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Rd. Soh. Port POD FPD
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----5Z. 112209 Her):Jert G. Nelson ~ 2Q2 l L
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----~~-~--------------------------------~--~--------------------- ----=-------...----
Year Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved Improvements B.oIE.
(Building.) VALUE.
S-? &.(.,c:; ;" to .J.1-5 /~ 1'97,
.53 1000 /300 ;;2.~6"
53 leJOO -fi&e / f)OO
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S3 /000 1<7~O
..!J3 1000 J/ tJ5D 50$0
-6'1 /000 4000 L/ 0-'1(;
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Formerly 6.6 /'
eginning at a pcint on Major Dohm's balanced meander line, on S/~ide of
S okum Inlet, which is N 0010'56" W 1275' from t corner betwee)'l secs
10 11; thence S 46c15' W along meander line, 200" thence N 6C}8' W
8~1'; hence S 50o~9' W 292'; thence S 89010' W ~281; thenc N 4SC47' W
~~2'; t nce N 24054' W 186.5', from t corner to secs 10 11.
Thence N 4054' W continuing along meander line, 84.5';~hence N 2g'46' W
165'; thenc N 10021' E 179'; thence N 4QP42' W ll~';/~hence S 8~009' W
~75'; thence 65022' W 176'; thence S 440w ~99'; thence N 79025' W 407';
thence N 88"12' 24,'; thence S 46"'16' W 164', (to/oNE corner of a tract
conveyed to Herma Winkleman by deed recorded i~~ol 22 of Deeds, page 27);
thence leaving mean r line, run S 240E (a1ong~~ line of Winkleman tract)
(at 490' a boiler flu driven to mark SW cor~ of said tract found)
511.70' to point in rai oad RjW which ha~~or many years been and'sti11 is
a county road; thence a10 Nly side of ~aid county road, N 54DE ~16"
thence N 7001,' E 466'; the N 84020yfE 267'; thence S 79052' E 2401 to
a point as near Wend of Brown Tr~le as is possible to jedge at this
late date; thence S 47005' E 27 ~ the only place to set up transit in
gulch; thence N 69"47' E (at 9'. his course drove 1 1/4" x 4' long
iron pipe for permanent marke~~26' 0 I.P. on meander line.
Beginning at a point on or Dohm's bala d meander line, on S side of
Skookum Inlet, which i 0~0'56" W 1275' t corner between secs
10 & 11; thence S 460 5' W along meander line, 0" thence N 76018' W
8~l'; thence S 500 'W 292'; thence S 89010' W, I; thence N 48047' W
~~2'; thence N '54' W 271'; thence N 29046' W 16 ~hence N 10021' E
170'; thence N 00~2' W ll~'; thence S 83009' W ~75" ence S 65022' W
-. 176'; t ce S 44C'W ~99' to LP.; thence N 790251 W 7'; thence _____
' -~ -N 8€lc> W- '24, '; the~eS 46 "16 ' W 764"';' to"' -NE-C 6I'hE!rOT--tr ac t' -, -w-.;;.:...
conveye to Herman Winkleman; thence leaving meander line S ~F.~~long
Ely . e of Winkleman tract 490', more or less, to Nly RjW ll~e~ Grays
Ra' road; thence along Nly RjW line of railroad, N 540 E ~16' and ~Ool ~'
to a point thereon which is S of I.P.; thence N to I.P.
J..,r'V"...t. Yf'l./'71S :5E E .h, -/ 7 ?'ON OC'O, - 5//,'1' T
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(t (.. ,', c-/, /i..1 ~ ,~,; ,
A.F,#437589 RESERVING G EXCEPTING THEREFROM, ho~ever, untc Grantor the full use,
control, income G possession of the property for G during her natural life, The
grantor agrees to pay all taxes, assessments G utilities during her lifetime.
I \ . I I I I I I I
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Year Oyder limber Unlmproyed Improved TOTAL 1- Oyster Timber Unlmproyed Improved Impro.,.mtrlts B. of Eo
Zl /t-1 " . . . .III i, "'/' , I 7 .::'/0
S'~~ ., '.1" U">....,'""""
Zl 4-. //0 4.00 /9220 2?Jlho 42:380
1i. f r /(7.7,'7 " --, :? ~
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~- /'1::<::; ,") i';)'3/(., () 1,;)31'0
~) 'loo t.JtJO ~97bO '17;),00 //~ 91.'/
~'I 0" ,:\.I . I. , "'.n 'fDu 4,-::?y In9ios
n , I,. ..:..~ ( -<17;;0:) //7 00.5
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<Tract I of Short Plat #602) (~E"I9"'€ ,I),E,e...5.;'?)
That part of a tr of land described onder AF#135448, records of Mason Co. Wash.,
Beginning at the SE corner of Govt Lt 8 in 10-19-3W.W.M.; th N 00 35' 17" Walg
the Eline of sd Lt 8, 1275.27' to the meander line establ ished pursuant to a
decision rendered in Cause No. 1426 of the Superior Court of Mason County, entitled
"Daniel Lynch et al vs. Humphrey Nelson et al" and surveyed by Major Edward Dohm'
th S 450 28' 18" W alg sd meander line 200.14'; th N 770 04' 42" W 831.59'; th S 490
52' 18" W 292.21'; th S 880 23' 18" W 328.23'; th N 490 33' 42" W 332.24'; th N 250
40' 42" W 186.63' to TPOB;-th continuing alg sd meander line N 250 40' 42" W 84.56';
th N 300 32' 42" W 165.12'; th N 90 34' 18" E 179.13'; th N 410 28' 42" W 113.08';
th S 820 22' 18" W 171.71'; th S 220 47' 42" W 515.65'; th S 780 59' 22" E 206.78';
th S 470 53' 15" E 27'; th N 760 20' 10" E 321.74' to tte TPOB;
EXCEPTING THEREFROM any ptn of the above described tr lying Sly of the Nly r/w line
of the P.S. & G. H. RR Co. r/w;
AND EXCEPTING that part, if any, lying below the I ine of ordinary high tide.
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