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Yea, FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I~b SALE PRICE' Rd. Soh. Port PUD FPD - - '>2 12062' Foss Launch & Tug Co. ...3.. 1 3... L ....- - [,,'1 u/;t .J;J.'O~.' tk~ ...r ) I. ~ d wi 3 ;I '760~ 1'%0 38:J.:ll', /'.'. f d(/IlJX~ -i- /t-~ ,) -3 )09 .2.. i L II -de 70 /ljS'WOf' t4.^^^ 'OCD ~6 If/!-z2S2- A/ A' 7~: 'oR v {f/I,1 :c- ;?( -L M ..:l.. d:.. L iL ~.2'0/7 Nil ~..ooo / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ..--- ----------------- ... ~~.- --------------------------------------- . .,. . , .. NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved I TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE I<~ Lj.,?,/O L/,"l/eJ - 5cJd ScJc;:/ I diG , e~ ./: 'Ie (.;15 I-?ti ~ .as,tR /.;:?~ 11 /...."',0;:; @il~2lv ~oo 77 '-/9.; () <19/) d.. C:r;) ;;) SJ0 9/ .;{ StJ C, .:{ s-o 0 IE;L '19.10 f'f./u ,;; 5&1 Ci ~S'"oo . . . - LOT BlK. [;'21 tpi{ II ~'i ~ 1,1<:,0; t()l SEC. TWN. -AGE. .. .."e'l>> '" 4r." .- ..~,..; '. . ~, .- ' . ..".',=""" \ '-, Beginning at meander 'corner to secs 16 & 17 on S shore of Little Skookum ' Inlet, thence S 670 W 21.6$ chains; from this point the corner to secs 16, 17, 20 & 21 bears S 62015' E 22.64 chains distance; thence N 25.20 chains; thence N 700 E 21.25 chains; thence S 24 chains to beginning. .~.'~_ ,"e.'. ..~___.. .'" ,.", a:::; _.,.-~~ --,