HomeMy WebLinkAbout319111200110 ~- Fil. No, -r------.. - I NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS ./,./< SALE PRICE R., 5~h. I PlJrt PUD! fPD I I ::;)- J 00 I - 13/76 312125 I--Gordon E. Adams 3 309 ~4 L HI #47012 -- f------ f------ ..J1. ---'--., I?o~ -3 l..d_ L JL - - -- --. -- f------~-- ----. 1-------- -. - 1--' -- I-- I --.- . ' , . - 'u' .-...-- ~"" NUMBER OF ACRES I VALUATIONS Timb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timb.r Unimproved Improv.d Impro....m.nts B. of E. (Buildin9$1 VALUE 11-' / 2<:: I 2S 6;,!~O /.33$!J 11 K 6 tJ -/~ - c" /1 j )J. /L/95C- 3;"&'Sl ~ 21 I. 'J.-S~ / ) ( 5"O[,OQ 17 7.:2 .5' 7tJ3,;}:) g'l "::-cJ 6~o /9750 7tJ 3.s-d - -- I-- - -- , - - ---. - - , i LOT BLK. ~ Ilt.fI\l' f' 1';:;tf1 t1 II 11/1 I SEC. TWN, ,G.. l 11 19 3 o,.'f~l'lt l~.'?f...~ .loo1 ;I, '. ., --- " ".'~.'... .~ ~,'-',.. - - .~._, - "~ ",...'<.' :-"'=Y:"__~ .~~~~ ----. e~, .315""- 72-"2,..., . y'~--I -FIl. No '-.\..----..-.-.----NAME of OWNER -----1 "CONTRACT TO DISTRICTS 1.t,L5 RrTSch. . P?rfiPLjO.~rfPD i 1/8Cj~~~~L~RObe.r:t E. Mi Iler et !lli..J.!ieleQ_~ae) 3 09 3~_.1_i_L~~0~87 \~~gg~8 . . I . , .___._~..JL...L l:rp' L1.L.i.LjH_1 1,-I-I-!- L I ! . ..I SALE PRICE" -- --- ----i----- --- ----f- --,----.,-,.-.---,-- -~ -----f---- - -- ,-.---1-- I-- ~I t I I - - ~"" .' NUMBER OF ACRES $.:l ~lt.,!J.__._ .2l 1.;)./ L. Ji $'LJ ,2.\' , '}- A- I I TOTAL r 1_ Ovder ,:..$ VALUATIONS . Timb.r I Unimproved Impro....d Timb.r Unimproved I Impro....d Impro....m.nts , IBuiJd:"Qs) B. of E. VALUE .-;...y -I.;;'",.", ';<.;?~OCi .:; ..<m,n I' CJ 9.6= ;(,,{ <'00 .R.;;l","'o ---- -e-- -e- ~-7.!:4 7[--, I-:- , / _i!.~~~"//"... ",.,." Iff d 6 II " I d'< ~ 'f~ .. :., ' 'I.;.., /. Q.J..L) n 42. "l3' 21 -.-----"" (~,--") -- -- ._. I - I LOT BLK. LD . . , . SEC. TWN, OGo. II 19 3 Tract 12 of Govt Lot I & Tax 545-E I 1._- :___.===1 r- i I ------------ --- ----,- ----.- ----------- --- ---------f----- I I 1 11 //12. . J .. --J . (Tract I of Short Plat #947) A tr of land in Govt Lt I, 11-19-3W.W.M., daf: Beginning at a point S 50 26' W 81.77' from a point on the N I ine of sd Lt I which lies S 880 46' W 1547.18' from the NE corner of sd Section II; th S 730 58' 28" W to the Wly I ine of sd Govt Lt I; th NWly alg sd Wly I ine of Govt Lt I, to an intersection with the Sly I ine of a tr of land heretofore conveyed to Helen Mae Mi I ler, under AF# 250614, records of Mason County, Wa.; th N 870 02' # alg sd S I ine tap which lies N 50 26' E 2.69' from POB; th S 50 26' W 2.69' to POB; ALSO al I t/I as conveyed by State of Washington by deed dated 7-18-1906, recorded in Vol. 8 of Oysterlands, pg 355, lying between the extended Nly and Sly I ines of the herein described upland, EXCEPTING any ptn lying below the I ine of mean low tide. -=. .--