HomeMy WebLinkAbout319112100000 Y.ar '1';lI'~~J NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS InZS SALE PRICE! Rd, Soh, Port PUO "PO ;J({g, ~t' - - - - - <;2 Simpson Log. Co. 3- 1* - 3- - -L.. %., ;;Y71/?<-' ~i-o~ (3" JaDO - - - 1- - - 70 , -qtJ3~ ......... IICW U: G!I J't L ~ - .3 !L L 1i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,,' ~ - - - - - ----e - .._ -- ~ __~._____~__________________c;;______________ --- . . ~.u__ NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS 7:.35 Year OYlter Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B. of E. (Buildings) VALUE 12 A-? ,'" '" 7."J.-, .L--~Ci .-h?-S /0-;< 37-10 .3 7-10 l;feJO /~OO '5f 37./{. 37,/0 /?tJ5 / Lj..DI d~O< f="-- It,i ,$ rf'o /400 ~,go ki, 3/ID IL/oo f'S'/o /.: ~ :;; ~ 3~9tJ /'l'.5cJ ,56.v6 () 35/1) _~ la ~-9'/) /6tf.{) .s't/ 1t!J ~ ~ ~.5'.J() :i5": //J ~ ~ [qd""So u-::jS <!IS/. .,.~ !3'P- 9'5 ~ ig , /~1'S "'- "",,,. ~~~ , -14- V~ ~ tA.<~() 'as'h 'Z~ " ~/~ :?;:;: //l M~ ,;<#..6' -- JICW. 84.33 7~ .;;!7c>{: d 7tJC In 331M 3300 7J? 3 :;i,/" 3~~D LOT BLK. l"?J 114, f ;l,fl\I\^1111) SEC. TWN. RGE. ;.> --~~ ,.;.-,,~ ."', "lJ ,~ .' .,;..... .-,.!;: -- .. . I I ..--L .-:: NUMBER OF ACRES fur I Oyster Timber! Unimproved Improved .zt~~~i F.:?~S'l :3S'.fO ?O '61 E_ J(=l W' oe:; is.. 70usr --- --- --. 3~, I() 3.:;-.//') 35010 3;:,1 D <-"'-- - i--- - - ----+--- I I I -I I T I I -. VALUATiONS ~ I/.s- TOTAL 1 Oyster Timb.r Unlmpro....d Impro....d Impro....m.nh B, of E. - {Bui1din9~1 VALUE 3 ~,/:; 3/(,-0 31IPO .d<=..QS 34, - ,0-", .:J~I/O ~(,.,/~- 4t. IS- JI/r) 0 <//70 ';>:::-./.d '/'130 ,I)t 3 () L/t/t. S- </ "/':; ::,- .35.10 II-'ne L/:5iS -:1< JO 'i/~ 5 if/~t:.- - - - - , j. Year Fa. No_ NAME of OWNER I CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS I SALE PRICE R; I;: Port ?UD I FPD I , .. J/P ---, 69 247288 Virgil Adams 3 L H #20110 ..L - - - L - - I I ~-- - , . .._-"~c-"""". ---.-- -" ..- ~ NUMBER OF ACRES I I VALUATIONS , Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved IlmPf'ovements I B.ofE. (Building~) VALUE L9 ~...&'1 d,tPO /50 /50 1'tJ /gcr% 3M ;}I 00 &: -'---" -.--....' ~ - LOT BLK. ~ ~ , : ~ . , , -- , I 1 \ SEC. TWN, RGo. 1 ,~: -4.~",-._:.. '.:...4loA 3.. TT>J;l.~+, 1 irl:G.mdi..Lo:li..A~~;'_L J~. ,.!... - _.,,- ~,',',.,. ~, .., ----- - "..',..-<, ~:.'~ . V Beginning at a point pn the E and Wast center line of section 11, which lies S 86057' 34" E 1368.30' from the W t corner of section 11 and N 86057'34" W 1273.61' from the center of section 11; thence N 2048'19" E 30.01' to a point on the S line of Lot 1, Blook 25 of vacated plat of Miller's Add to Kamilche; said point being N 86057'34" W 43.04' from the SE corner of said Lot 1, Block 25 and LP.; thence continue N 2048'19" E 300' to a point on the N line of Lot 10, Block 25, said point being N 86057'34" W 52.12' from the NE corner of Lot 10, Blook 25; thence continue N 2048'19" E 30' to a point on the center line of vacated Renton Street; thence S 86057'34" E along centerline of vacated Renton Stree a distance of 530' to a point which is the intersection of the E line of Lot 11, Block 23 extended Nly to the centerline of vacated Renton Street; thence N 70047' 26" E 245'; thence N 39017'26" E 460'; thence N 19047'26" E to the Nly Line of that certain tract of tidelands of the third class, containing 24.57 acres and the terminus of said line. '~'l' '1: :, -;\~ ."-~~-; - - - -'- -,---- u.~"._,.... ..,._ Y.ar File No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS SALE PRICE Ad, Soh, Port PUO "PO - - - - - - - - - -- - - I- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I-- - - - I-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- I~-~" '" -_.~:""-_'::"-----~7-;'--"'::::':"":'_--------~---:-_""':_--~~"'~"';'~--_"" -""'-- ,~ ...:",~--~-'" NUMBER OF ACRES V ALUA TlONS Year Oyster Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyst.r Timber Unimproved Improved Improvemenb B.ofE. (Buildings) VALUE , - LOT BLK.Q I . : ~ . 1 lJ aEC, TWN. RGE. D 1 : : , (2:) " " _3, w ..5., Ii:%.. "'- .,.11. ....... " '--. ,.~,~" '~., ~, Lot 5. Ex. Tr. 2 Supplement of Kamilche S. 11.40 Acres in Lot 4- Assessed Millers Plat of Kamilche 'yur FII. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1'/:;; SALE PRICE! , m- Rd, Soh, Port PUD FPD l'los' Robert <Jarro.L.L - - - - - <;2 F. Wallin Mercer ..2. iQ2 .2... L SfP 76Zz-" - - ,<7. /l,f~b f '1 .(~ # , ..'-<n_ il !:/:- d~f ()tJ J, r 11Nd-fc/":'f.tA-CU; -<.- .. - - - - /,~) IX-3?-'7? d_,A,~, /. , 1;=-/5C3ofL- - - - - - ,{; Jl'70tJ. Z& ~ ',? f..}.<'J, - ,-#/h, .r:, f7. tt:.... It: 9' '?'7/l? / /J ~:fC; a..s-v ""'/-!/~-J-S-:Lj' li:/. (jcf'o_~IA 7 - - - - ~"5 3/7:1 - - - - //J, .;!';/oPH t);1.J) K adCb-vK~ ')/i?l9"', - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---~~:_-----------------------------------~------------------~~~-------:~-~=;:--~.---- ^, I' 'IIIi1 NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS Year Oyster Timber UnImproved Improved TOTAL Oyster TImber UnImproved Improved Improvements B.of E. (BuildIngs) VALUE ~3 ~ ~ * ," ~ i'cJ " 77', I .. '".:] ;{, 7S" ;2,7S -Yt! 0 /?Jo 'x:J ~o - .p-:J, ).,7S' --- ,;},;}~o ;:<, 7-0 LlOD bJ ~ :}., 7-!>- ~.7J , '-100 ~~() .3 7-.5 0 371 7"~ 0 77ft! %Ytl -~ /; '7 ..5~ , 2'-'/ ijoo < ..., cJ .;/~,.f'o ~73cJ. /. (),"') - /,r.J '. ' /'0 /, 7~" 1- .:/' 7 ~ /ro So 5~::Jo St.-go (PI , 1,7~ /.o-V ':(,76 '-!-oD 5"'0 (;,5~ 0976 ,0) LillO .5"'0 1./f'/!r '7,;.1~6 ~5. 4ao Sa 6i'$"C; ?41M ltt. ..d'7 $t)(j M Jl (, flcJ ;:;;.- "2J 2 h I'1LJ ~~b 2,(J~ s: % - ....;./~ V:Y.R!J 31~M - 11# /<1<1:% - 4JP/60 /~67't'J 16"7"0 7';- -'-..... .~ -.-- - -. - ! LOT BLK. CIIIJ SEC. TWN. ROE. IJ:[lJ ; ; ; , <>, '".... , ' ~ " - -,~ -'...- Tract of land in Govt Lot 5, Sec 11-19-3, bounded by Depot St., 2nd St and M.L. and designated as railroad reserve on the Plat of town of Kamilohe and being in NE oorner thereof. ,.--- - &.."..;; ,'\ ;j ,