HomeMy WebLinkAbout319042290030 DISTRICTS / /,LO:;- Rd. IIoh. Port PUD FPD I '3.2..Q2 7j JL .- tJ_ ./2,,(L. 17 V'17. __~Ff -r ;r",~/oJ)< ;{/ n. . J!.. ./ ~/?""S;;> .t:2 /94',757..// J' ,!!fIit'/!. l/lt,'rfJp, "7~",::/7/b7' /"'2 /'1;.J,J7'l t. A. h/.'-L~_ .>1-" "'~ :)/b/lo ..:j.. e. 'n1AAk..,. ~.t u~ ~~'- ,/ /,.\7/ /30'1 /~'!J301S5f11:kv-~ C0 ~.Jd If 1/ ~~Il J1tj;11 k, J. '-" a td~_ ef,,;d/ '11 ,<.LL I / 30L I ") Y.., File No. NAME of OWNER 1;2 111;70 ,hI F. C. Marler CONTRACT TO SALE PRice -- 3-4.b..Jf -----1- . --- ----4IIl~-~--------------------------~-~------~------~-----------~----------------.~4If~--- NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS S-:. <:3 ,<:'3 ,-9/ /;-/j // d.~ r;,. i>. ~ r45 ~ ~7 7'1 1'1 ~e" I, C'Q 3.3t, //, ~, .581$ ~;!gzS ;)$100 \ LOT BLK., I 1 ~ V..r ()yater Timber Unimproved .{,. J 3 ~ 2..33 . ,;(,33 ..$, <l " eX ,33 Impl'OYed -I .:H-3 / ~OCJ /.00 /, crt) J.,1J3 A{)dP fi71/? /. d}1:J A7.P71 /,,1CJ> ,:7..00 TOTAL Improvements (8ulldlngs) B.ofE. VALUE OJlur Timber UnlmproYed ImproYed 9-3'3 -&8~~~ .2-cr .z..CJ ~ /0 :20 oao S.:?o 1(';> 20 &'/0' 6<<S 50 ';:<0 h/6 GYo SO ~ 0 9t>C / t?3.S" 5t1J :J4:> J?O ~"Io ~O ~ IAJ9tO 117!i /eM ~~ /~?~ /41'~ (J$2I ) ~~& ~.I~ $II;?/) ~l9 3z;l.~ C> ~ ~_ ?? :J.L{.o 3;1.g~.5 H [0&.,5 6' 7<( 0 3;ZJ?~.", 1-; L5 3.33 3.33 3.33 33~ ~$3 ~,~p 0d/f? ~~ /4ti'lZ '-'.49 LJf7 -'_._-~--v~;;.~'~ ~- _~C' _-,,- r~__~~_.._ .- --.-. A tract of land in the NWt of the NN~ of See 4-19-3 West W~M part'icula~ly described as follows; Beginning a, the Norttl..Eas'C corner of said l{,/It; or- NW~; thElllce West along the North line of se.1d NWf. N'N~ 773 feet more or less to an hlte;r.section with the East_EJrJ:.yright of ',;ay line of the. Northern Paci~ic . Raiitwz:;.:y:.C,?, rifSl}.t.o1"-".iay; thence Souyh westerly along the Easterly l~ne of sa~d~~of way 424 feet; thence East paralle.l with the North lin~_o:fsaH: N'Wt-e:f.....NW~ 580 feet; thence North lOOfeet thence East 33Q__f~et mor~ or less to-th~st line of said NV~ NWt thence N~r~-a1oUg said East line 318 feet mor~less to the point of beginnip.g-cUntaining 7>:5 acres'nibre or less excepting th~FQllL howey:ep.-t'lght of way of County_Road as the same is now constructe<ltind. ~~:::d ;;~r~s::;3~an~ ~~ ~~ . J'~~ . Now Tr 2 of Short .Plat #937: T7'~'" 0.G;5<21/:/":'.,',..",:'" F/2.CJ/'1 J(€i/I->lv .;s,r;' .;:".... - - ,-- """~.. ;i?7-3:Jc,t. ~ 300/0,110 - ._-.--'- ., I I I I T T I ! I .- NUMBER OF ACRES I, I VALUATIONS . Yur Oyster Timber I Unimproved Improved TOTAL I Oyst... Timb.r Unlmprond Improved Impro....m.nh 8. of E. llulldlnQ'i) VAlUE ~ --- /.00 g 30 Lj,3.b /8')80 'I b <too {".5" 3go j'Jf I." 0 3.36 "/.3<:. 19&&0. '10300 5'9 ion 15. - 19tJoo rs 100 _5r"T~~ ---- f---- .. -, - - ..--- ---,.- -~ -- -- I -- ~--, --~---,_._- --- _._--- --,--- -- - 1__- -- - ~-~ ---~- - -- - - ,==l ---.- ----- f------ -. - -- -- - ---- --- ._, i -- ------ , ~.. -'- , "L~~_