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Rd. leh. Port PUO FPO
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.2L J. J. Brenner Oyster Co. l lQ2 1 L
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v,.. Oy.tar Tlmbv Unlmprond ImproVld TOTAL Oy.tar Timber Unimproved Improved ImproVlmenb B.ofE.
(Buildings> VALUE
53 31. 7.5 3175" AtJtJO ,2000
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Tax 73: Beg at most Nly corner of John Fiander Oyster App #1920 from which
meander corner to sees 9 & 10 on N side of Little Skookum Inlet bears N 720
E 4.26 chs distant, which meander corner is 17.02 chs S of corner to sees
3,4,9 & 10; th N 0.45 chs to meander line; th along meander line S 780W
4.78 chs; th S 390 W 14.97 chs; th S 260 ~ 3.98 chs; th leaving meander line
E 3.14 chs to most Wly corner of Fiander Oyster Claim; th N 38053' E along
Fiander claim 20.22 chs to I.P. containing 6.49 acres.
Tax 74: Beg at meander corner to sees 9 & 10; th S 33015' W 5.60 chs; th
S 51056' w 9.09 chs; th S 23026' W 1.39 chs to I.P.; th S 23026' ~ 9.22 chs;
th N 38004' W 3.78 chs; tr ~ 38053' E 8.35 chs; th S 36041' E 1.27 chs
to I.P. containing 2.05 acres.
Tax 75: Beg at meander corner to sees 9 & 10; th S 33015' W 5.60 chs to I.P.;
th S 51056' w 9.09 chs; th S 23026' W 1.39 chs; th N 36041' W 1.27 chs;
tr N 38053' E 11.87 chs; th S 16034' E 3.52 chs to I.P. containing 2.05 acres
Tax 76: Beg at meander corner to sees 9 & 10 on N shore of Little Skookum
Inlet, run S 45007' Ii 14.40 crs to I.P.; th S 66034' E 2.58 chs; th S 2P
11' W 18.13 chs; th N 410 W 6.05 chs; th N 47010' E 5.35 chs; th N 23026'
E 10.61 chs to I.P. containing 5.70 acres.
Tax 78: Beg at meander corner to sees 9 & 10 on N side of Skookum Inlet;
th S 41020' W 29.72 chs to I.P.; th S 66010' W 7 chs; th S 43030' W 17 chs;
th S 66055' E 11.50 chs; th N 66020' E 3.35 chs; th N 36020' E 8.44 chs;
th N 75025' E 3.03 chs; th N 21011' E 5.03 chs; th N 410 W 8.05 chs to I.P.
containing 23.46 acres
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You 01.1., Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oy.ter Tlmb.r Unimproved Improved Imorovtlments B.of E.
(Buildings) VALUE
- -- -
Tax 733: Beg at a point wbich bears S 33015' w 5.60 chs distant from the
meander corner to sees 9 &. 10 on the N shore of Skookum Inlet, said point
of beg being the SE corner of Tax 75j th along Sly line of Tax 75 S 51056'
W 9.09 chs to most Nly point of Tax 76; th along NEly line of Tax 76 S 660
34' E 3.58 chs; th N 340 E 7.31 chs; th N 15034' E 1 ch to I.P.
containing 1.70 acres.
Tax 734: Beg at meander corner to sees 9 &. 10 on IJ shore of Skomkum Inlet
run th S 720 W 4.26 chs to NE corner of a tract of oyster lands; th along
Ely line of tract and said line produced S 16034' E 4.52 chs; th E 2.77 chs;
th N 5.65 chs to I.P. containing 1.74 acres.
Tax 735: Beg at a point from which tbe meander corner to 9 &. 10 on the N
shore of Skookum Inlet bears N 44055' E 24 chs distant; th aI~~ S 38004'
E 3.73 chs ; th S 47010' W 5.35 chs; th N 410 W 1.65 chsj th N 2047' E
5.34 CDS; th E 2.44 chs to I.P. containing 2.mO acres.