWP h't /76 ..~(7 RGE , e. y. '1\0""1.- '1 DISTRICTS AFFIDAVIT # YEAR AUO. /I TITLE HOLDER "30~ CONTRACT TO: RD SC PT UD FD HO CD SALES $ 10/7 /F264538 Clyde Blankenship e ::2t./d) S 0 S 3 tf28780 ux no .000 I I I . ---- . ACREAGE VALUATION . 8 OF E YEAR TIDELAND UNIMPROVED 1M PROVED TOTAL TIDELAND UNIMPROVEO IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 73 I 1330 3600 4930 74 ' /JJfJZ - ~~_6 0 -Z,2.a.C_ _'l%.6~ ij (:) - 0 .0' - -75' .:)7 7~O 7..:2Qf!) ~LO 7t-- J../,J,DO JSL/90 /9 t-flO 79 -0- --0- -Q. q;; t.J.~..N~ /c4"~() /C}o.!!tJ to -e- -8- C:J qJ 15000 ~1:J/)(", 1')') OU ")(1 -Q- -e- .A?r ~ /5'oou ;).7;)0 () LlJ::Jn 0 s?::) ~ -E:r ~ - ~i, .~~^ 0 _77 .. "" "~1I)n ~::? -G A- -4- /0 Mary Willey Tracts #9 & 10 Commencing at a point on the S line of Mason County Central R.R. Co's R/W between Sec's 19 & 24 - on Twp. line between Ranges 3 & 4; in Twp. 20; thence Ely 342.21', along the S line of said R/W; thence S 40' to the S line of the R/W of the County road as now located; thence Ely, along said S line of the county road 150.04' to the initial point of this description; thence S 6008' W 108.74' to a point; thence N 70022' E 22.09' to a point; thence S 76022 f E 101.46' to a point; thence N 6008' E 111. 97', more or less, to the Sly R/W line of said County road; thence Wly, along the Sly line of said County road, 120', more or less, to the point of beginning, the said land being known as Trs. /f9 & 10 of the unrecorded plat of "Mary N. Willey Tracts" ACREAGE 'IALUATION ~~U.DELANO~, -- B OF E =.Jl ~r>lPROVEO I~~ROVED TOTAL T10ELAND UNIMPROVED IMPROVED BUILDING TOTAL 8tI .- /5000 ':<7;;>'00 1~;1,"'o N -e- -e- ...g... ifs '''A/'or, ., ., ..'\,..,,", : <JA_ g5' , e- B- e- - I I .- If)