HomeMy WebLinkAbout319011170320 Y... ,.F~..!'~. .." I '. "'LL 52r 40967 53 142343 .~.,!(';'/~;ot, . 5Y J7.?hs7 Uo12..:Ad..o' h ," .,.., ", 1 Ii ef;. If) /././.o??'? .;7~ ) 1,!'1~13t//OI;./ ~ NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO DISTR'CTS / <I!;;- Rd. Sch. Port PUD FPO ---- J ~_.ll.--..L... g, / J!.1_.d....!:1...~ H- SALE PRICE Walter G. Stuart Edward L. Smith A r. C .d.',. j, {../ ---;. c~ /_LU&-( . . """"-/~N_-Lr~ " ., ? )J. It!/A.~ \ ,// ,,-I</' C" Qll"i?U:.h" I~ /7 v ! roO{J ".&-"-P'p'.JC66".1/6 ~~a""'... --~ --1----- ____~~-~~---__--------------------------------~-----------_______~_______ 0.- . NUMBER OF ACRES VALUATIONS ia..' ..r~ m Year Oyder 11mb., Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oylter Tlmbar Unimproved Improved ImprOYamenb (Buildings) a.ofE. VALUE 5=l /O.!7.i.(! (;~ t.1.. //./1 ,,)~~ ?/J -?t.J Sf L/.//,(. b K '/.11 '/'(l. /"0 ~() "'~~~ ~'(f,! ./t1i7 /..".,3! ~ O<t)c) .:< 00 /~d 4~ ccv /d&' ~ ~c>d .:?oo LOT. BLK. SEC. TWN. RGE. J ~ ...,;::; ~. . .:...,.. l' all tide lands of the second class situate in front of adjlceent to or abutting upon Lot 1, Sec 1-19-3W. W. M. with a frontage df 10.17 line 1 chains more or less Exc~ptine however anyportion of above described tidelands included in a oyster tract deeded by the State of Washington ane 8, 1901 to B. Jacobsen. -;7~~:.~_.- -~--.~-~ c-~~___~_ . '- . .-._.~- ---- - --~ - - -~-~_.a:,-:;; - DISTRICTS .. ~ Year FiI. No. NAME of OWNER CONTRACT TO SALE PRICE Rd. Sch. Pori PUD FPD -, 6f, Edward L. Smith D.E.Barnes '1 09 '1 J... L H #~Of,9 hi' l2-1 X',t'-, 7 r/A -d. ~ ) //J ,J:L.t!//. ... ~j} I "Fl'-/~7o /F ~ v I =-r I I r" ". . . . ... .. . . ~ NUMBER OF ACRES -1-1 v ALUA nONS Year I Oyster Timber Unimproved Improved TOTAL Oyster Timber Unimproved I Improved Improvements r S. of E. (Buildings) VALUE ~l. L,6f- U ;;:'c:J ,~ 10(" "" 7G ,L,> /,0 1S" 7fJ i ~% ./.c:.-/J ./SLJ 74 /~ SXJ 3t:JO ji ~ C<0L. j. .I r ~.--.I' -lIP /./ O/)~>' ? /0 -// , ?'/,'!Z, ..1; ~ o::!:y; ), ~'1" / (/ / - / , BLK. LOT . : ; 0 / SEC. TWH. RGE. CO : \ . . . . , r .. ~'..1-',""_' ;~~"''''' ----~-.- ...~~ All tidelands of 2nd class lying in front of Govt. Lot 1 as follows: That portion lying NEly of a line bearing S 27025'12" E from the SE corner of Govt Lot 1 and lying SWly of a line bearing S 27025 '12" E from a point on the meander line S 43006' 45" W 271.44' from the meander corner between section 1-19-3 and 6-19-2. ;::':.,....",: - .,;"",~:k:;*q~-';::~"- u__"_.__.____~~.- _____.__ ___--=-_,_'...:..;..~