HomeMy WebLinkAbout319174300010 Year FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1'1:;- Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD SALE PRICE' <;2 l'Sh~21 Herbert G. Nelson et ux 3-R_3-_..L... ')'3 l4.82lC Bruce J. Nelson et ux I:/; IIfll/. I, ,J -4/ _.J :f ,3"7 '/6'71 .::fJ1. ..JJ. ,7O,.jP..f- d ,-b'-. ;1 l-'5 -:y..,9 l3- t/- L_ inG ufJ7."" f n#- ~ ~n ~. Sf .L.2f2j _2.!i...Llf.. 1j,;,J!28J;f;"ji iiI! .11 .. (I- ./. ,E.""-,,, .fL, %,)!:<4256tJ v IfYY-'" ? J 'tU.L,f,l~ --== ::YOlYl ~ / /'IF. IP. '" /Y'fL"? ....::roo. .."." ~""?id.S'~/ ~/!"'o .#39/'78' "'I<. <c -# f0ESQ l6";/1?J 7 f--- ----4IJ~~-~-~~-~--------------~----~-----------------~----~- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS .,~....~ 6d"6 .. Year Oyder Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL ~ ..-s- 300 jot'. 3. 0 0 3, 00 Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenu (Buildings) B.ofE. VALUE S-" 53 I~I L~I I~/ ~' ~ 7s 77 ~I fjv h:r -6-tr 7~ c?.3 J, (,( F,~J:.:.s 7tJ 70 c::<....o ;;Lo .2.5' .;l5 /S2J /$lJ> ;50 5490 I q;-K'ilO ///9 ~(J,(j 'A ~'iA /~" d2 ftlt) Icft1d .:lf19'''~o/'~ .:3/,5"0 l30Q ,;?;j7#'e ,"'~ 7.97,:) 3t?Mc; <?86.5tJ /6 ~t/.I;" ,)'1'100 76o~~i.- / J. t. </5' 6 <-/7/J0 of/ 3</~ ~_oo 39'1 j,tfM I, "-0 .L~~..;2. 1:0;; '%J{ .3.~ /IM~ ~1f . I. n I.{JI/ 1-:;$ LOT eLK. . 1'. ' ~ .~_."_.._.--~ Formerly Tract 50f Govt -Lot 5 Tract of land in Govt Lot 5, Sec 17, Twp 19 N, RJ WWM as follows: Bgn at a pt on Sly line of Port Blakely Mill Co. R of W that is JOO ft N of the 1/4 corner between Secs 17 and 20-19-J; run Thn NE along Sly boundary of said R of W to the E line of Lot 5; Thn S 100 ft. more or less to N boundary of Co. Rd; Thn SWly along N boundary of said Rd. to a pt that is S 520 E from IP; Thn N 520 W to IP. .;7?OcY/'j' ALSO: R.R.R/W bn Govt Lot 5 --::..."~.".. -- -:'._'-~~_._--~ -,-"_._~..~--- p U ~~ 3S'~ {qSY- I';>:~:~~ Vear fJ F;~' N?;,., NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS / ~:;- SALE PRIeS' .". . Rd. Soh. Port PUO FPO , - - - - - - 57 164829 Edward Fischer et ux l.: h:n '). L - ..Ida- ::2!A/~ ?.J JJ 1,(, )" '^ J ~~ lM iL :L L f/ '/7'33 t.7 '7:7?'-1L.9 / ft/.;J /J 9V 0'A'/ '#.c. ~ , - - - 111- ~q /'1-/0 / I~J/' ;JY'~, lRh k. Ji./.)b37$ - - - - - J M Lrd. .L lL J1 { - -I -1-1- , - - I-- - - =1 - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I=-. ,. -' . ..... .''0-....__.<. --~....... -_._- d~G=-~~=~~=_=_____=_______ ....----=------ ~ ~ - - .ll- ;';;'.6 .. , ' -, NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Vear ()yater Timber UnlmproVld ImproY~ TOTAL ()yster Timber UnImproved Improved Improvemenh B.ofE. (Bulldlr.gs) VALUE 57. ,5? ...{;/1 1'>02.57 -20 0-0 70 il ;(, (, ;J.. ,;:(,00 ~~~ ?'O .6-" /.;20" h5 ;?o 5CiJ aW~dfJ ~~O' lZ' ~tJ , ~ ~ ~<<!J .:l&5tJ ,;J :?tJa 11 i?'o 64 /35 ""'-< 9a btJ /tJr& -~ , .,,/..~C/ 14- l.:t~~ ;(,,$0 4/~ /:#0 /~S- - ~ ~ )/?JeJi .:fS:::' ~ ~ /A~t') .,ff{ tJ 0 /$t!iCJ 2i- /fiJ% ~t9(} ~(j (1 ;:e~(7() . II /,,('/1 (X'd / .Y$lo i- /'i') ~;)'1f6 JL 9o~ 0 -u- '1000 ~.//... I.- //</6 /d J ;? (7 I, ~--r_. .- / !7 -/7- 3 -- J -. I LOT BLK. , ............- ~ ',~-."""~~~ "-~'~"'~"" '" ~,-~~- .'r y Tract 60f Govt tot 5 .. 0, '. /':l:h Sec. 20 ';_ All thatpor..of the fol.lowing, ilesc:_:reaI .estat.e ,situate.in,..Se.cs17 &2'0, ' Twp. 19 N.WWM, in Mason CountYlWash,.,~ .which lies N..oi:_.the...Nl.y right-ot- way line of the Kamilche Point\,;ounty !toad" otherwis,e. known.. aa McPonald Rd. Govt Lot 5, Sec. 17 - 19- 3 WWM. in Mas.on. Count~., Wash., e.xcap.ting.. tee.re- from the following desc. tract oi:~nd; Beginning at a plUnt on the $ly boundary line of the Port Blakely Mill Co right of way that is 300' N of the i cor between Sec. 17 & 20, Twp. 19, Rge. 3 W of the WM, running thence NEly along the Sly boundary of said right o~ way to the Ely line of Govt Lot 5, said Sectio~ 17, thence S 100' mate or less, to the Nly boundar9 line of the county Aoad also known as R. R. McDonald Road No. 9l,'thence SWly ilong said N boundary line of &.aid road to a point that is S 52~ E. from the point of beginning, thence N 520 W to the point of beginning. ~ "'i._~~_ _._---- ~7'" M - ~~ ."--'''''''''''''- --.-.-, "--